Simple but hardworking people

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2 years ago

That sums up my parents.

Before I go any further, this is now day five of the 30-day writing challenge. Clink on the link and check out the topics that you can write for a month, one topic a day.

I am more close to my mom than my dad. Just like every parent, they want what's best for their children the way they now how. They would find opportunities to provide for the family. My dad found an opportunity abroad. Thus, I grew up with my mom as both the father and mother figure. She raised all seven of us on her own. My parents are the traditional kind of parents wherein it is the father who is out there working for the family bringing home the bacon so to speak. However, I still see my mom doing her own way to make ends meet since what my dad was earning was not enough.

Even now at their old age, my parents still try to do what they can.

Both of my parents came from a family of farmers. Not the commercial kind but growing what they can feed their family with. Because of poverty, they were not able to finish school. However, that did not stop them to send us to school for they do believe that education is the only inheritance they can give us. They have provided us love and care and the things we need and maybe some wants the best they could.

We may not have everything and sometimes we lack most things but I really appreciate what they have done and still do to provide for the family. The struggle they have to go through, the sacrifices they have to take even forgetting themselves and setting aside their needs and wants just to provide for us.

Now that I am older, I try my best to provide for them. It's now time to give back.

My mom is the religious type. My dad on the other hand is not that much. Mom was the one who convince our dad to be baptized to our denomination. Mom is the disciplinarian. I don't think I have seen my dad get angry. Dad is more of the silent type between the two of them. Mom knows more regarding relatives, how we are connected to somebody. I am like my dad. I am not that reliable regarding our family tree. It's confusing to me who is who.

I'm blessed to have them as my parents. They may not be the ideal parents but they are perfect for me.

This is the first time I have talked about my parents like this. This is the first time I have shared more about them. Of course I don't want to get into more details.

Anyway, this is it for today's topic - talking about my parents. I'm on the fifth day of this challenge and there is still a long way to go but I'm doing it. I hope I can finish this challenge.

I'm in the mood to answer more questions today so I want to add this set of questions that I have read from Adrielle. You can read about that here.

When was the last time you slept more than nine hours?

Weekends are my the days I get to sleep more. It's like my days to recharge for the lack of sleep I have had during the weekdays. Weekends are my permanent off days so why not use that to recuperate. Although there are still times I am given tasks on the weekends but those are occasionally.

What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation?

I haven't been updated with music really. I would probably just say in general or artists that I thought are current. I don't know what kids listen to these days. There are a whole lot of artists out there because of different platforms we have that one can listen to.

What are your most important rules when going on a date?

I haven't been on dates. Maybe with a couple of friends but not really intimately only with my partner to which I am comfortable with whatever. Having said that, always look presentable. Always remember that first impression lasts still. Mind your manners.

What’s your cure for hiccups?

I try holding my breath to try to suppress the hiccup. It's not easy. I do attempt that several times whenever I have hiccups but eventually they will be gone anyway. So my cure is to ride it out.

What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?

How big is the cat thought? I would go for a hippo. I can picture them chubby and funny and cute.

What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?

A lot of seafood especially those with shells like oysters. Rabbits are popular these days and I see a lot of rabbit meat being sold in our city. I have never tried durian. I'm not sure I would like to try it though.

So this ends our Q&A for today. Expect for more later on lol! I do have a lot of questions saved.

Have you answered any of these?

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2 years ago


Ohhhhh, diba sabi kung sino pa yong pinaka tahimik kapag nagalit naman daw naku wagas. Never pa sumabog pudrabels mo sa galit?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Never ko pa siya nakitang nagalit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not sure if I am shocked you've only been on a date with your partner or if I envy you for that😅😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't be shocked. It's normal lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salute for all the hrdworking parents like yours. They deserve all the goodness in this world, they worthy of all the things that we can offer. Parents may not be perfect at times, but they will always be the best in times. God bless you and your parents :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you! Stay blessed :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our parents are the best when they try their best taking care of us. They do not go to school but they value education for their children and would do whatever it takes to make them enrol in school and become great and when we have grown up and working, we should never forget them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. Without them, we are not here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sa amin din si mama yung madaldal samantalang si papa ko shy type and a man of few words hehe...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Madami yata ganun. Tahimik pag nanjan un misis lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can relate this cause my grandparents are famers also, infact I've experienced before how does it feel being a farmer and it's so hard. We need to treasure their effort for us

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2 years ago

Farmers are essential in our lives. Without them, we have no food on our table.

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2 years ago

My real challenge is to appear on live videos and communicate in real-time. I only did it five times since December 2021.

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2 years ago

Here's hoping you get to do that more often from now on.

