Humility, forgiveness and prayer

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2 years ago

The topic for this challenge is a teacher or mentor that I am grateful for. I have already talked about my first grade teacher who taught me a lot not only in terms of academics but also in being patient and kind.

Another teacher I am grateful for is our choir director. I used to belong in a singing group back then in school when I was younger. I am grateful of the opportunity to serve through music. We would travel to different provinces and cities here in the northern part of the Philippines and we share The Word through our songs.

Sometimes we would give comfort to bereaved families. At a young age, I am glad that we can be of comfort just by singing alone. We may not be able to share financially but we uplift them through music and then the words of comfort from our choir master/teacher or someone like a pastor maybe or another teacher who would was with us that time.

I remember an incident where some of us in the singing group, deliberately missed a planned trip. We had fun with our other friends, enjoying ourselves. On our next choir practice, we were reprimanded by our director of course. We were taught the importance of keeping our word. During the planning of that trip, we all agreed to go. Thus, our director was confident of having a complete group. We practiced the songs we were going to sing and everything went well not until the day itself when we went AWOL.

Because of that, we were punished by not being allowed to go on a road trip with the group. We have been looking forward to going to that road trip. We were sad but we had to accept that. We already had that prescience that our actions will have no consequence but this is not what we imagined.

As the day of that road trip draws near, I talked to my other fellows who were punished and told them that we ask for forgiveness for what we have done and could we please join the road trip.

The director was firm in his decision. Before we parted that night, I asked for him to pray for with us and for us.

God answers prayers indeed for a few days after that our director had a change of heart and allowed us to join the trip and everyone was happy!

There was a lesson of humility and forgiveness and prayer. Those are the things that I always remember whenever I think of that director/teacher. The last time we saw each other was the death of another teacher. He was still teaching then but I'm not sure now as that burial was many years ago.

Now, to answer the guilty pleasure question, sweets and food in general.

This photo and the lead image were both creations of my former boss' daughter. The lead image is a choco lanay donuts while these ones above are ensaymada.

I have been seeing lots of baked stuff from the page of her that is just all too good I had to give in. I was sold at her cakes that we ordered last year. What I like about them is that they are not that sweet. That lessens the guilt lol!

Just looking at these photos make me want to order again but unfortunately, she is on training for two weeks because she is planning to work abroad again. Thinking about that makes me feel sad for I am going to miss her baking for sure. I have grown fond of what she bakes and have grown to love them.

These are pre-ordered stuff so you have to watch out for her page and check her posts for she doesn't do these often. Orders fill up really quickly. That's how good they are.

She had been posting before but I chose to ignore them. It was during the visit of my aunt and family that I decided to give these a try. I was looking for food to bring when I visit my aunt. It is a common thing for visitors to bring anything when we go visiting. I have always witnessed that when we have visitors be it family or friends or relatives or strangers. It's not always though that they have something but almost always they have gifts and the most common is food most especially bread. Food is something that everyone can share.

So that's how I ended up buying other baked stuff from my former boss' daughter.

How about you? What food have you tried lately that you have learned to love?

$ 2.86
$ 2.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
$ 0.05 from @mommykim
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2 years ago


I really love that food, you really make me crave for that now hehe. But for me, samgyupsal or korean foods are the best that makes me crave every day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think gone are the days that I grave for samgyup. Breads and pastries make my day :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Obviously you were hungry there when you visited aunt house I always have the same thought

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, you could say that :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The foods are making me drowl kuya Lee huhuhu. Anyways, the way you describe your choir director made me want to meet him as well kuya. I thinj he is super awesome.

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2 years ago

He really is. I just found out his kids are now professionals in the medical field :)

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2 years ago

Hmmm. I never thought that Korean food will be my comfort food, and that's my recent cravings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Korean culture is now a part of us all :)

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2 years ago

Your music director knows how to handle makukulits like you hahaha. Buti nalang pumayag syang sumama kayo sa trip. Pinakaba lang kayo para matuto kayo ng lesson hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's so wonderful of your teacher. He's soft hearted and knows the importance of forgiveness. The truth is that any leader especially in a Godly setting must be open to forgiveness. I once slightly violated a law in my church unit, I had to beg for forgiveness in order not to go for suspension and thank God I was forgiven.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

He is hard on the outside but deep down he is a softie :D

Good for you that you were forgiven!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really love homemade foods urghhhh and this photo made me crave for something sweet today

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2 years ago

Lol! I wanted to have some of it too but the one I buy this from has not been making these recently for she is more focused on another product that is more in demand.

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2 years ago

It's always good to be humble to ask for forgiveness, begging for forgiveness shouldn't be done rudely at all. And after forgiveness, prayers follow cos it's the prayer that will seal up everything.

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2 years ago

That's absolutely true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That must have hurt your director when he thought he had depended on you guys to go for the trip but went AWOL..... What is the meaning of that word? 😉

I love going with a gift too whenever I am visiting anyone because it is something we have been taught to do and not to go empty handed. Even a small bread is something.

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2 years ago

AWOL is an acronym for absence without leave meaning being absent without informing others :)

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2 years ago

You will see that many more opportunities will come, only that we are not yet ready to go through these stages, I am increasingly aware that everything happens when it has to happen. what a good way g you have to reflect on the world

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like that you said everything happens when it has to happen. So true!

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2 years ago

Nakasanayan na talaga sa ating history na magdala ng breads as a pasalubong when we visited our loved ones and friends

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2 years ago

Oo din kahit pandesal okay na yun :)

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2 years ago

galing naman niya mag bake,,,,ako I learned to love tofu as I am not really fond of eating it, but because my boss likes to cook tofu stew before that I had grown liking it and ordering it whenever we eat on an eat all you can buffet

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parang kimchi lang yan sanayan lang talaga hehe.

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2 years ago

Been eating homemade food a lot these past months. Haven't had anything made outside the house for so long. Craving pizza though.

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2 years ago

Home made is still the best :)

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2 years ago

Effective talaga Ang prayer. Even though firm na Ang decision ni director after few days his heart change and allow you to go with the road trip

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2 years ago

True! Prayer works :)

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2 years ago

I didn't know kuya na member ka ng choir. Sample naman po dyan wahhaha. Grabe ang mga doughnuts, super sarap.

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2 years ago

Wahaha! Wala na un galing kumanta :D

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2 years ago