Different reactions of people when seeing a movie

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Movies, Reactions

Special greetings to you all!🥰

How was the weekend? Sure you had the best of it or work drained you? Mine was not bad at all. The only difference is that I missed church today because of the heavy downpour, I felt bad anyways but I couldn't help it because my house is far from Church.

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My article today will be on different reactions and patterns of people when seeing a movie. You'll definitely fall under one or two categories of the lines I'm about to drop. Let's go

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The ones that will start from the beginning and watch till the end without stopping for anything.

Have you met this type before? One of my siblings is fully on this category and it has caused him a lot querry by my dad. These people are ready to starve the whole of the day because of movie, especially when the movie has long series. These people will do anything to get their phone fully charged and in the case that there's no light, they're ready to spend their last cash in fueling the generator. Have you wondered why ladies burn their food while cooking? Most of them belong here. Please no offense.

The ones that fast forward the movie to the end to know how it ended and then start it afresh to start watching.

I stylishly belong to this category, and this happens to be when I collect movie from someone and have no clue how it is, I quickly drag the forward icon to check through if there's any action moment in it. If I found out that the expected parts are missing, I quickly delete. Also, People do this to check on actors mentioned to see if they are there. You know why? Some website we download these movies are sometimes funny, they'll give a different trailer and add another movie entirely.

The ones that will keep on fast-forwarding the movie till the end while watching.

These set of people are just restless, they derive joy in fastforwarding and can never cool down watching the movie. I do this when the movie is becoming boring with less actions, the only thing that makes to stay without fastforwarding is when the story line of the movie is very interesting, I'd wouldn't want to miss any part.

The ones that only watch the beginning of the movie and the end.

These ones are only interested in the summary of the story, they get the tip from the begining and move to the end to get the final outcome. This happens often when you're used to the kinda story line like our Nollywood movie. Once you see a suffering girl in the village and the prince is looking for a wife, just know that the prince will end up marrying the poor girl.

The ones that already know what will happen in the movie immediately they see the title.

Just a glance at the title they already know the outcome of the movie thereby making them to lose interest or gain interest. This kind of movie is very common in my side and someone that still want to watch goes down just to feed the eyes with the facilities and custome used in the movie. Are you among us here?

The ones that increases their volume to the highest while watching movies.

These ones derive excess joy having the sound at the top. These people most times use the sound system in their parlour even though they're watching with their phones. Or they use mp3 and put it at the Peak of the volume. They don't know anything called earpiece, they want the world to know that they're watching Spiderman lastest season. Lol🤣

The ones that can't watch a movie without a snack,or junks beside them

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I think this is the best part and the coolest pattern to watch a movie. I don't know about you but to me when I'm chopping and watching, I term it as "LIFE IS GOOD". Yeah, forget the worries of life and entertain your eyes, minds and stomach as you watch your movie. Most time I don't only end up with junk, I oftentimes diviate to real solid food🤣

The ones that loudly reacts annoyingly while watching movie either watching alone or with someone.

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These people are fun to stay with while watching a movie. They'll be giving all manners of reactions and giving names as well. Sometimes you'll hear them screaming at the actors "foolish man run fast, the beast is about to catch you". Some will be kicking things with their legs just to express how the movie is touching them. The ladies in my workplace are fond of this and anytime they start, I quickly out on my airpord to limit the noise.

The ones that will carry their phones with them to anywhere.

These people will take their phone along to the toilet or bathroom just for them not the miss any scene of the movie. A lot of people have damaged their phones with water with this pattern because the phone ends up dropping inside water or falling inside the water cistern.

I remember one time that my dad siezed my phone because I was watching movie while the whole family was dining.

The ones that can't watch a movie with others and also the ones that can't watch a movie alone.

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The ones that can't watch alone automatically loose interest when no one is there to support them. The ones also that love crowed when watching movie can't dare to watch alone otherwise it won't make sense.

I bet you, you're in either two or three spots here. Tell me where you belong in the comment section.

Thanks for reading

24th April 2022


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Movies, Reactions


I think I belong to almost all those kind of characters/reactions when watching the movie, except the high volume, lol. May reaction's are indeed may also vary on what movie i am watching, and believe me if I do really love the movie, i would spend the whole day and night watching it just to finish the whole series. Luckily I love watching movie with some finger food to eat so I won't neglected my stomach needs 😅. However I know somehow that we all have different types of reactions when it comes to watching a movie, and I also have seen those kind of reactions in my surroundings too🤣. Anyway you had a great article, i enjoyed reading it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The high volume? I used to be part of these when I was at home, I would increase it so loud and started feeling my head. Lol🤣 Thank you dear friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol 😂 I must say, I love watching movies from beginning to the end. And lol, I'm also under the category of those ones that like watching TV alone

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Watching a movie straight for hours is not my thing cos I'll be called out on phone, or I'll dose off. Yeah, I enjoying watching my movies alone especially with phone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anybody that does the second or third is a cultist, you can't tell me otherwise 😂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol🤣. They're many ooo! Infact I fall on the category slightly. There are people that will finish 3series under 1hour. Magic🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am one of those who watches movies to criticize them completely, I am watching the movie while I am giving my opinions

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oh! I do this also on a rare occasion, especially when the storyline is somehow common

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You forgot to the ones that will watch a 2 hours movie for 3 days and that is me 😂 sometimes I watch a movie for days and that is because I watch a little bit of it at a time, especially if the movie isn't very interesting. I don't like people that fast-forward movies unnecessarily and my gf is one of them. She will fast-forward a movie to the end to know what happens, and she will still be fast-forwarding it while watching. That girl can watch 30 movies in a day

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm among those that watch one season in weeks especially this period that I'm choked up with time. I remember I finished watching FAITH in months 🤣.

