Learn more to know more and win more

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2 years ago

They say knowledge is power, but the power that isn't put to use is useless. The application is that any knowledge that isn't put to use makes you as weak as the most illiterate person on the planet. You cannot develop or attain higher achievements in your profession or goal in life unless you learn to use the knowledge you already have. You must apply what you know more and more if you want to see more success and advancement in your area of endeavor.

Too often, we are content with just learning and not actually doing anything with the knowledge we gain. We think that just by acquiring information, we are automatically improving ourselves. But if we don't use that knowledge, it's as if we never even learned it in the first place. We become weaker because we're not applying what we know.

That's why it's so important to learn more and do more. Learning gives you the power to do more and achieve more. When you learn new things, you open yourself up to new opportunities and possibilities. You can apply this knowledge to better yourself and your life. And when you apply what you know, you become even more powerful. You learn more, and you win more.

More learning equals more knowledge, and more knowledge equals more victories. You must know more than others in order to stay ahead of the game of life. Only your knowledge can ensure your success in life.

The internet is a vast space with so much information at our fingertips. It's important to be able to learn and grow in any way we can. That's why I'm committed to learning more each and every day. Whether it's expanding my knowledge base in my field of training or simply learning more about the world around me, I'm always looking to learn something new.

I've come to a point in my life where learning has become a daily routine. I need to constantly expand my knowledge base in my field of training if I want to stay ahead of the competition. And I know I'm not alone.

Many people feel the same way. They understand that in order to achieve their dreams, they need to learn as much as they can. The more we learn, the more we can achieve. And I believe that everyone has the potential to be whatever they desire to be. But it takes dedication and a willingness to learn more to know more, and in essence, win more. So I encourage you to join me in this journey of lifelong learning. It's sure to be an enriching experience for us all.

The executive room is not for people who only know a little, but for those who know a lot. The amount of battles you win is directly proportional to your understanding of the battlefield. Life is a battlefield where the strength of information, rather than grit and fist, is required. Only by gaining additional knowledge. It is through progressive learning will you be able to achieve the position you seek.

You can only wish to be there, but if you don't have what it takes you will remain an onlooker in life and watch others climbing the ladder of success in succession. What separates the men from the boys is not just physical strength or the amount of money in their bank accounts but also the amount of knowledge they have acquired. You can only get to the top if you know more than the rest.

Only the fittest survives in this world and that is a FACT! If you want to be one of the fittest, you have to learn to be relentless and never give up. You have to learn to push harder than anyone else and never let your guard down. Success is not a destination, it is a journey and we need to be equipped with the right tools to achieve it. We live in a world where information is power, and with the right tools, we can achieve anything.

We know that times are tough right now, with the coronavirus pandemic causing so much upheaval. But we also believe that this is a time of opportunity. A time to learn new skills and build new relationships. A time to strengthen our communities and ourselves.

So, learn more to know more and win more. It is very important that you pick up a book today and start reading. Why? Because you need to stretch your mind in critical thinking. There is no shortcut to progress. If you don't know, you cannot be known. And those who are on top of the mountain didn't fly there - they climbed. Start your climbing today by learning new things, doing it every day. Set a goal for yourself and score yourself. If you don't want to be a victim of circumstances such as the coronavirus pandemic, start learning new skills today.

Bottom line

The possibilities are endless if you start to learn more and know more, and you need to start learning today. Anything is possible if you commit yourself to lifelong learning, and that's why I encourage everyone to start reading. Read books on anything you want to learn. I challenge you to try reading one book per week.

Millions of people are out there, creating value and making a positive difference. You could be one of them if you start learning now. The world is a better place because of people who invest in themselves. A fast track to success is through knowledge, especially the kind of knowledge that you need to really do the job that you want to do.

I challenge you to read and read, read and learn, and then read and learn some more so you can win more.

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2 years ago


Learning new things daily as always been a goal I set for myself, that's why I spend more time with people and things that will increase my level of reasoning instead of having it decreased. Truly like you have pointed out, power that isn't put to use is useless. If we don't make use of the information we have we wouldn't get what we need and getting more information is added power to continue growing relentlessly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love to learn new things. And sometimes whatever I learn I also tried to shared it to other people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This might sound cliché but truly, the day we stop learning is the day we become a living dead. Even if we're not learning for the sake of winning, we should continue to learn for the sake of living, but then living is winning so it's a win-win. Haha, no pun intended. 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The more we learn, the more understand. We shouldn't limit ourselves from discovering things around

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We keep learning everyday. There is no limit and there should never be a limit to our desire for learning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's no end to learning for those that will have exceeding success in life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Learning never stops, sometimes when I learn new things it will look like I haven't learned anything before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Any human who stops learning is close to becoming irrelevant in the world today and everything learned must be put to work else the knowledge will equal to nothing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True enough, knowledge without application will be totally useless. To make use of it, we have to put it into action. With that being said, we can acquire more and more knowledge that surely will bring us more and more success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's no doubt that learning is a continuous process. This starts from birth and ends at death. Therefore , one should continue to learn to be in tune with the current realities. Am aligned to your content. Great of you. You are blessed beyond measure. Keep it up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

During my days in secondary school, I never like reading or exploring more. When I keep growing then I realize how reading/learning can change my life positively. I also understand that one who stops learning is considered dead coz, he will never learn to know what going on in the world. Even Professor Wole Soyinka is still learning every day with all the knowledge he has acquired. He said in his words that it is in the course of learning and till death will not stop learning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Learning and then implementation on ourself gives best outcome. I have the knowledge that prayer is source of thanking to Almighty God but I didn't go for it practically then what worth of that knowledge I have , I think nothing. It is better to stay illiterate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Knowledge is power. ✊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's how I improved my writing (I guess 😅) and learned more things through reading and reading and applying the knowledge I acquired.. Education is really a constant process..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just want to share Sir, when I was Primary I don't read a book a lot because according to my belief, I should not let my mind get tired of reading haha but then I realized that reading books is a form of exercising your mind. Now, I keep on reading as I don't want to forget easily :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need to learn more and try to make use of what we've learnt to improve ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is why I always said, I never stop learning.. and apply what I learned later on . Now that I've given opportunity to learn and earn in crypto space I am hunger for more because I believe the more you learn the more you gain.. achieving milestones should not stop but it should continue step by step.

$ 0.00
2 years ago