What I Like In Japanese Etiquettes!

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2 years ago
Topics: Japan, Foreign, Etiquette, Manners, Morals, ...

I am a person who loves traveling as much as I can and as much as my wallet can afford. I just do not travel just to get away from the stress of things. I also travel to experience the culture and traditions of the place. Though I have not yet traveled to a certain place, I research it beforehand. In this way, I am more prepared to know more about the country.

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The country that I want to visit is Japan. As I said before, we booked twice, once in November 2019 and July 2020. My sister has an examination in November 2019 so we canceled the flight. In July 2020, covid hit so there is a restriction on flying out of the country. Third time is a charm? Well, we will know soon!

In saying this, this article is about the culture, practices, or traditions of Japanese that I like. I will be highlighting their good culture of them. Of course, they are not a perfect race. They also have a bad side. So, let's begin.

1) They have high respect for elders.

Japan has the highest percentage of elders in the world. The setup in housing is that several generations of families just live on one roof. They are known to have long lives compared to other countries. It is because of their food and way of living. They love tea, fish, and whole foods. This contributes to a longer life. The elders are respected in the highest form in Japan because it is already part of their traditions since then.

2) Always on time.

Japanese are known to be on time all the time or evern earlier. They value the time of others that is why they do not want to be the cause of delays. This principle is applied in work, school, meetings, almost every aspect in life. In what I observe, time for them is like money. If you are late, you are wasting money, even if a single second wasted. I can see this in restaurants. The shop owner praticed the way of cooking in which people should enjoy their food hot and immediately. They do not want to keep their customer waiting.

3) Do not walk and eat.

The Japanese has this eating etiquette that you have to stay in one place to eat. They said that when you are walking while eating, you cannot appreciate the food that much. Other reason is that you might bump into someone who is also walking and then you might accidentally put the food on their clothes. The smell of the food might not be pleasing to someone while they pass you walking. It is acceptable to drink your coffee or soda near a vending machine, just be stationery.

4) Keep your voice down and put your phone into silent mode.

The train station in Japan is almost always jam packed. People came from different walks of life. They are often going to work or from work. They are tired from working and so, a quiet time is needed from all the chaos. Keeping your voice down is a sign of respect to others. Also, your phone should be in a silent mode. When you have to take a call, you have to leave it when it is not that important. In using a headphones or earphones, make sure that there is no sound leaking because when in rush hour, the train will get crowded and you might irritate others.

5) Taking your shoes off when entering a home.

I think this etiquette is common in Asian. In the Philippines it is the same in some homes. In our case, we have two different slippers. One for oustide and one for the inside. We still use slippers inside because the floor is cold between November to early March. I like this etiquette because it is cleaner that way. We do not like bringing dirt from outside. Also, it takes a lot of time to mop and clean the floor.

Final Thoughts

We have different culture, etiquettes, and manner. Some may view as bad manners to others, and vice versa. If you travel to our countries, we should research on their culture. We might offend them without knowing what we did wrong. It is also a sign of respect on their part. We do not like foreigners to disrespect our culture too. I just hope that the whole virus situation will be over soon. Right now, some parts of the Philippines is in Alert no. 3 because of the new variant. Hayys, when will this end?

Thank you for reading my article!

Lead image edited on Canva, Images from Unsplash

Opensea/Twitter/Noise.cash: @Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

🎄My Goals In January 2022! https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/my-goals-in-january-2022-2baf8c04

🎄My 1st Day Of 2022! https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/my-1st-day-of-2022-c637497c

🎄H-A-P-P-Y N-E-W Y-E-A-R-! https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/h-a-p-p-y-n-e-w-y-e-a-r-60697d5b

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2 years ago
Topics: Japan, Foreign, Etiquette, Manners, Morals, ...


Well desciplined talaga ang mga japanese..may bakawork ako dati na based sa tokyo and true na super strict nila pagdating sa time..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Japan is one of the countries that I want to visit. I was thinking about South Korea with regards to taking off the slippers before going inside someone else's place. Well it was what I have observed from watching a lot of Kdramas. LOL. I think it's disrespectful to the owner of the place if you do not remove your shoes.

I do hope that you and your sister can travel to Japan. Can I come? 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow your all habits are pretty good,i always try to be on time but i can't,i have a lot of respect and kindhearted for elders,they are happy when they feel respect,sometimes i do it walking and eating something.be happy and healthy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I’d like on add on #1 that not all have a several generations in one house. That is usually the situation in the countryside. In the suburbs and the big city, most elders live by their own (with their spouse if they have). Also, big cities like Osaka and Tokyo have the highest number of elders living because of the convenience of transportation. You can’t go anywhere without a car in the countryside and Japanese hate being a burden to others that is why some choose to live in the city and look after themselves. The sad part is that a lot of elders who live alone would be discovered dead in their own house since no one looks after them essentially. “Kodoku-shi” is a sad thing.

On #3, doing anything while walking (Aruki nagara ——) is frowned upon. Looking on the phone while walking, smoking while walking, eating while walking (except on shop districts), reading while walking. Those are some of the no-nos. The reason behind is simple, it will result in minor to major accidents.

On #4, at the core of Japan’s principle is to not cause trouble on other people. It’s also connected to my point on #1. To cause a small trouble will create an even bigger trouble. (and not to mention that Japanese are quite short tempered when they see people who goes “against the silent rule”).

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, I just love to read about their cultures. Well! I didn’t know about that before. There rules are really very good and that’s why they are successful. Discipline plays important role. I wish that you will get a chance to visit the country.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww I miss you here! Indeed discipline is very important to them. 😊 Yeah, hoping I can travel to Japan this year! 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww, thank you ☺️. InshAllah you will.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

what I like in Japan is their consistent way of working..everyone is productive and works on time. Maybe that's why Japan has high economic power.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree about be on time sis. The Japanese people are like that. I've heard it from my aunt because she work in Japan. She said that they don't like to be late and delay with their work or task.

The other one I've heard also that the Japanese people are really hardworking. They hate people who are lazy. They want that early in the morning must be in their work. They don't want to see people who are sitting early in the morning that's what my aunt told me sis.

Thank you for sharing the other etiquette sis. I learned something new today from your article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, sissy. They are very dedicated on their work. Though, too much may affect the relationship with family. But it is their culture and way of living. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the Japanese etiquettes also. They value respect so much. I once read a book something like "Ikigai", and I learned that Japanese people also don't eat until they are very full, they eat just enough. I think the food digests better in that way. And they say it is one of the reasons why they live longer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, wow. I learn something today. ✨ Maybe that's why they are slim and have a very long life. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Their culture is similar to us here but just some little bit of difference between,the taking off your shoes while at home is something I think it's ok by me since we wouldn't be bringing dirt from outside inside...I love their tradition.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true. In western, they don't practice it but it is okay because it is their way of life. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Japan is also my most favorite place. No wonder why Rizal almost had a chance na dyan na lang tumira with Seiku Usui wayback in 1888.. Up to this day, hindi nagbago ung ugali ng mga tao jan tho may mga nababasa ako na medyo off din about the country. Well wala naman tayo makikitang perfect place diba?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh wow. Sikat talaga si Rizal kahit saan kasi sobrang talino nya. Oo, may mga bad sides din sila. Gusto ko sana gumawa ng article about it kaso baka may maoffend ako hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If madami naman reviews about the negative sides ng japan then that's okay sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago