As funny as it may sound musicians are the most dramatic set of beings on earth. It's funny how they would want to do anything just to play the instruments they love. While growing up, I started Learning how to play drums from age 3 and started learning the piano when I was 12yrs. During this time of learning and process, there were moments whereby I would just want to give up because of various reasons like;
it's either I thought I was learning at a very slow pace, because I had friends that we all started together and they had gone really far thereby living me depressed.
Another reason is having to cope with other activities like school, sports, friends,e.t.c and creating maximum time for them.
Another reason is restrictions to premium music contents..
Well one thing was for sure, I was in a learning phase and process and now I can boastly say that all these drama paid off. No matter how busy I am, I've learnt to always have a balanced life by creating time for music. I now give people premium contents for their musical growths.
I get paid now for music gigs and concerts because of the sacrifices I've paid earlier.
So I'm using this short story to motivate musicians out there that are depressed about not being up to standard; to keep on pushing, rehearse more, download stuffs online and try to balance their music life with every other aspects of their life. Most musicians dont even try to explore; well learn to try out new stuff and you will be marvelled how you have grown so much in your music career. Cheers!!!
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I've always wanted to learn the Violin, but squeezing it into my already tight schedule could be a hold back..