Amidst the storm

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1 year ago

I mentioned in my previous blog that I will be meeting with a friend from another province. Despite the heavy rainfall we are experiencing which I warned them about, they still pursued to come as a family. She has her reasons which made me understand even more the "need" to do the trip else they will not have that chance to visit the city as a family.

We kept updating each other where they are and where they will be going next. This is in anticipation to when I will plan to meet with them. We then decided to meet late in the afternoon for dinner/supper.

Because of the weather, they couldn't go to as much place as they want to. They were even wet from the rain in one of the spots they visited. I queried if they were the only ones that but to my surprise, she mentioned that there were still a lot of tourists. It seems the windy rainy foggy weather did not deter anyone.

The photo above was taken in one of the restaurants at the mall. That is where I waited for her reply. We decided to meet at the mall because there was nowhere else to go anyway. There is not much indoor activities that one can enjoy in the city. Cafes and restaurants are highly recommended though.

I waited and waited patiently for them. I left the restaurant with the thought of going home already. My worry is that there will not be that much taxi if I will stay late in the city. My phone's battery is at 30+ percent anyway. Good thing I dropped by one of the shops there to buy something and that's where I received a reply from her that they are already in the mall.

When I was done at the store, it took longer than necessary before we finally saw each. I accompanied them to where they wanted to shop before finally settling for dinner - back to the same restaurant that I had my coffee earlier. The food court was full and there were no seats so I decided to bring them there. Thankfully, we were the only customers that time.

After eating, we stayed there a bit. Her husband went to sleep in their car while the kids went to buy some stuff in the mall.

The topic that me and my friend touched on arrived at relationships. It was not intended to be but she brought out about one of our batchmates where she posted personal matters online.

Understand that she and I don't like discussing stuff like this or don't like reading stuff about people's personal stuff that they post online. It's not my cup of tea. If you want the world to know your every move in life, then so be it but I'd rather leave you to it.

The only reason the subject was brought out was because it was mentioned to her by one of our friends during their meet up one time. This common friend of ours have told me stuff also about my friend's (the one I met last night) relationship situation. I'd rather want to hear it from her about it rather than relying from other sources so I asked her that.

We all know that every relationship is not perfect. Just because we have come into misunderstanding that we easily give up each other. Never assume that what you think is the real reason of the misunderstanding. Also, it is important to humble yourself and admit your faults which my friend did. She admitted that she assumed and did not communicate properly with her husband. Yes we do have our own stuff to take care of especially family outside of our own relationships but that should be discussed and talked about as well. If we communicate properly our feelings, the situations that we are in, listen to each other's concerns and be more understanding and patient, then we can make it work.

Yes you can find someone you can confide your problems and feelings but that should not be enough to wreck a family. Relationships are constantly making it work but both parties should make the effort to make it work.

My friend and I had the same level of understanding and how we approach our problems. I'm glad that they were able to sort things out between her and her husband.

This stormy weather seems to be symbolic for them as a couple. At least that is how I want to think about it. No matter what storms we go through in our lives, in our relationships, we have to keep the family intact by working things out.

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1 year ago


I'm glad that things worked out between them. Take care po, lakas pala ulan diyan.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ingat din jan. May ibang bagyo nanaman.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm glad they worked things out rather than splitting leaving the kids traumatized I have been this way too, but I am glad that we love each other too much and our kids and chose to stay, no third parties at all, there are just lots of things a couple can have misunderstandings with

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed it's not always easy. We are always tested :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is the reason kung bakit ayaw ko munang pumasok sa relasyon, aside sa bata pa ako..di pa ako handa kasi alam ko relationships are not the same sa mga kilig kilig sa movies.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are way mature beyond your years. I hope everyone thinks like that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I like the topic. The weather sometimes affects communication between systems. The relationship is communication that is also affected by emotional weather between a couple, or a group of people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's interesting how nature can be relatable even when the weather is bad :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

No hay matrimonios perfectos, porque las personas no somos perfectas, tenemos nuestros cáracter y costumbres diferentes, si existe atracción y se llega a un matrimonio debe existir comprensión y aceptación entre ambos.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's true. But still some get married just for the sake of getting married.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, there's no perfect relationships. Hindi pa man ako pamilyado pero I know na napakahalaga ng communication kahit anong klaseng relasyon pa yan. Hindi maaayos kung hindi makikinig at iintindihin ang sa bawat isa.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Tama. Un iba kasi mas iniintindi ang sarili.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

ako naman di talaga ako mahilig makisawsaw sa mga ganyan lalo na problemang mag asawa hihi

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe tama yan. Ganyan dapat talaga :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm not a fan of putting relationship online for the world to see. I wonder how people that do that cope with it.

Also, relationship has no manual, it's all understanding from both parties to keep pushing no matter what

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right? I don't understand it too why they can't keep it private.

You are correct on that one. It's a constant understanding and patience.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

in marriage sabi nga, there's only one goal and that's to stay together!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Correct. Dami kasi ngayon gang sarap lang ang alam e.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There's no definite guide on how to have a perfect relationship but I do agree with you, we should work things out with our partners. When we experience the storm, it's better to hold each other tighter than to face it alone.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago

Marriage can be likened to a learning institution where both partners learn various lessons regularly

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You got that right. There is no perfect relationship.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ah huh. That should be the first action to be taken.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kaya nga e. Un iba kasi give up agad.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sabi nga those imperfections makes the relationship grow stronger.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yun e kung gawing learning experience hehe.

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1 year ago

Un nga lng🙃

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Up up down down left right left right AB AB select start . Nope no hack or cheat in relationships. And it ain't heaven even. They even say it's half a sorrow but i think that is only when the weather is right.. sometimes it slips to double the sorrow.

I salute all couples who stay in their relationships - marriage most specially. It takes a lot of selfless steps to accommodate communication and accept the opinion/side of the other even if it does not sit right with you.

Salute salute.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Contra? Lol!

Pag parehong gusto ipaglaban ang relasyon, magagawan ng paraan :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There is no perfect relationship, everyone are dealing with the struggle and flaws. What matters is that despite the imperfections they need to stick to each other.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's the way to deal with it.

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1 year ago

Totoo sir lee wala talagang perfect relationship. Mararanasan talagang may mga misunderstandings at natural lang yun.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Un kasi ang hindi maintindihan ng iba e. Ang alam nila walang problema. Pag nagkaproblema, di na nila alam ayusin.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sir totoo. Dapat before to commit someone dapat open-minded na sila about these things sir lee.

$ 0.00
1 year ago