I received $100

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2 years ago

Hello everyone, how was your weather there? Here in the Philippines, it was said that the first typhoon for this year will landfall today. It's name is Agaton. For now, I can still see the sunshine but the dark clouds above seems to have an assembly, they are starting to gather together and planning to pour out a rain. The wind blows heavily bringing the leaves back and forth in motion.

Though I'm happy because most of the clothes I washed earlier were now dry and ready to be folded.

Today, I will going to share to you that I have received $100 (5k) yesterday.

If you have read my last article about The most painful text and call you have known that my father was died recently. After his death the family decided to sell the cow that we have, a mother cow and her calf, because our mother will have a hard time in taking care the animals.

Actually it's not easy to decide to sell it because that cow stays with us for many years. We have a lot of memories with it. But, we have to decide and think what is better for our mother.

Our father when he is still alive, he wanted to sell both tje cow and the calf for $1400 (70k) but or mother was just able to sell it at $1000 because the cow is so thin and the buyer can't afford the given price. The cow became so thin when my father got sick and became a dialysis patient. He can never take care of it just like how he took care of it when he don't have sickness yet.

So, we agree on the buyer and bought it for $1000.

Each siblings received $100

I never expected that I have some share in the amount received from the cow and her calf. Our mother texted me that she will going to send $100 to me through my younger brother. I told her not to bother about me, just keep the money or used it in her needs but she insisted and told me that she will give each of us $100. I am the eldest and i have 1 younger sister and 4 younger brother. In short we are 6 siblings.

Our mother really want to share the money with us because she said it is not her own but we, all of us in the family owns it.

Moments with Diw-diw

Diw-diw is the name of our cow, the mother cow. Her name was from the name of our grandmother in the mother side, Idiw. Our grandma gave one carabao to our mother as her share from her mother too. Since, we cannot use the carabao, we decided to barter it with cow and then diw-diw came and be part of our family.

As an eldest, I am one among 6 siblings who were able to take care of diw-diw since she were young. I am with her, looking at her while she is eating some grasses in the pineapple plantation roads.

Rain or shine I need to feed him until she grows and have her own calf. Sometimes I am talking to her when I have some problems, when I am down and sometimes I am crying in front of her. Diw-diw becomes a friend and a part of our family. She gave us many calf and we were able to sell those. She helped us financially because the money from her calf was used to support us in our needs.

I also remember, that when my brother needs laptop while he is studying, our father decided to sell her calf.

We thank God for giving us Diw-diw.

What to do with it?

When you were me? what will you do with $100? Will you buy some bch to hodl? Will you go out and have some dinner with your family? Will you buy something you want? or you will buy something you need?

I am thankful that our mother is generous enough to her children that she share some money to it.

I am thinking what to do with it. I haven't decided yet what to buy with it but one thing for sure is that I will use it to buy some thing that I need. I want to buy a thing so it will serve as a remembrance. I am thinking to buy a cellphone for me, then my cellphone will be given to my husband or I will add it to my savings to buy a refrigerator.

For now, I will just keep it and still I needed some amount to be added so I could buy what I need.

Thank you so much Nanay (mother).

If you read this far, thank you so much for reading.

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2 years ago


If ever meron ako nyan, esi save ko muna hihi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ou nga save muna kasi kapag magamit bigla lang maubos hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm, I'm utterly speechless on what you should do with your $100, but then I with your already decided idea, the idea of keeping it till you figure out what to do with it. Congratulations on your $100 share from the sold cow. I hope Agaton typhoon won't cause so much damage.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis I will.. Yes, hopefully this typhoon wont give a lot of damage to us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Spend it wisely sis, kung ayaw mo pa sya galawin eh di ihulog mo muna sa bank and think about what you are going to spend with it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis para di lang din sya mawala na parang bula. Matagal din yung pinaghirapan ng pamilya.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga eh, ambilis pa naman mawala ang pera ngayon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the endeavor of your father so take at as your best gift from him. Your father has a paragon person.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes might be you're right. Yes I already accepted it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, it's good to hear all of that☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago