"Age should never be a mother's weakness!"

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1 year ago

A mother is not just her children's guardian, she also has to take care of herself. She does not need to be so hard on herself and get discouraged by the age-related changes in her body. Instead, she needs to keep on moving and do what she can for her family.

Mothers can do various things when they reach their forties to stay in shape and maintain their fitness level, with a focus on staying active, eating healthily and living an active lifestyle.

Motherhood is not an easy job. In addition to taking care of the children, mothers have to manage all their household tasks, work and much more.

I am going to give some tips on how mothers can stay active with their kids in the age of technology!

1) Provide a list of apps that are suitable for children and help them engage with them.

2) Introduce some games that can be played by parents and their children together.

3) Share a personal story about how they handle their work-life balance as a mother.

Mothers these days are not just focused on motherhood. They juggle careers and raising children simultaneously. With the increasing pressure to excel in both of these fields, mothers have a tough time being dedicated to their careers as they should be.

Modern-day mothers are often faced with the dilemma of whether to be a dedicated career woman or a dedicated mother. Motherhood is what takes priority but it doesn't mean that mothers cannot enjoy the benefits of career progression and vice versa.

I am a mother to a lovely daughter and a son and I have been thinking about it for a long time.

It is not just about me but for all mothers.

I never did a corporate job because it created a conflict between me being a parent and being a working woman. And for me it seemed very scary.

But now, as they are getting older and I started penning down my thoughts on paper, these fears don’t seem so scary to me anymore.

I am sure there are many other mothers like me who will love reading this post because they can relate to it too.

Mothers who are seldom satisfied with their own ideas, always need to try something new. That is the beauty of being an innovator.

When you're restless, your work will also be more creative and you will enjoy the process more.

In our society, we have this notion that as a woman, you’re most important in your twenties. Naturally, this has an impact on the way in which women view themselves and their worth. It makes her question whether she’s still beautiful or loved when she crosses the age of thirty. The truth is, such notions can be harmful for us women. We need to start shifting these views and let go of these expectations.

Age is just a number, but it can be a barrier in the workplace. Let's see how age has impacted women over the years and how they are fighting back.

10-20 years ago, mothers would often be sidelined when they wanted to return to work. They were given lower-skilled tasks that did not require as much involvement or effort, and this could lead to them being dismissed later. The recent change may be due to the need for more flexible working hours by employers or the large percentage of women in senior ranks in companies.

In recent times, more companies are embracing policies like family-friendly maternity leave policies and paid parental leaves. This shows that these companies are making adjustments so that people can work at their best and fulfil their responsibilities as parents successfully.


A book written By Tara Mohr

"Playing Big"! Written by the President of New York University and the founder of Momastery, Tara Mohr, this book is for women who have either come to a point in their life or are about to reach a point where their age should not become a reason for weakness.

This book is an inspirational guide for women who have taken up motherhood and wish to continue with it and all that it entails. It offers helpful suggestions on how one can keep up with parenting when they grow old, advice on how to plan ahead for your retirement years, and finally, stories from other mothers who are dealing with their own issues related to aging.

There are many myths out there that a woman should not grow older as it is not good for her. But the reality is it is not right to leave someone behind just because she has turned old. There are still many things that a woman can do in her life without giving up on herself.

Motherhood comes with a whole set of challenges, but it's also one of the most fulfilling roles a woman can take on. And remember- age should never be a mother's weakness!

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Written by
1 year ago


I don't know but I noticed that even my grandmother still a mother not just for her sons and daughter but also to us their grands, that's when I realize age is not a parents weakness, no matter how their age, they will always be the same parent as they are, they still do stuffs that includes caring and loving their children.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Being a mother is never an easy job, cause children can be stressful most of the time 😅

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1 year ago