My first love

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2 years ago

When you read the title, what comes to your mind? Does it have to be the person you fell in love with? Your passion? A movie? A song? A place? Everyone can fall in love, even a lout, even the young. Love knows no gender or age.

This makes me think what made me fall in love with waterfall and what was my first waterfall that I fell in love with. There are so many things that nature can offer and one can easily fall in love with nature over and over again. Waterfall is my body of water. I somehow relate to it in the sense that there is a rushing force within us that is thunderous, noisy, chaotic, destructive but at the same time there's beauty, grandeur, power and if you are lucky, a rainbow. We don't easily fall in love with it but it takes a deeper appreciation for us to love a waterfall.

Photography is one of my hobbies. I used to take photos when phones started having a camera feature even when there was no smartphone yet. When I had purchased a camera, I like freedom of being behind the lens and capturing the world in a photo. I like how one can evolve and one can be creative with this kind of hobby and you get express yourself through this means.

My first love was just a crush, an admiration for a classmate of mine back when I was little. You might call it puppy love or just a crush and nothing serious but love comes in different forms and different intensity. In my young mind and what I can fathom then, that is love for me. We get to be teased a lot back then. She had to transfer to a different province and I didn't get to see her again. I had moved on and my interests were diverted to others. I get to know about her through a friend but I was indifferent about it all. During college days, we had the chance to meet again. One thing led to another and we found ourselves together. Unfortunately, that was short lived. We both realized we were not meant to be.

I have moved on from that and had other relationships but I am glad to have met my partner right now and I can say that that is one of the biggest gift in my life right now.

Opposites attract they say but it's not always that way. We find common ground when we are in a relationship be it romantic or not. We may not always agree and that's okay. Our personalities may clash but that's the fun of it. We compromise, we sacrifice, but we find a point where we meet all in the name of love.

Know that there is no such thing as equality in life and that applies to love. One will always love more or less and we have to understand that and learn to accept it. If we keep expecting to receive the amount of love that we are giving, then that's not love at all. Be more patient and understanding and learn to be content. The world doesn't revolve around you alone.

These are the things that made me realize when I met my partner and being together is a learning experience. It still is.

Three things that I own right now that I am grateful for: laptop, cellphone and credit card.

I really don't own anything. I don't have any property. I don't even have money in the bank or any investments. I only live from paycheck to paycheck and sometimes that's not cutting it.

However, I can purchase some things like my laptop that I use for work and other online stuff. I have my phone which is more for entertainment now as my contacts are mostly through the internet. I used my credit card to purchase those and I am grateful for I have pain those on an installment basis without interests. For a long time, I couldn't qualify for credit card because I have no stable job and online job is not recognized by the bank. It was my friend who told me about a program of a certain bank where you can open an account and use that as collateral to apply for a credit card. What happens is that you are only given a limited credit limit which at that time was PHP10,000 (around USD189.00 as of this writing) but you can't use all of that. You are only allowed PHP8,000 maximum credit limit. What you do is to prove to the bank that you have the capacity to pay meaning keep spending using your credit card but you have to pay on time. This will help build your credibility and increase your credit limit as well.

I was able to increase my credit limit quickly and that gave me purchasing power. However, due to some circumstances, I was not able to pay on time and then pandemic hit which made it harder even more for me to pay. Thankfully, I was able to pay off everything and now I am wiser and only use my credit card when necessary. I almost decided to close it when I have paid off everything but then I saw the benefit of it when tragedy came upon our family. So I am keeping it for now.

For today's photo, let me share this Choco Lanay Donut that I just bought from my former boss' daughter who bakes.

It was so good I had to order again.

For my lead image, that was also posted here. You want to see how I look, then head on there lol!

Anyway, I hope your weekend rocks! Whatever you do, wherever you go, keep safe.

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2 years ago


My first love? hmmmm di ko na matandaan basta nung nag high school nako si papa nalang ginawa kong standard when it comes to love.. Another love I had is reading hahhaa....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ganun naman daw talaga sabi sa psychology. Ang standard natin e un parents natin :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A person stays with many people until he finds his soul mate. Some are instant, some are for a lifetime.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's profound :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, I had one great love before but it was nothing compared to how much I love my partner right now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We always have that someone or something that will always be dear to us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

when a person experiences first love his feelings are very happy and happy because in such a situation the world feels his own. The eyes cannot be closed, the face is always cheerful, the feeling of happiness covers the whole soul. love is happiness when the heart's pleasure is achieved.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happiness is infectious indeed and one can see that in the eyes, words and actions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So glad that you're happy living with your partner now, and for all the things you bought for yourself, those are necessities by the way . God bless you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks! Stay blessed too :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In terms of talent, my first love was singing. Way back when I was in Kindergarten and elementary, I used to join singing competition. That was the best experience I've had that I will never forget. ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sigurado dami mainlove sa boses mo nyan sir hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like that you are happy with the things you have earned. That's as important as it is the way to keep getting more things because you are grateful for what you have. I wish you much rapport in relationships with your favorite person. I also love photography and being on the platforms encouraged me to keep loving photos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think being grateful is the only way for us to live in peace and happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At the end of article you break my heart I am a die heart fan of chocolate and you show me the donut also its midnight I can't order it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh that happens a lot to me so I know exactly how you feel :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Since you are as much a fan of nature as I am, Google "Angel Falls" and you will fall in love, you have no idea what it feels like to be in front of it. I also love how you like the photography, I love that romanticizing life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That and Victoria Falls are just two of the things I want to see. I saw a video by Nat Geo of someone climbing Angel Falls. What an adrenaline rush!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I thought you will share us your new found girlfriend or something. I am expecting from you to describe what she looks like. Haha. Sorry bro! Just to excited for others love life. Whahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol! I'm that private :D

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2 years ago

I'm curious to see the photo of your lover who makes you feel blessed and you consider her as the best gift.

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2 years ago

I'm not comfortable sharing lol!

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2 years ago

My first love was the wonder of mountain, and i also love the water falls. Nothing can replace it's beauty. While my first crush was the first Cho of our neighbor 😂. He is ahead of me and he also went to a private school but we somehow becomes friends but he never knew that I had a crush on him😂. Well that was so long ago, I am already grateful with my little family now.

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2 years ago

Hirap ng ganyan one-sided love hehe.

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2 years ago

To me, those love we experienced back then in grade school were nothing but infatuation. I had lots of those feelings back in school but nothing reasonable came out

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love is feeling, reasonable or not :)

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2 years ago