Things I Want To Try But Afraid To Try

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Avatar for Jijisaur
2 years ago

Hello, fam!

I hope you have had a wonderful week so far! Hey, it is Friday already. It is my favorite weekday lol. It means that tomorrow is a rest day for most of us. In today's article, I will write about the things that I want to try but I am afraid to try. Sometimes I think what if I did it? Will I regret it or will it be satisfying to me? Sometimes I want to challenge myself too to see if I really can.

By the way, I have reached 100 subbies! I thank this platform for the opportunity to write and to have virtual friends. In my stay here, I gained 100 friends here. Also, some are very familiar to me already that it feels like I know them a long time ago. Also, I want to thank my sponsors!

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Thank you, sponsors!

1) Solo travel

I always wanted to travel alone but I am too scared to be lost and then I have no one to talk to. I want to test myself if I have the ability to survive in a different place. I want to try first in domestic. For example, I want to be in Boracay alone but the problem is, the transfer from the airport to the tourist spots is very difficult for me. There are many land and water transfers because you can reach the hotels. I have been in Boracay before but I companion. Next, I want to travel to Japan alone. Yes, it is hard to travel when you are a girl because people might harass you.

2) Try to eat pufferfish

This dish is very popular in Japan. Only the expert chef is the one allowed to cook this delicate fish. One mistake of cooking may lead to paralyzation or worst, death. There is an actual academy of serving this fish. The chef trained for 10 years just to perfect this way of cooking. Yeah, I want to try to eat this fish because I want to know how it tastes and why they try to cook such poisonous fish.

3) To wear a bikini in public

In the Philippines, if you wear a bikini in public especially in the province, people will stare at you. They will look at your body especially the boys. Maybe because it is not yet acceptable to be in a bikini when on the beach in the Philippines. Some are also sexualizing wearing a bikini. That is why it is not weird to wear pambahay clothes on the beach. I want to wear a bikini because I want to feel the waters in my skin. Wearing bambahay is sometimes annoying to me. I am scared to be judged here that's why I do not wear a bikini. Maybe if I go to a country where a bikini is acceptable and normal, that's when I will wear a bikini.

4) To sing in public

I only sing when I am at home because my family is the only one who can judge me haha! I do not have a golden voice like Regine Velasquez. I have the voice of a sick dog lol. I love singing especially with Taylor Swift or Avril Lavigne songs. I am like pouring out my heart when I am singing their songs. Singing in public is nerve wracking because all the attention is yours. I only do two lines and then I will pass it to my seatmate lol.

5) Skydiving

I have seen this sport or recreation a lot on TV and I wonder how does it feel if you are in a free fall. It looks fun but when you look down, you might faint haha! I have ridden a lot of times on plane but I still fear flying because when I look out in the window, my brain is reminding me that I up 100 feet up from the ground. That is super high for me already. I want to try this but I am such a chicken when I see the buildings and cars like ants haha! Maybe it is just my brain that is restricting me.

Final Thoughts

What I realized while writing this is I am afraid to try because of judgment and fear. For me, these are the feelings that are running in my brain that is why I am afraid to try. Well, I am a human being after all so it is normal to feel this way. Maybe some people have high adrenaline that is why is just a piece of cake for them to try these.

Thank you for reading my article!

Lead image edited on Canva, Images from Unsplash

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2 years ago


go to boracay and wear a bikini! d mo na need magpunta pa sa ibang bansa to do it hehehe and yes gusto ko din matry ang sky diving sama na din natin ang deep waters diving hihihi.. na curiois ako sa pufferfish gusto ko din matry hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also would love to skydive too someday.... More than anything else , I believe you can improve on your singing. ☺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

goods ako sa lahat except sa sky diving HAHAHAH Gusto ko e try pero feeling ko hindi ko keri talaga hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Relate sa skydiving. I once watched a vlog of Anne Curtis before when she faced one of her fears in dubai and this is what she did. After that, I started to become curious about how it feels to be in the air too, so I want to try it too if I'll be given a chance one day hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

