Can ladies do that?

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Avatar for varda42
3 years ago

Prompted by an article and a question from a friend "Women and fishing - yes or no? a quick answer follows. Of course, there are them in all spheres of life, including this noble royal sport!

Amazing Facebook page that brings together the population of women fisher(wo)men: Exclusively Flyfishing here For me, and for many other anglers the most noble fishing technique. (Photo collage credit: Unitedwomenonthefly FB group)

Life is beautiful, nature is a miracle, you just have to find yourself in it all.

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$ 0.10 from @zapjevajmo
Avatar for varda42
3 years ago


A zosto da ne? Zenite se vojnici, policajci, ima vo site profesii i sportovi, da fudbalerki, rakometarki, teniserki, sigurno deka mozat da bidat i ribarki. Toa e sport za site. I tuka postavenite prekrasni sliki go pokazuvaat toa. Da, zenite mozat da bidat SE.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Najveći lažov Šeta se stariji gospodin obalom jezera. Pažnju mu privuče jedan ribolovac koji peca na obali, priđe i obrati mu se: – Jel grize nešto? – Danas ne. Ali juče sam ovde ulovio četrdeset štuka! – odgovori ribolovac. – Znate li vi ko sam ja? – upita čovek. – Ne – odgovari ribolovac. – Ja sam šef kontrole za ovu oblast – predstavi se čovek i pokaza mu legitimacije. – A, znate li vi ko sam ja? – brzo se snađe ribolovac. – Ne! – Ja sam najveći lažov u ovom kraju.

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3 years ago

Najsmješnija ribarska laž mi je iz Nadrealista scena, kada Đuro, kao Barba Duje, u prugastoj majici kaže: bila je metar ipo dugačka, brala je šišarike s okolnih borova.

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3 years ago

Jedinstveni Djuro,po stoti put sam odgledala deo Veče sa Ivanom Ivanovičem kad nam objašnjava kako je Brega birao pevače po reči mjesec!

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3 years ago

Yes, why not. Vidjala sam dosta zena koje pecaju, nista cudno. Secam se jednog starijeg para- baka i deka. Baka vadi ribe a deda se nervira.. bilo je davno, ali sam upamtila bakin smeh svaki put kad pobedi deku.

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3 years ago

Baba pravi šeret.

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3 years ago

Opasna je bila baba. Cigara u ustima i stap u rukama. Secam se kao da je juce bilo

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3 years ago

who killed the fish? who baked it? grandma or grandpa

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3 years ago

I have no idea. I was just there until they were fishing. They are not my grandam and grandpa

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3 years ago

Oni se takmiče verovatno.

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3 years ago

Ma sta se takmice, odrala ga baba

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Smesno tebi i babi al dedi nije bilo. Meni bese zao dede :D

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3 years ago

Fishing is a male sport. It is dealt with by women who are exceptions who want to be something special and thus attract attention. But how many women fish, just what do they see in that? I myself have been a companion on all-day fishing quite a few times and I have to admit it is quite boring.Many websites dedicated to women and fishing can be found on the World Wide Web. Above all, there are quite a few clubs and societies where women who have a common interest in fishing get together. Most of them are in the United States. Australia, however, boasts the largest women’s fishing tournament in the world. Of course, women also go fishing in other countries of the world, which are not few.Some research shows that women believe that fishing is a sport that you can learn relatively quickly. Of course, a special challenge is that you also need a bit of luck when fishing. Of particular excitement is the non-monotony of the sport, as you can catch one fish today and five or none tomorrow. Fishing is an intellectual sport in which we always learn about the behavior of the animals we hunt. It is not necessary to be in top physical condition for fishing, but we must be in mental condition. Women state that they are also happy to have direct contact with nature. Many women feel equal to men when fishing, as the results do not depend on age or gender. Women also state that it is an extraordinary challenge to prepare and cook their own catch.

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3 years ago

Its unisex sport.

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3 years ago

ne volim ni lov ni ribolov, a pogotovo kad zene ucestvuju u tome,

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3 years ago

A zosto taka, mislam na delot vo koj velis .....koga zenite ucestvuvaat vo toa, bas bi sakala da go cujam tvoeto mislenje, mislis deka zenite ne se sozdadeni za lov i ribolov, ili pricinata e druga?

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3 years ago

Iskren odgovor. ;)

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3 years ago

Eh, ali ovo je posebna vrsta ribolova, nema uzimanja nijedne ribice iz vode.

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3 years ago

ma žene mogu sve da rade.....nema posla kojeg mi ne obvladujemo hahah.....odličan post drug

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3 years ago

Ali nije posao, uživancija i hedonizam jeste.

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3 years ago

Go girls!

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3 years ago

Izgleda samo kod nas je ribolov ekskluzivno rezervisan za muškarce. Mijenja se polako i ta mantra.

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3 years ago

Da, drago mi je sto je tako i sto se svet menja. Nije vise cudno sa zene pecaju, a ni muskarci da peglaju.

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3 years ago

Muškarci peglaju i bez pegle.

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3 years ago

Kad se napiju?

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3 years ago

Nice post

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3 years ago

Well, thanks.

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3 years ago

For the first time I hear women go fishing. Good a matter of taste and of course we are not all women the same. In every way it is a kind of pastime for them.

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3 years ago

Unbelievable, first time. Da, kod nas je taj običaj tek u povoju.

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3 years ago

but these were friendly matches

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3 years ago

Kod nas one koji ribu nose za jelo, pogrdno ih nazivaju MESARI.

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3 years ago

sometimes I competed in fishing

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3 years ago

of course the answer is yes..but I never eat my trophies

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3 years ago

U tome se i razlikuje: fisherman = ribolovac za hranu. Angler = ribolovac za zanimaciju, sport, rekreaciju.

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3 years ago

of course we can ,,, we are calmer patient but we never eat our catch

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3 years ago

O.K. to je moralnije.

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3 years ago

Women can actually do anything if given the opportunity

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3 years ago

There is no gender in jobs.

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3 years ago

Great blog and I'm glad you included the discussion.

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3 years ago

Žene imaju svoja takmičenja, vjerujem i kod vas na Dravi.

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3 years ago

Yes! Bistro :)

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3 years ago

Hvala. Ribaru je drago čuti taj pozdrav.

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3 years ago

Ladies can do everything! And we need ot accept that. Fishing is for everyone!

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3 years ago

Exactly! There is no gender in this fishing world.

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3 years ago