The loser in all of us

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Avatar for ARTicLEE
2 years ago

I just finished watching IT: Chapter Two. It did have that surprise factor and the scary music. The movie has shown the struggles of the characters growing up in that town. The monster attacks your weaknesses and fears.

What is your deepest fear? What are your secrets that you don't want others to know for the fear of losing them?

I like the parting words in the end where it said we are all losers and the good thing about being a loser is that we got nothing to lose - something to that effect.

We are afraid of being picked on so we like to pretend. Fake it till you make it, right? But are we happy doing so?

We all wear a mask, not the anti-COVID mask, but the personality mask. We like to play a role that others would prefer. Different groups, different masks. We have to keep dancing to the tune of what others want.

Aren't you tired?

Do what you think is best for you. Think more about yourself. We have been told to do so as long as you don't hurt yourself or others.

This is a note to myself.

For a long time, I have been playing make pretend. I had to build a good impression so I have to be careful with what I do. I have always been perceived as a "good" guy.

We are not perfect. We are allowed to fail. We are allowed to make mistakes.

In the movie, one of the characters had hidden his true feelings for someone for a long time - 27 years to be exact. It is not easy to say what he feels because it might destroy their friendship. In the end, he confessed and that's the start of a new chapter of love between the two.

Would you risk opening up? What are the risks? Losing that person forever? How about the possibility of that person acknowledging that feeling of yours and accepting it? Why wait?

Rejection is what we fear most. However, there are things that are not meant to be. We can't have it all the way we expect it to be. If things don't work out the way we wanted, there are better things, better opportunities out there. The right one will come along.

So keep doing you and keep being true.

More about the movie.

They were able to find the source of the clown. Knowing that it was an alien thing is kind of a bit of a letdown. Maybe I got used to monsters that are born out of evil. Or maybe it goes to show that evil doesn't solely exist in this Earth we live in. I was hoping for more and was wishing actually that the clown survived.

In the end they killed it words. Yes. Just by belittling the clown were they able to defeat it. You see. Words are powerful. What you say to yourself and to others have an impact.

In these pandemic times, we really should be more kinder especially in how we treat ourselves and others. We all have troubles. We all have pain. We all go through something. Others are good at hiding what is truly going on so don't assume. That's why kindness is important for it might be the only hope, the only light that others needed the most.

We are all affected by this pandemic. Some are coping well while others are not. Students here in our city have asked for academic break. It is alarming to know that 10 students in one university alone committed suicide. One commenter in that post said that it shouldn't be that hard. She claims that these students are with their families so it should be easy. I find that comment to be insensitive.

Not everyone can call their home, "home." We don't live in the same environment. Some students go to school to escape their said "home." Being with friends is their "home." Also, we are social beings so we grow when we are with other people. We are not built the same way. We need physical human interaction.

There were more insensitive comments in that post. It just goes to show that we need more understanding. We need to see more beyond what we read and what we see. Be not quick to judge.

Be kind. We have nothing to lose.

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2 years ago


I dont think a guy should ever worry about destroying his friendship with a girl. My mom always says that guys and girls are not meant to be friends. And that guys especially get hurt more than girls since the longer they are friends without the guy making a move, the less the girl sees them as someone they want to date. I dont date yet myself, but i cant imagine being friends with a boy i liked, but him being less and less interested in me the more time i spend with him. That would be like torture to me. :(

I cant imagine what it must be like for guys though...i am so shy, so if i had to be the one to approach them and do all the date planning, and be the one to have to impress them, carry the conversation, pay for everything etc, I would be alone forever, as i would be too terrified to do it. I think that girls should be more sympathetic to guys and these difficult things that they have to do!! if a girl gets turned down by a guy, all her friends will come and console her and help her to feel better and be extra nice to them etc, but if a guy gets turned down, i dont see anyone coming to help him, and even have seen groups of cruel girls literally laugh at guys that happens to. It is really terrible...

I am not really that pretty, so i dont get much attention, but i see the beautiful girls that the guys flock to, and the girls literally dont have to do anything, most of the guys just do whatever they want. I think they dont know how ridiculously good they have it, just like a lot of average looking girls like me dont realize how good we have it compared to how hard it is for guys these days.