Fastforwarding is comes to play when the movie is boring or if it's Nollywood, once they start singing and dancing love village songs I forward sharply (those day we used to watch home movies, not now anymore)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That one is compulsory for me and I understand that, but fast-forwarding when people are talking something important should be a crime against humanity 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, some people love watching the action parts not minding to know what caused the fight because of fastforwarding🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg🤣🤣🤣 You got everyone on this Kacy. I am someone who loves to watch a movie from the beginning to the end without stopping for anything. I don´t like forwarding a movie unless it´s a Yoruba movie that I already predicted what will happen by mere seeing the title. The only movies I can´t forward are America, horror, Indian movies and Korean. I will make sure to watch and I love to watch alone because it´s always fun. No one dares watch with me because I will always scream and shout loudly every moment especially during fight or something bad is about to happen 🤣🤣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, I don't like forwarding interesting movies with a good storyline, the ones I forward are our local movies where the cries are becoming too much or and India movies too when the dancing is boring and too long🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When it comes to superhero movie, I watch from the beginning of the movie to the ending, no stopping, in fact I backward some scene to get some the action properly, when it comes to Kdrama, forward is the order of the day

$ 0.02
2 years ago

OMG! I never thought of the BACKWARDING! I'm fully in this category, I love to watch those Action sections times without number.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And you dont backward ... I backward a lot

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let me say i fall in the first category. When I'm watching a movie, i don't like stopping it until i finish watching it. I don't like forwarding it, unless scenes that are uninteresting. When it comes to reactions. I don't like shouting or reacting annoyingly.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

In my family house, we don't watch movie straight. My dad will come and tackle you and call you idle because of movie. So we watch, work and watch again. I like forwarding alot especially when the movie is not interesting

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I mostly watch Indian movies on fast forward. Singing and dancing for ten minutes no be am at all 😴

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol🤣. That's why their movie last for minimum of 2hours. I do forward those scenes too unless the dance is making sense

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I belong to the category of those who reacts while waiting a movie.😂I react to everything even the countenance of the actor/actress😂😂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol🤣. I know your type, they are surrounding me as I'm typing this right now. The don't want to let me concentrate with their shouts 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sometimes watch movies even without taking a small meal. Hehe. I am also doing the "fast-forward thing." I guess, I'll have to say it depends in my mood my dear Kacy. 😁

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I could relate to this because it happens to me too. I fastforward when my mood is not okay at that moment and especially when the story line is not interesting

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I react loudly when I watch movies, is it funny that I watch my movies on ×1.5 or 2, they're too slow for me😂😂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Those serious reactions are funny when you look at yourself after doing them🤣. Just use x6 to watch it then. You're the type that finish 5series in hour hour

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of my past time is watching movies and series alone. I rarely watch with someone else, unless they are family. I am very focus while watching because I want to know the whole details are. Fast forwarding is not my thing though.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I can watch movies with people but only movies that demand less attention with the storyline especially when it has to do with subtitles. But the ones that have interesting storyline, I'd like it when I'm watching it alone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When i see dance seen i feel something in my body to dance by myself.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Wow! That's majorly in India movies. You guys dance alot. I love to watch the dance though especially the team dance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hate watching movies with my brothers they keep fast forwarding it to the part which fight is happening and sometimes I don't even know what caused it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol🤣. That's in our constitution, when the movie is not making sense with too many talks, we forward to meet the battle scenes, finish it and delete🧘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I could relate to watching a movie without fast-forwarding. I just let the story flow on its own. I don't like to watch the ending first because there's no thrill at all if you already know the ending. That is why I just wait until ending. I just pause it for a while if I have something to do or I eat.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

For for the ending first is not actually ideal because that will kill the suspense vibes on it. The only thing that makes me to scroll to the end or drag the fastforward button to pass through the scenes first is to check on what I was told about the movie. Once i notice differences, I loose interest

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha this could be relatable

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahah🤣 and I know you fall within one or two of those characters

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love to see movies a lot. When romance seen come I feel amazing. I like to be more romantic from now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love the romantic part of movies too. It makes me think far and want to fall in love

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I relate to that keep fast forwarding to know the end of the movie😂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, this is very common to me, I do forward when I'm eager to know the end ✌️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I like the movie, I watch every details of it but if not, then i will be doing the #2 and #3 things that you mention which is fast forwarding..If there are scenes that made me like the most, I would also react loudly, hehehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Seems almost everyone of us lost fastforwarding. This goes with me too, I only forward when the movie is getting boring

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really the reason why we do that fast forwarding because there are scenes that are too boring to watch

$ 0.00
2 years ago