2 and 3 lang ayaw ko.. Haha.. Wala ako'ng enough confidence to show by chubby body to the people. Yung 2 naman, bahala kung wala ako'ng kakainin. Ayaw ko din talaga.. But the rest, bet ko yun. Lalo na yung solo travel. Pero, pag ganun, I will admit I need money to make it happen. Haha..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gusto ko din ng skydiving, yun talaga ang gusto ko maranasan dati pa at hanggang ngayon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

About traveling to bora, easy Lang sis try mo Lang mg Google ng guide ganyan ginawa ko the last time I visited bora. About naman wearing bikini in Public I tried already when I was slimmer but now di ko na Keri. Sky diving also is one of the things I want to do kaso walang budget hehehe.. Singing in public like videoke di ko bet kasi parang Mas maganda boses ko pag walang mic lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too sis, I am scared to travel alone. Feeling ko ang sad magtravel alone kasi pero sabi ng iba by travelling alone, you can meet new people. Di pa din ako nakapagbikini ever hhahaha parang di bagay skin. Congrats sa 100 subs!!! more to come :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh my god,you want to try in a bikini in beach then come to my nobody will say you anything😂😂really shocked to hear this but I also never see a women in bikini dress ever in my life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh really? Where are you from? I think it is just in our province but generally in the Philippines. Lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was really shocked about the Putterfish sis. It's really scary. The fish having a similarity in our province, we have that one but I think they're different. A few similarity only and we called it "Tagutungan".

Yes sis here in our country if you were a bikini in beach, there are a lot of people watching you. Some people will judge at you that's one of the reason I didn't wear bikinis in beach.

I'm really scared with the skydiving sis. Hehe I couldn't imagine myself. I think it's really enjoyable and challenging.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

First time ko marinig yung tagutungan. Sobrang drlikado yung fish kaya dapat mga expert ang mga nagluluto neto hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parang Hindi ko din kayang mag bikini sis hahaha,pero gusto kung e try yung skydiving.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako din gusto ko mag travel ng malayo kaso kinakabahan ako lalo na kapag mga bandang bundok na. dami ko kasi nababasa na ung ibang tourists eh pinupugutan ng ulo... di ko na sasabihin kung saang lugar pero na confirm ko na dito sa ph up to this moment meron pa ding practice na ganoon. hindi lang nate-telecast syempre.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo sis lalo na NPA. Ngayon tinutugis na sila. Yung biglang masayang camping tapos may mga kikidnap sayo huhu. Isa sa reasons ko rin bakit nakakatakot mag travel alone kasi dami ko nababasa mga not so happy ending.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

true!! lalo na kapag di mo talaga alam ang pinupuntahan mo. Dami kasi jan ibang camping ang gusto. masyadong adventurous.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also want to travel and have some camping alone, only me and the mother nature hihi. Pero yung bikini talaga eh, parang kapag dito ka talaga magsuot nun, maja judge ka talaga🤧

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tska mga tao dito pag nakakita ng nakabikini parang hubad ka na sa kanila. Sa US normal na sa kanila yon. Hindi sila magiisip ng kung ano ano.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I too want to travel alone and enjoy everything all alone but I'm really scared because of some judgmental people but I hope I will be able to conquer this adversities. I hope you will also be able to fulfill all your dreams. Many many congratulations for achieving 100 subscribers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you, Irene! Yeah, full of judgemental people and that is one thing that is holding me back on doing all of these!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Never try to eat puffer fish because I guess that is poisonous.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gusto kong e try yang singing in public sis, mostly sa bahay lang talaga ako mag ganyan kasi takot ako sa sasabihin ng iba

Happy 100 subscribers sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sissy ko! 🥺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome sissy...Bakit Naka sad face ka sissy?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hindi po sad face yan hehe parang "Aww" face po hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yung bikini hahaha. sky diving is also on my list hehe, ako I want to try to camp in the middle of nowhere just me hahaha but of course, I am also afraid to try. I loved watching people doing survival things on youtube eh parang challenging

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Huy, ako rin haha! Bet na bet ko rin yung mga van life basta anything about survival. Favorite ko yung Naked and Afraid.

$ 0.00
2 years ago