A book that I am grateful for

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1 year ago

This is the topic chosen for this 30-day gratitude post. You can find the complete list here.

I have mentioned before that I do like fiction the likes of John Grisham, Ken Follet, Michael Crichton, etc. I also like reading short stories especially when we have subjects that require us to read.

I also grew up reading devotionals for kids and for adults. There were also magazines back then like Reader's Digest and Health & Home that keeps me entertained.

I have written a post back then in Steemit about our mini library. Feel free to check My entry to What's in your library challenge ❓ by WizarDave.

These photos were taken from that post.

Sadly, these all perished in the fire except maybe for some bibles and other books.

So the question on the prompt is about a book that I am grateful for that I have read it.

I wanted to say the Bible for that was what our mom would make us read and at the same time it is mostly where the teaching in our school was based. There were many lessons that one can learn from the Bible and those lessons are applicable all the time especially the 10 commandments.

I wanted to say Shogun by James Clavell. It's about the life in Japan during the 1600s set during the samurai era. I get to see Japan in a different perspective when I read that. There is a certain fascination about Japan that attracts me.

I wanted to say John Grisham's books although I cannot be particular about the books I have read because I forgot all about them.

There's also Stieg Larsson's Lisbeth Salander trilogy. That was one of the trilogies that I got hooked on right away.

I could say Harry Potter series for that brought me to the land of magic.

I also like Michael Crichton's Timeline where I get to travel to 14th century France about kings, knights, swords, castles, etc.

Dan Brown is another controversial author that I have read especially The Da Vinci Code. I remember the film being too controversial that it was not shown in some of the cinemas here because it goes against the Catholic Church.

I could list more of the books but I really couldn't recall them in particular.

Reading a book is like traveling. I think that is one of the reasons why I like to travel. Reading lets your imagination wander and wonder. Photos that I saw on books fascinated me and made me wish one day I could travel to those places.

That is what I am grateful for about reading a book, igniting something in you, a goal, a dream, a passion but most of all, you learn or unlearn.

This photo that I used as my lead image was just part of a mural painted on the wall of a cafe here in the city. This is for Blue Friday. I like patterns behind the woman and I like the blue hues.

Any plans for the weekend? I hope you stay safe and have a good one!

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1 year ago


Leer un libro es muy bueno y relajante, a parte que creas un habito y vas a prendiendo muchas cosas que desconoce, es bueno tener el hábito de leer, ahorita estoy empezando un libro que se llama: secreto para triunfar en la vida, muy bueno

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Eso suena como un buen libro. That sounds like a good book :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Currently, I am reading a survival book and I hope I can learn more its contents.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sounds like a good book. Anything about survival helps.

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1 year ago

I grew up reading liwayway - i think it was a local magazine? Not sure. We don't have that books back then. Wala pambili so I sometimes reads old news papers, iyong pinambalot sa binili sa tindahan.

Oh Dan Brown, kapag binasa mo dapat strong ang faith mo

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Meron pa kayang Liwayway? Bannawag ang version nyan dito sa north hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sa totoo lang tagalog Books lang alam ko ee. Pero Im also grateful with those kasi mejo natuto ako ng kinti sa engols. Nakaka intindi ba ganon. May english part din kaisi.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Galing mo nga sa Tagalog at English e.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good collection of books in your mini library. Reading is truly our bet companion for life.

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1 year ago

That's right. We do it every day and it's a necessity.

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1 year ago

Gusto ko talaga basahin yung da Vinci code medyo nacurious ako kung bat naging controversial yan.

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1 year ago

May mga issues kasi dun about the Catholic church. Di ko na marecall haha!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Whaoo . you have read a lot of books but you didn't tell us your favourite. Though I have also read a lot of books that I can't remember the author or title again.. I was still young and my big sis works in a library so she brings lots of books for me.. But I can never forget the Bible stories because I still read them till date

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1 year ago

Different genres, different level of interests so I can't pinpoint what is exactly my fave although I have mentioned before that Shogun could be it.

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1 year ago

I am like you, I have read many books and I can remember some and forget others, the only difference is that you read a lot of fiction and I read more about self-help or personal development

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1 year ago

Maybe I should start reading books like that too :D

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1 year ago

I used to read a lot before but I'm no longer there. Then, I was a big fan of spiritual/religious books and they helped me alot.

Now I'm reading for money 🤣

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1 year ago

Lol! We read and write for money :D

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1 year ago

I am not so into reading books, to be honest, Kuya Lee but there were certain books before that caught my interest which made me finish them with great satisfaction.

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1 year ago

Sa busy ng buhay ngayon madalang na nakakabasa ng books hehe.

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1 year ago

Meron din akong nasulat na article dati na Books I grow up with.. Sarap balikan ng mga alaala na yan, sayang nmn at nawala lahat yan nun nasunog bahay nyo.

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1 year ago

Oo nga e sayang talaga.

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1 year ago

Dan Brown's deception really got me shookt on how the twist of the story made it a really commendable book of all...I haven't read his da vinci code though

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1 year ago

Magaling talaga siya na author.

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1 year ago

When you read a book, it's same thing as traveling in your imagination and that is very great. When we read books, we learn new things and at the same time, unlearn some things we see as bad habits to us.

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1 year ago

That's right. We still have to be careful with what we read and not believe everything, depending on what we read.

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1 year ago