Hopefully that was not too off topic! But I agree 100% with the ending of your post, we DO need to be more understanding to others. <3

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Be it a guy or a girl, we all hurt the just the same. I think because guys are the tough ones doesn't make them vulnerable.

You are pretty and I'm sure there will be someone who will appreciate you for who you really are and accept you as you are.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People may not know, but crimes increased due to the pandemic, and these are mostly domestic abuse. I agree, that was really insensitive, they don't know just how many people out there are victim of avuse at home, physically, emotionally, even sexually.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's true and it's terrible that there are those that are not reported.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I loved how they showed the power of words in the movie; sometimes, we fail to understand that our words don't only hurt others, but they hurt us as well. Whatever you say to yourself will stick, and that is the truth.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We don't want to be accountable with our words and actions that's why there is always chaos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed.. Be not quick to judge without knowing the truth. Coz sometimes, constructive criticism can be destructive as well. Instead of belittling others, motivate the person to do better..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We are too quick to speak or comment about others. Such sad reality.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really unbelievable about COVID-19 because kany student are committed suicide due to stress about exam and then results Many students leave study just because of stressed They have a load of stress in their mind to make everything which they don't like

Best wishes for you I really appreciate you dear friend this article make me very impressed and have a Good Day 🥰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Indeed. That's why we have to be more kind with everyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You might find this weird but I was rooting for pennywise. Contrary to being a loser and having nothing else to lose, I believe we all have something to lose. Just because they didn't realise it at the time does not eliminate it's existence, that is to show that we are all winners and in our little way, we each have something we treasure and that we can lose, so we protect their case, it was their friendship.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I don't find that weird. There are times that I do root for the antagonist in movies especially since society turned them the way they are.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Either the person would say yes or no, we should try and open up to express our feelings. If we are rejected, it just means there isn't any way in there so keep moving and do not keep any feelings to yourself.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Indeed, there will always be someone to out there who will listen.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a victim of being sad at home I'm always happy in school because alot of friends are around but at home most days I'm always alone

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope you find ways to entertain yourself and keep sane. Keep talking to your friends and family even if just online.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can be a lot kinder to ourselves and to others, practically what we pay attention to matters a lot.. I love that movie IT because it treated some aspect of life that needs urgency... we must keep moving on regardless.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right. We are connected and our actions affect us and others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kindness matters most lee. Be always true to yourself don't let anyone dictate who you want to be. In this world, we are living, we often do what our society dictates us.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I couldn't agree more :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The way you describe the movie makes me wanna watch it. IT. We all wear masks at a point in life. You don't have to know before being kind to me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

However life treats us, we should not kill kindness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its hard to pretend, and i think its not my ways too. Its like being plastic 🤣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree! :D I feel the same.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

i like the last part. "Be kind. We have nothing to lose." this is so true... and yet there are people who are having a hard time being kind.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Got to show them more kindness :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it's hard to pretend talga kasi sooner or later lalabas din naman...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oo din tas baka explosive pa mahirap na hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is unfair to judge other people's situation. A problem for you might not be a problem for you and a problem for you might not be a problem for me at all. Let us avoid stereotyping and measuring people's values and beliefs with just one ruler.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Absolutely! We really need more understanding.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You brought tears to my eyes with those two last paragraphs. Over here we hear "We all are in the sea, but we aren't all rowing the same boat", and it's true, we all had to face the hardiship Covid brought upon the world, but from very different settings, so, here's were kindness and empathy should take the stage.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We look for kindness in others yet we don't give it. Truly, be more empathic and not apathetic. Hugs!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's 100% correct my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Second to the last paragraph, you just literally said it all kuya. "Not everyone can call their home, "home." We don't live in the same environment. "

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Diba? Un iba kasi assuming e hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, words cut deeper than a knife. With that said, we have to be mindful of the words that come out in our mouth because you might not know the impact of your words to them. What a nice blog entry of yours @ARTicLEE! 🎈💕

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not everyone can call their home, "home." We don't live in the same environment. - ah! This hits different Kuya. Sometimes being outside and being with others, mas mararamdaman pa natin na valued tayo.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

May kanya kanya kasi tayong needs and wants na hindi naman nafufulfill at nahahanap natin yun sa labas ng bahay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakita ko nga po sa fb yung post na 10 students nag suicide. And it's true, "not everyone can call their home, "home". We don't live in the same environment. " hays.

