I Heard A Familiar Voice.

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2 years ago

The sense of hearing is one of the greatest gift that was bestowed upon us by the supreme being and I'm glad that I have it. I hope you're grateful also. Some of us didn't have the chance to have it but as we evolve into a digitalize world, this kind of condition is able to address, giving hope for the individuals to hear those sweet and pleasant tones we are hearing everyday.

Yesterday morning when I'm having my breakfast, my cellphone rang nonstop which means I have a call. When I answered the call, what a surprised to hear that voice again. My whole body had a goosebumps, from head to toe. He's saying something but I didn't answer immediately because I know that the voice I'm hearing belongs to the one who's been dead for almost 3 months already. He then called my name, Mar ni uncle mo datuy ( Mar, this is your uncle).

From that point my senses came back and there's no way that he's the one on the other side of the phone because in the first place he hates talking through a phone. I just heard a familiar voice and that belongs to my grandfather. My world just stopped for a moment when I heard it. I missed that voice so badly because before he died, we didn't have any long conversation. Maybe my uncle's voice became like that due to some technicallities with our phone signals or in their phone.

He told me that the graduation of his first son is on June 29 and that's tomorrow. He invited us to go there because they have some foods to prepare as a celebration of my cousin. I asked if my cousin got a good grade then he answered that he got 92. I'm happy for him because I tutored that boy hihi. He got a medal and it makes me so proud of him and to myself hihi. When it comes to the rankings he said that if they got an average 90 and above, they have a medal already and the 1st, 2nd traditional ranking is not being use anymore in their school. I don't know in other school but if that's the case then it's good.

So who are we to not go there and celebrate the achievement of my cousin plus there's food to eat haha. I know what you're thinking of me now and stop it haha. It's only natural for a human like me to be happy when there's a celebration. We will attend his graduation tomorrow to congratulate my cousin and also because I missed this kind of scenario wherein finally the students are able to march going to the stage with their parents.

To all who will graduate this year, I bid you my sincere congratulation for you overcome another obstacle in your life towards to your successful career. You should be proud that you survive the all the tasks given to you despite the situation we are in. Again, may God be with you always and full speed ahead.

Going back to what I'm telling you in the first paragraphs of my article, maybe the reason I heard the voice of my grandpa is the strong connection between me and to him is still present. Ofcourse it will never fade away. I was shocked and at the same time happy to hear his voice calling my name because he used to call my name everytime he needs something.

Anyway friends have you ever experience something like this when you've mistakenly recognize the person you're talking to or in real life while walking. There are times that it happens to me while walking especially after school before. I thought that I know the one who's talking at my back but in the end it's just a the same voice with the person I know.

Author's note

We may experience something like this in our life and maybe it's a sign of something better. We don't know for sure the reason why it happens but I'm pretty sure that by having the sense of hearing, we can do anything in our capability. We should use it in a better way than to use it to ruin someone's life.

That's for today and I thank you again for reading this article.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


You're used to hearing your Lolo's voice that's why the sound of it is always in your mind and you miss him so much. Congratulations to your cousin by the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats sa cousin mo. Nakakahappy talaga pag may gagraduate sa family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I experienced something like this not thru their voice, but through their face. I mistakenly thought that the strange man I met on the road is my dead Uncle which was just buried.

It made me stop in the middle of the road to just stare at the face of the man, with an evident surprise on my face. Good thing, he didn't notice since he was talking to someone while they walk. 😄

$ 0.01
2 years ago

May experience narin ako nito ..yung papa ng grandfather ko is diko naabutan puro pictures lang nakikita ko ..at nung nagbakasyon ako kila tita ko sa kabilang bayan eh nakita namin siya pati si tita nagulat din haha. kuhang kuha yung muka pati yung heigh pati daw yung lakad niya..ayon kay tita ko ..kinakawayan pa nya kami minsan noon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Katakot yung ganun nuh. Akala mo mo multo na. Ahahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I understand you because I had this experience too. If yiu feel kike someone is touching you, maybe thats your lolo. Hes a good man right? So he's intention is not to scare you but to make you feel that he is there with you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There's no doubt that he's a good man.. And he mean no harm to us I know that. Maybe he can't just accept that he's already gone now and just waiting for the time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry for this bro.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's still too soon that your lolo is gone that's why you still heard him through your uncle.

Anyway, congrats to your cousin!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Siguro po dahil kakalibing lang kaya ganun ..pero I'm glad na for the last time narinig ko boses niya kasi wala man lang kaming video niya or voice record niya.. Ayaw niya nagpapakwan sa mga gadgets eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just feel the pain, we all went through this pain and acceptance will heal us, baka nagparamdam siya syao kasi miss ka niya

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Siguro po .. miss na miss ko narin po siya..sobra. Sana okay lang siya kung asan man siya ngayon..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kinilabutan din ako. Ako naman sa panaginip, malinaw na malinaw at ramdam na ramdam ko yung yakap ng Lolo ko sa akin. Kaya paggising ko, iyak ako ng iyak. I miss him so bad :(

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Diko pa napanaginipan si lolo kopo ..pero walang araw na hindi ako nagkakagoosebumps na parang may humahawak sa akin, nakayakap ganun..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i suddenly missed my grandpa who died recently. maybe you are missing him so much now.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know you miss him too bro.. Andito parin yung sakit pero tanggap ko na na wala na siya..Kailangan eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kung ganun jher parang may meaning or sign. I'm sure na it's a good jher. Positive jher. May ganyan palang nangyayari jher.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hoping and I believed that it's a good sign po..Kasi mabait naman yun si lolo. Di yun mananakot ng walang dahilan na mabuti..

$ 0.00
2 years ago