Random Questions and a cup of coffee...

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2 years ago

Another day has passed and I have nothing to write about, nothing new and interesting at least.

A series of events had happened in the last few days that have pulled me back to a state of heartache and sadness. The feeling of worthlessness that I have is bigger than before, even now, I feel I keep feeling overlooked no matter what I do or how hard I try.

But that's just life right? Nobody said it would be easy, and I'm not the only person in the world who's feeling like this at this exact same moment. Luckily for me, I have you guys giving me ideas to distract and separate myself from my current feelings and use my mind for something more fulfilling and productive.

Such thing happened yesterday when I came across an article written by @JustMaryel with a fresh batch of Random Questions; that and a good cup of coffee sprung me up and today I'm finally writing some answers, shall we?

Are you scared of anything?

Hell yeah! I want to say everything, from getting greeted by a stranger to a Road Trip with some friends. I've been afraid of Aliens, to Robbers, To Drunks and Homeless People, to been afraid of getting my card declined at the store. I'm fearful when it rains too much, or when the wind is too strong and the trees bend almost at the point of breaking. I'm afraid of meeting new people and speaking in public, as well as I'm afraid of getting bitten by a Jellyfish on the beach.

The thing is that we as humans can get past all of those fears and overcome them, so, I haven't seen an Alien (Thank God), but I have stud up to robbers by instinct, that's a story for another day, I walk away when confronted with drunks and homeless people who want to bother me (over here they are quite dangerous), and always check my bank balance before buying stuff, that one is a ritual nowadays.

What really makes you angry?

I can't pinpoint that one, it depends on the subject and all the variables involved, but I can say that many things make me angry. Disloyalty, Dishonesty, Injustice, Abuse of Power, Lies Lies Lies. Although there are plenty of those going around the world, and it's 100 percent out of my control, it still makes me angry to see people going about their lives oblivious of what they do, how they do it, and the impact their actions have on others, and it's hard for me to wrap around my head in the notion that even if I'm loyal, honest, rightful and balanced and with the sense of equality, not all people are like that and there's little I can do about it, hence me being angry.

What is your biggest fear?

I have two actually: a slow death and losing my mom and sister.

Death is a part of life and is unavoidable, so a big percentage of people around the world at least once in their life think about how will they die and the people they might lose. For me, seeing my dad slowly dying for years, his body and soul decaying a little bit each day, seeing his illness consume him day in and day out, was the most horrible experience of my life, and worse for him, because the feeling of being powerless affected him so, that at the end he just let himself go and there was nothing we could do about it. I fear that for me and for my loved ones, so when I go, I would want it to be quick and painless.

And in the same context, I can't bear the thought of losing my mom and my sister too, they are all that I have, so...

Have you ever been cheated?

Yes, next!

Mobile Legend or Wattpad?

What is a Wattpad? Hahaha I'm kidding.

Well, I have never used Wattpad because I hate reading on a screen, which might seem a little contradictory because I blog for a living. But it's true, I can't enjoy the content as well as I can enjoy it in a book, newspaper, or magazine. Over here I do my best to focus and read through what interests me, but I can't read a book, a novel, a research paper on a screen, it's just not right for me, so Mobile Legend would have been my choice if I had the proper device to play it.

What would you do if you met someone you love at the wrong time?

Umm, that's a toughy. Is there a right time? I can't give a proper answer to this one because I truly don't know if there's a right time, or what I would do if it happens to me.

When was the last time you fell in love?

Ha! 2017, almost 5 years ago, of course, with the wrong person. I fall in love easily, and I'm not talking about a crush or those initial months where is all magical and amazing and steamy. I'm talking about true and deep feelings of love because I tend to look to get to know the guy first, his struggles, his dreams and desires, his strength, his family, his hobbies, what he craves of life.

Of course, if he's hot, well, hot for me at least, I'll fall in love with his eyes, hands (the best) his smile, his perfume, the way he dresses, you name it. But sadly, I haven't met anybody since the last months of 2017, nobody that makes my belly ache with butterflies and drawing hearts in a notebook. I have been interested in some guys, but not hard enough to get to the fields of love.

Phew! This one was a brain breaker, but glad I did it, I feel lighter, I think....

If you want to see the original post by @JustMaryel tap me!

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See you next time.



February 17th, 2022.

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Avatar for rebeysa85
2 years ago


Losing someone you truly love is my fear too. It will come into our life but we have to be strong for them, and for the rest of our days. We should spend time with our loved ones.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, quality time is best. I often hear that, we should spend time with our lives ones but it is not just about time, is about the quality of that time, love commitment, understanding, honesty, support, all those things. I try to give that to my Mom, although sometimes I'm impossible 🤦🏻‍♀️😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

que bueno expresarse con libertad, y poder conocer a tantas personas interesantes, a seguir escribiendo con creatividad, saludos.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Eso es lo bueno de read.cash, que provee un espacio libre para expresar sentimientos e ideas, y por ahí podemos expandir nuestro círculo y aprender de otras personas y sus culturas, es genial. Saludos amigo!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for tagging😊. Me too, afraid to lose my mom or any for my family member.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks to you for the idea 💡☺️!

It's a Universal thing I believe, all of the people who love their parents have the same fear 😨

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we talk about cheated, we always say yes😞. Pain is there

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha totally, that's why, next! You can get over it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still cause discomfort to remember that episode or episode's.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am actually scared of almost everything so I can't tell one thing but one of my biggest fear is loosing my family as j can't even think my life without the existence of theirs. I hope may you get the love of your life as soon as possible Sis

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ah, the love of my life, I don't believe it's in the cards for me, but if it is I'll welcome with harms wide open 💞

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey Rebe, I'm worried that you're feeling bad, and I'm here for you, my friend if you want to vent.

I'm scared of a slow death too. And I hope you soon find that person who makes you feel butterflies but is also the right person to be your life partner. Hugs!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks Eli, that means a lot. I'll get through it as always, but I'll give you a big shout if needed 💞

Uff no, the thought of a slow death is just plain awfully, seeing people get undone little by little, it's gives me nightmares.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My greatest fear is losing my family. I think most would feel this...I would also prefer wattpad than mobile legends since I don't know about that game

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, most of us who love our families think the same about losing them 😔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have all our fears but the most important thing about us, is that we try to overcome it with all oir might. And also, we are capable to feel angry especially when it's all about lies cause trust is the most fragile thing nowadays .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly, we are capable of overcoming them and acting despite having them. And the thing about lies, they are disrespectful and also, they can ruin lives, even white lies, that might start small and for good reasons, but they are still lies and before you know it, they have a life of their own.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you! May everyone gives value for what we so called "trust" Causse it all make sense in this world especially in every relationships ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm scared of large body of water that's why I can't swim till now and can't travel by water too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too! I have utter respect for the water, I don't know how to swim so, I don't, in a pool, I use the kid's pool or always stay where the water doesn't go above my waist, and the beach, I just seat on the shore and contemplate the waves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am seeing that "Random Questions" is becoming popular among bloggers. Take the help from the question generator. Then create your questions. It might be a better option.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

They are fun and super helpful when you can't think of something to write about. I've used the question generator a few times, but answering proposed questions from other users, with their permission of course, is a good way to interact with them, it's just fun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What I hate the moat is a lie, and what I am most afraid if is the unknown future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's always scary, the future, one never knows what to expect, it can be good or bad, but that's life, and it's full of surprises, and from all the bad we still can get some good I think. The lies, well, they are just wrong.

$ 0.00
2 years ago