A Nurse's syringe gone the wrong way

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Avatar for Bilqees
2 years ago

Hello my dear friends. Hope you all had a beautiful Monday. Wishing you all a more productive week ahead. Well, just this morning, I remembered a past experience again. I guess by now most of you must've already observed that I am more of storyteller than a writer. Lol

Thank you πŸ™

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Nurse eviko was one of the three nurses who were stationed at the sick bay of the college where I had a one year pre-degree program before proceeding to the university.

This particular nurse was very mean and had very little patience towards her patients. She lacked the comeliness, kindness and empathy that a professional nurse would possess. Any student who was unfortunate enough to fall ill when she was on shift would definitely become more upset after nurse eviko had attended to them. You'd probably curse the injury or illness that had brought about such an unpleasant encounter with a fiery and foul-mouthed nurse.

During a lesson on blood and body fluid, we were instructed by the course lecturer to collect a specimen of our blood from the school's clinic which we would analyse at the school's laboratory. This practical would be included in our academic assessment.

I was quite unlucky to have nurse eviko attend to me as the other nurse was already taking the blood sample of a student. The blood volume to be taken was expected to be very minimal and shouldn't exceeded a few millimeters. But Nurse eviko kept draining my blood into the big syringe . This made me very angry and I was tempted to ask her weather she had other plans. She started screaming insults at me, saying that I was insinuating that she wanted to drink my blood. I didn't reply her neither did I ask for her pardon, because that's exactly what I believed she was a (w**h).

In one football game, a student had sustained quite a serious injury. Unfortunately for him, the first person he met at the clinic was this notorious nurse. The pains was unbearable as nurse eviko cleaned the wounds with a type of force you would exercise when washing a very dirty dish. Nurse eviko would scream at him to keep his mouth shut as he cried like a child. The other students could only shake their head in sympathy as they tried to console their friend. A younger nurse had to come out from a nearby ward as a result of the constant screams. She offered some soothing words to the injured boy. Nurse eviko still didn't care..

Thank goodness I wasn't a regular visitor to the sickbay as I don't seldom fall sick . Alot of students who had received intramuscular injections from this nurse have complained of excruciating pains that sometimes render them sore for a day or too. Unlike the younger nurses who would make you feel relax and calm before admistering the needle, nurse eviko never has time for that. Infact, she would not even dab the spot with iodine before piercing you with the ferocious needle. You might even have have an heart attack first just by watching her walk towards you, needle in hand and a murderous look on her face.

Before completing my programme, nurse eviko did something terrible that would change the life of a young student forever. It turns out that this sick girl had a very bad fear for the needle and couldn't just pull herself together when she was about to be injected. This really got on the nurse nerves as the girl was wasting her time. Out of anger, nurse eviko viciously stabbed her with the syringe.

Ladi couldn't walk properly for the almost two weeks as she was constantly in severe pains. The pains got worse as she found it difficult to sit, stand and even sleep. The spot were nurse eviko had injected her became so red and swollen. Her friends became alarmed and had to carry her to a clinic outside the school for fear of meeting with nurse. again.

There,it was confirmed that her sciatic nerve had been damaged due to the improper administration of the IM injection by nurse. Now the sciatic nerve supplies the legs and when damaged, it would be difficult for an individual to walk,stand or move. The presiding doctor announced that an immediate surgery had to be performed on Ladi else she might become paralyzed. Ladi's father was so furious that he threatened to kill nurse if anything happened to his daughter.

Nurse eviko was sacked from her job and was arrested by Ladi's father where she would later be charged to court. I don't really know how the case ended .

A nurse foremost priority is her patient. Apart from delligently tending to her patient's ailment and observing their progress, a nurse is also charged with the responsibility of providing emotional support that would accelerate a patient's recovery. A nurse should under no circumstances use terrible words or become impatient towards the sick as it is a noble profession. .


Thanks for reading. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

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2 years ago


I hope poor Ladi was okay. That nurse sounds like her name is nurse evil

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yea, lady is good now. But still manages a little limp in her movement.. Lol, Glad to have you back Tengo 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

WEll I ma glad she is good, and that bloody nurse I hope she got into trouble and thank you for the welcome back :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The requirements for people to go into the medical profession should be more than just a degree, because some medical practitioners just don't give a shi*t. I hope she gets what she deserves

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure, she would. One doesn't just mess up someone else's life just like that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my... how cruel nurse eviko was. She doesn't have much patience and empathy which I believe are some of the major traits a nurse should have. It's so sad that her action led to a girl's nightmare.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

So sad dear.. the young lady really suffered.even up till now she still limps a little while walking

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh gosh... that is bad. Such a mistake of one resulting to another's difficulty.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess nurse eviko would just kill me cos I hate needles and I often behave worse than a baby when it comes to being injected. Infact, I make sure I never get to need injections in my body else there will be trouble.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol. We plenty for here. I guess you hardly talk sick too. That's the previledge people like us always enjoy since God knows we can't stand needles

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank God for good health oo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I pray I don't come across an incompetent and uncaring like nurse Eviko.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seriously, they can't be good and it's quite depressing to know that her type are in the majority

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just as we have 'Godsent' we have 'Devilsent' too and it's obvious the nurse Eviko was a leader in the devilsebt gang. I seldom visit hospitals for treatment but I have heard of similar cases like this in the hospital in my community. There was a time the syringe broke inside the buttocks of a young boy. The case was so alarming

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eviko, very wicked nurse! I think nurse is known to always provide emotional support for patients, why was eviko case the other way? She wanted to paralyze that young girl.😒 The way she was sacked was good, but she still needs to be jailed so that she can learn her lesson the hard way.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

People like that are just plane wicked and need to be put away for sometime, for the good of the society

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And I was thinking a few months ago incident, here in my place. A nurse broke syringe in my friend's arm. That was really terrific.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oh that could be awful... I could only imagine the pains dear it could cause

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear Bilqees, I was very upset to see that this nurse had injured a student. Nurses must be kind, patient, and compassionate to their patients, and she bears no resemblance to a nurse. Thank God she was expelled so that she would not harm more people.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly dear... It's very obvious it doesn't fit into the profession at all

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehe, I guess my fear for needle and nurses have been justified πŸ˜‚ Nurse Eviko didn't do well in dispersing her job as a nurse. Nurse are supposed to be compassionate and care givers not hell inflicters🀣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Honestly, some of them are just unbelievable

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think that poor nurse had a trauma that prevents her from doing her profession laudably. Poor lady nurse, how many patients will she have done a lot of damage to.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That could be true ma'am. It could also be that she was not just a nice person at all. We have people like that in all professions, not just nurses

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why I call her poor nurse. Evil people can only be called poor, of humanity, of feelings, of empathy towards others. He's just a poor human being. May God have mercy on his soul. You are right that there are people like that in all areas.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I understand your analogy now ma'am. Such people even need love the most

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A lot of nurses I have come across are very rude, it's like been rude is a prerequisite to being a nurse, and that's how most of them end up endangering patient's life

$ 0.02
2 years ago

A nurse confided in me that a nurse had to be very tough so as to ginger the patient to get well immediately

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No be juju be that? That one is reverse psychology or what exactly?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It doesn't make sense to be too. It's part of the duty of a nurse to pamper the patients

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We come across models such as the nurse Evico in the hospital. Dealing violently with patients indicates lack of professionalism and is contrary to the ethics of the profession. She definitely deserves to be fired.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ofcourse dear. Such a person is a disgrace, and might do more harm in the future

$ 0.00
2 years ago