Night is oddly Noisier

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago

Friday, August 13, 2021

1 of 100 poems for me collection

At the time of writing, it's already 11:05 PM, 55 minutes before midnight. I couldn't bring myself to read articles this late but worry not, I've had it saved. At the time being, I'm fidgetting on my screen pondering about what to write. This. Late. My head has a slight throbbing inside. I'll need to sleep now, I think. Before that, I'll leave this short poem? or whatever you call it. Bear with my talent at this.

Hear the clock it sings,

No, there is no such thing,

but listen for it continues,

from clockwise it renews.

No young night for sleepy,

Yet late night treated informally,

Time tweaks the truth,

It's not late for unloading thoughts.

Shadows lurking outside,

Yet inside, more entities had reside,

Of whispers cannot decipher,

The noisier it becomes.

Oh see for when it strikes 12

Believes that monster will come and get you,

Must the superstition be in dread,

It's not what makes the night oddly noisier.

Must you guess the reason?

It's close to treason,

faint sounds, closer,

Decode the words you hear, is it clearer?

The mist behind a hazy mind,

The silent cries doubled everytime,

No means to notice,

Yet it's deem unrestrainable.

Some perceives night as noisier due to their inner thoughts and predicaments. Night is the time of loneliness, deep thinking, reflecting, and being drowned to saddest thoughts of life, existence, disappointment failures and expectations.

All rights reserved.

Lead image - unsplash

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The silent noise

Talk back and you're dead

Untitled, Unedited & Undone

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Can you hear me?

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Most of the time

It's fine

$ 0.79
$ 0.64 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Just1dood
$ 0.05 from @Pichi28
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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


...aaaaand i am visiting late! Hello there dear! Loved the poem! Good job! :D

I do remember some nights like that. Specially I dwell too much in my head. So night comes, emotions are down most likely, head tired of thinking a lot.. but the horrors and what ifs come as a wave. . .

but that was then..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yay thank you! I will have to practice more pa para umayos. Btw, i appreciate your visit! It's me that should say sorry kasi andami kong namiss na basahin. I'm often a silent reader, hindi na ako nagcocomment. Hehe. Ang hirap kalabanin ng sarili. lalo na ng isip natin. Hahaha. Kaya ayon nagpapatalo na lang ako djk.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

keri lang yan! haha dami ko din di nababasa and ganyan din yung iba nadadaanan ko na alng din.. ;) pero sige lang tuloy lang.. ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well done. A poem! Keep it up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks dood! I will have to work more on it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like this poem of yours! I also made poems but not good as this one. Haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Uy wag mo akong bolahin baka maniwala ako. Djk. Hahaha maganda gumawa ng peom pero sanaol don sa Iba na parang effortless lang sa kanila. Pano Yun? Hahaha. Share mo po. I'll be the happiest to read them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hindi po ako nambobola. Pag hindi ko gusto hindi ako nagsasalita haha. Pano nga talaga yun sa mahuhusay na poet haha.

Nandito yung isa sa mga gawa ko. 1 month ago pa to haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow madamdamin nga! Maganda siya Uy. You should do such more often. Pareho lang pala tayo na friendzone. Hahaha bwisit no😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May kasusulat ako pero sa tagalog nakapost sa noisecash account ko haha. Well, usually doon ako nagsusulat ng poem haha.

Magtayo na tayo ng nafriendzone club 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha nagkaconflict kasi yung account ko. I forgot the email. Di ko ma open sa gamit Kong phone. Sa phone nung kapatid ko nakaopen. So pag hiniram ko saka lang ako nakakapag post. Hahaha pwede madami ata tayong nafriendzone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm. Hindi mo siya na saved sa chrome? Ang hirap nyan. Ang dami mo yatang email hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago