Parachutes are a relatively new technique in the fly tying world. This middle one in the photo is material from my nephew's soccer ball. One day I stole a nephew’s ball that was already cracked and instead of air inside it was filled with synthetic white material. It turned out to be a great material and there is so much stuff in the ball the size of a fist that I can't spend it for three fishing lives.
The advantages of this technique are better visibility of the fly on the surface of the water, better buoyancy. The white feather is independent of the other legs.
I call them dandelion because their hairy appearance reminds me of that plant.
The advantage of such flies is that they swim better on the water, and their shaggy part protrudes above the calm surface of the water and the angler sees his bait better, sometimes it is a very important detail, to see the fly and be ready to attack the fish.
Video credit: InTheRiffle Youtube
Relativno nova tehnika u svijetu mušičarenja. Cilj je napraviti potpuno suhi dio mušice, kako bi u svakom trenutku bio vidljiv, ponekad riba samo takve suhe mušice želi da jede.
Imaju zgodno ime - padobranci. Ali ja ih zovem - maslačak, maslačci. Dosta nalikuju na tu biljku, odnosno suhe sjemenke koje vjetar zarnosi u proljeće na sve strane.
Jednog dana sam ukrao nećaku lopticu koja je već bila napukla, a umjesto zraka u sebi je bila ispunjena sintetičkim bijelim materijalom. (slika broj 1)
Pokazalo se da je to odličan materijal i u loptici veličine šake ima toliko natrpano materijala, da ga ne mogu potrođiti za tri ribarska života. :)
It also reminds me more of a dandelion than a parachute, but the name is certainly interesting, it is easy to remember ...