"I Continue Blogging because..."
Published on: 01|28|2022-11:10AM
Lead Image: https://bloggingyourpassion.com/why-do-people-blog/ edited using Pixlab app
|#177- |17th
Good day my read.cash fam!😊
How are you? If your asking why I wasn't able to publish an article yesterday, I went to Sogod Southern, Leyte and submitted my Application Letter in connection to the article that I published entitled, "Opportunity Knocks at my Door!" I really felt tired, because I was the one who drove for myself going to town and I rode on a bus going to Sogod. And when I went home, I was soaked in the rain. I felt like I was getting a fever. I just took the time to rest. Anyways, this is not the main topic of this article. I wrote this one, because I came across an article written by @Eybyoung entitled, "Why I blog?" For those who haven't read it yet, here's the link; https://read.cash/@Eybyoung/why-i-blog-3d46c6c2 . Upon reading it, I was thinking that I should share my reasons too. Well, as what she said, "Its a content." Actually, I really felt like I was still not in the mood to write but I will push myself a little more, so that I will be able to finish my entry for this.
Enough with that long introduction, these are my reasons why I do blogging;
I continue blogging because I earned money.
- The most common reason of all. I believed we all have this very reason why we continue our journey in here. As for this, earning even just a little amount, I considered it as a blessing. I try to see to it that whenever I gain something, small or big, I look upon it as a blessing and be contented on what I gain in that time. Still, it is a fruit of my labor. And with that, as I continued blogging and earning every cents possible, I can help my parents by providing our basic commodities, as well as my personal necessities.
I continue blogging because I want to improve my writing skills.
-At the begining of my journey as a content creator in this incredible site, I see myself as an amateur. Well, this thing is not my craft. I mean, I am not on writing. But, as the days gone by, I do realized that, God has given me such talent that still needs more of shaping. And that's ehat I have instilled in my mind. I should continue blogging in order to improve this talent through acquiring knowledge from the other writers and by doing some research.
I continue blogging because I was inspired by other people.
-Yes! I am inspired by the people in this community. That's why I continue blogging. I still can't believe that I came to this point where I met such amazing people even just in virtual community. Through reading your articles, stories and all, I gained some knowledge that I can also use for novel situations. And with that, I am very grateful that I became one of the members of this amazing platform.
I continue blogging because I can express myself.
- I can express myself through blogging. I can share with you, both the happy and sad stories and experiences about my life. Through writing, I expressed my deep feelings. And its a great blessing for me that through read.cash platform, I gained a lot of advises, encouragements, in which helped me solve/resolved the things that I went through.
I continue blogging because I have my very reason to do so.
-The very reason why I continue blogging is to inspire other people. Its not about bragging or something like I just want an attention, or whatever it is might come up in your great minds. I want to inspire others through my writings. Maybe at some point, I do write nonsense topics, but what I want to emphasize is about those writings where I took about things to work out whenever I encounter failures in life, relationship, so on and so forth. I do not know if you like it or not, but maybe, just maybe, through the stories and experiences I shared to you through blogging, I awaken your senses and you have learn something from it. Honestly, I am not that confident but I really do hope that I am able to do so. Well, the fact that you have given your positive comments and tips, I must say, I did it. Chars!
"Continue doing those things which makes you happy, as long as you are comfortable of doing so. Just see to it that it doesn't just about yourself or for self-convenience." After all, we are not living alone.
Blogging is not an easy job. Well, I bet there's no so called "Job" that is easy to do. It needs a lot of hard work, patience, persistence, and a lot more. We may have the same reason but I believe we do have different reasons why we do this thing, "blogging and writing articles in here". So, what about you? Why do you blog? Or Why do you continue blogging?
Thank you so much for reading this article.📖
I want to extend my deepest gratitude towards the people that keep supporting my works in here. To my avid readers, likers, subscribers, and upvoters. As well as my sponsors; (old, new, and renewed ones), I thanked you all. Thank you for making my read.cash journey fruitful. And, thank you for our virtual friendship. May the Lord God bless us more fruitful days, months, and years to come!
Peace and Love,
I like all the reasons, sis! Indeed, writing is beneficial. I am the same thoughts as yours. Good luck here at read.cash. All the best!