Tsaka yung iba mas nakakapag aral pa pag wala sa bahay. Kahit ako, kasi pag dito sa bahay, bukod sa maingay na mga kapatid, kailangan ko pa muna gawin gawaing bahay. Pano pa magpapahinga kung tambak rin ng schoolwork? E tapos ang taas ng standard pa ng ibang mga prof. Hays.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kaya nga e. Di naman lahat kaya mag cope sa kung ano man ang ganap sa bahay at school.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't watch the part two of that movie because I got nightmares when I watch the part 1 of it, I just cant forget the scene where the kid was chasing his boat and his arm was bitten by penny wise 😬😬😬 I just felt sorry for him😭. But anyways words are powerful and I prefer to be hurt physically rather than being hurt through words I just cant bear the pain from it, because physical pain only produces wounds that can be healed but being hurt by words is unbearable and can lead to insecurities and other negative emotions.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'd rather be hurt physically too. Words have long lasting effect especially metnally.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are all losers, we can't lose anything. It is a thought that plunges you into darkness, I prefer not to think about what has been lost. I don't like horror movies

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I don't know what got me into horror movies. Maybe I like being scared :D :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Risk factors are more when we are silent and when we are truthful. Most of us don't speak, out of fear of something or someone. Suicide rates were high even here in India in the pandemic period. It's the fear of facing the truth. The parting words are true in the movie.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope we can help more and be the voice to others before it's too late.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me, I'll take the risk to open it up. I have no doubts whether the result will be good or bad or I might be rejected or can be accepted again atleast I have tried to show my efforts regardless of the outcome. Good night sir. This is COCOyaRn of my old account. I have a decides to make a new one :) God bless sir

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ah so you made a new account. That's great! I thought you stopped writing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Authenticity and honesty were taboo before but we really have to speak up if it's already affecting our health, our lives. Bahala na may magalit or may mga insensitive. And you are right po, let us be kinder to ourselves and other people. We know nothing of their struggles.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sabi nga Toni G, don't cancel yourself :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Super tama :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What to loose when we have nothing to loose. Smiled a little while it stuck in my mind really indeed. Rejections? this will make us strong because we are become improved from what we are. Others so easy to judge even they don't know what is it all about. Anyway happy life is a choice.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's it. Choose happiness :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hate horror and creepy movies kaya di ako nanood nang ganyan pero like ko yung side story about sa the couple ha actually, I am not a risk-taker all the time and I do risk myself for the wrong one at that's why I'm making barriers

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Matatakutin din ako pero ewan ko ba kung ano meron sa horror movies at gustong gusto ko panoorin haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

di ko talaga keribels kasi baka ako una mamamatay

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hmm curious. for something of the horror kind you pulled out an insightful thought...

we need to be careful with our words - the ones we speak to others... and the ones we speak to ourselves too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sometimes movies give us lessons that we don't usually see right away :) Fear is a strong emotion that's why we tend to see past other things when our fear is heightened.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so glad you sent me the link to your page, such a well written and lovely article.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very interesting content, I liked it a lot. You are right, we are not perfect, I give myself permission to fail, I give myself permission to make mistakes, I know I am not perfect. But when I make mistakes I don't condemn myself for it. I'm just saying: I'm human, I'm not perfect, I can fail and start again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's the right attitude :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are all losers. Nothing shame on it. We will learn more from it. It’s ok.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Right? We can't have it all :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nature lang tao ngayon is to judge easily without knowing the behind of it. This pandemic increase the risk of being abuse and adultery.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Naging mas judgemental nga yata tao since easy access na information.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am really sorry to those students who committed suicide just because of stress. Even me, when things never work as I expected sometimes i just plan to hurt myself, realizing its a big mistakes! Some issues about this COVID-19 increases because as i witnessed here in our place, someone died due to heart attack, but then the list of the COVID-19 added!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We really have to be more kind in our treatment of others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago