Tips on how to avoid body &mouth odor.
Recently, the rate at which people have bad breath or mouth odor is alarming and this is proof of poor health hygiene. There are many ways one can avoid mouth odor and I will be sharing these tips with you today.
Always rinse your mouth with fresh water in the morning
When you wake up in the morning, the first care for your mouth is to rinse your mouth with fresh water, and always before you sleep. This will help wash away the early morning bacterial in your mouth before talking to anyone, this is the first step
Brush your teeth and scrub your tongue.
Many people only brush their teeth without scrubbing their tongue when brushing, to have good mouth hygiene, you have to brush twice a day, in the morning and at night time before you sleep, Also while brushing, scrub your tongue gently with the brush to wash off all the hidden bacteria on the tongue.
Avoid eating smelly food
Some people find it fun to eat garlic, ginger, or onion raw without cooking it, most of these kinds of smelly food are one of the causes of mouth odor, the painful part is that some will eat all this raw without brushing or washing their mouth, will then go out and talk to friends then make them have a bad day.
Avoid using too much smelly food to cook
Many people love different kinds of ingredients and spices in their food, but we have to watch the kind of ingredients we use in our food, also the amount we use while cooking it, too much of smelly ingredient in a portion of food can cause bad mouth odor, so try knowing the kind of ingredients used to cook your food before to eat it, this is very important, especially for people with allergies.
Body odor
Avoid wearing body-fitted or tight cloth.
You might be wondering what this has to do with body odor, yes it has a lot to do with it, wearing a fitted or tight cloth that won't allow a cool breeze into your body, making you sweat often can make you have bad body odor, you're doubting. Too much sweaty body can make one have a smelly body, all the store up heat within your body will cook you up and you wonder why people cover their nose when you walk pass them, well that's the reason.
Wear clean clothes
Always try to wear clean cloth, cleanness is next to Godliness, when you notice your cloth is covered in sweat or dirty, avoid wearing them the second time without washing them. Wearing dirty cloth can cause body odor.
Use of deodorants
Using deodorant can help avoid body odor, this will even make you more attractive to people, you don't have to get the most expensive one, you can go for the one your budget can afford, use perfume too, look fresh and presentable to people.
Lastly, it says the first appearance matters a lot, and the way you dress is the way you are addressed, so never be got caught un-fresh. Also help me welcome the newest user of this platform @DeolaD she's a brilliant person. Wishing her good luck too
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Thanks for taking your time to read, I hope you're able to learn one or two things from this article. Have a great day or night anywhere you are.
Article type: personal hygiene
Date: 12:04:2022
Author: FashTioluwa.
This is fantastic, simple and affordable steps. Keep it up.