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2 years ago

I also live from a farming family and I feel how important it is to work hard because that is the opportunity to earn the necessities of life for food and operating expenses.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right. Farmers know how to take care of the earth and in return it provides for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to read about your parents you have used honorable words for your parents. May GOD bless everyone's parents.i have seen everywhere as you have write that even though parents are illiterate and poor but they always want their children must be educated and they do every possible thing to give quality education to their children. In question answer session let me tell you i used to sleep for whole day after returning back from university at last day of exam and then wake for whole night to enjoy movies hahahaha.we have told that we should drink cold water to stop hiccups or we should stop breathing for few seconds but my elder brother recently watch a technique to press some part of throat to stop it. But miserable thing is my hiccup never stopped with any hack hahahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol! Yeah, sometimes these hacks work or not. For me, I just let it be for sooner or later the hiccups will be gone before you know it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In most cultures in Nigeria. It is recommended that one should take seven sips from a cup of water during an hiccup. Up till now I don't know the spiritual or cultural reason behind it... Even the elders don't seem to know

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting. Should one do that in quick succession? How long is the interval between sips? :D :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

9hours? I can't just remember if I've had 9 hours sleep for the past 3years. It's not like I've been reading to pass exams as the case of students 😴. I've mastered keeping late night with my phone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have to admit my phone is a distraction too.

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2 years ago

Its been a while, I slept over 9 hours and I keep waking up In the midnight for no reason, so sleeping for 9 hours looks impossible

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2 years ago

I know others can do more than 9 :D

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2 years ago

I have tried to eat rabbit meat, which I really like, especially the lechon rabbit.

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2 years ago

I read comments from other people that it is indeed good meat.

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2 years ago

Try nyo na po ang durian hehe..If ayaw nyo ng fruits, yung ice cream muna :D You are lucky to have those kind of parents po.

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2 years ago

Hehe sige try ko pag meron.

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2 years ago

Magsasaka din yong mga magulang k0,tapus yong mama ko madada at mahilig mamalo kapag ayaw mo sumunod,,ang papa ko naman ay tahimik lang..

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2 years ago

Si mama naman madalang lang mamalo hehe.

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2 years ago

Answerak lattan jay date. Never mention about money ta turn off dayta hehe.

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2 years ago

Hehe isu pay a.

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2 years ago

I am also more on my mom's side. My father is always busy with his work so we have less time to talk. My father also grew up in a family whose primary job was farming and fishing.

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2 years ago

I think most dads are like that, they'd prefer working and let the wife do the rest.

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2 years ago

Parents are awesome. Anyone lucky enough to have both alive should cherish them. For them hiccups though, I drink more water and tada!

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2 years ago

Absolutely. That's why I'm grateful having mine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parents are the best gift in our life sir lee. They are the one who stand to give us a better future. They give their sacrifices para lang sa tin kaya wala talagang makakapantay sa mga parents natin.

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2 years ago

Agree ako jan kaya laking respeto ko sa mga magulang na responsable.

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2 years ago

sir super relate ako sa family nyu.. i mean sa parents.. coz my mother has a sharp memory when it comes to family and she's also very outspoken and disciplarian while papa is silent most of the time.. hehe

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2 years ago

Ganun yata pag mothers lalo na pag most of the time sila ang nagaalaga sa mga anak.

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2 years ago

Hindi ko mapigilan yung hiccup ko kuya once titry ko mangiyak-ngiyak ako eh.

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2 years ago

Ako din mawawala din naman e hehe.

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2 years ago

Theres no such thing as perfect parenting but pur parents are the best of all kinds.

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2 years ago

100% true :)

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2 years ago

Wish I can talk more about my parents but they are not a good example not even an ideal parents and a couple

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2 years ago

I commend you for being the better person. Not all can overcome that.

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2 years ago

kahit naman lumaki ako sa magulong pamilya pero thankful pa rin ako at I am what I am dahil sa lahat ng pagsubok na pinagdaanan ko.thank u sir

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love people who are accustomed to living a simple life too. That's the type of culture I was brought up with, and I guess it's the best. Also, hardwork is a pivotal key to being successful. I love the type of people your parents are, and also the fact that you have resolved to emulating them. I am with you on the dates issue too, it makes a a whole lot of sense going for dates looking presentable. I would never go on a date with someone looking tattered and grumpy. That's gross, or what do you think..?

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2 years ago

Lol at being grumpy! Better not go on a date when you are like that :D

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2 years ago

They have similarities with my parents. My parents haven't finished college too but they value it and sent us to college.

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2 years ago

God bless your parents!

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2 years ago

I only talked and shared things about my parents when I am giving testimony for people. Or doing some blog. So we're both the same because I am more into mom side than my dad. Hehe. Also, my father's family is farmers as well.

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2 years ago

Majority of us come from a family farmers I think.

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2 years ago

My parents is not highly educated but I am an engineer by their eager.

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2 years ago

Our parents live through us. Kudos to them and to you as well :)

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2 years ago

My parents were both farmers too, and I'm grateful for that, though we lack a lot of things when were young,but they are giving their best for us.

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2 years ago

Mabuhay ang mga farmers! :)

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2 years ago

Wao i wasn't acquainted with that challenge. It's interesting means now i have to look for material instead of topic. That's great

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2 years ago

Looking forward to your posts about this challenge :)

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2 years ago