Prompted by an article and a question from a friend "Women and fishing - yes or no? a quick answer follows. Of course, there are them in all spheres of life, including this noble royal sport!
Amazing Facebook page that brings together the population of women fisher(wo)men: Exclusively Flyfishing here For me, and for many other anglers the most noble fishing technique. (Photo collage credit: Unitedwomenonthefly FB group)
Life is beautiful, nature is a miracle, you just have to find yourself in it all.
A zosto da ne? Zenite se vojnici, policajci, ima vo site profesii i sportovi, da fudbalerki, rakometarki, teniserki, sigurno deka mozat da bidat i ribarki. Toa e sport za site. I tuka postavenite prekrasni sliki go pokazuvaat toa. Da, zenite mozat da bidat SE.