Although it may seem contradictory for ladies to go fishing, there are still more and more women who decide to go fishing. A long time has passed since the emergence of the belief that a woman in a boat is unlucky. However, it is still a common opinion that women are not interested, that they do not know which fishing rods are good and that this sport does not impress them much. There are always exceptions
How do fishing and ladies go together? Namely, few ladies in the world of fishing claim that fishing relaxes and is better than any sedative.
In peace and quiet, in the nature and beauty of the place where they fish, women and men enjoy it equally, so here is an opportunity for all those women who are interested in fishing to try their luck.
And how do you view ladies fishermen? Can fishing rods and women go together?
Women can like doing anything. Fishing too. Personaly, I know a few women who go fishing.