Be My Random Guest

21 31
Date: February 16, 2022

Have you ever felt exhausted even when you're not doing anything? Waking up with a heavy heart makes me lay in bed all day, not to sleep but to overthink random things that bother me all the time and most of the time. My head will explode any moment from now, just like my heart that slowly beats so weak. I don't know why, I ended up like this because as far as I know I don't have any serious problem yo think too but maybe I become like this because my home and my haven is slowly wrecking by my own what if's. From now on I will not let go because the emotions are still heavy to talk about.  Soon I will officially introduce our untold story. For now let me just proceed with the random questions that I've seen in facebook while I was scrolling and roaming around to unwind my preoccupied mind.

Are you scared of anything?

Probably yes, I think it is so seldom to meet people who are not scared of anything because I believe each one of us has this valuable side in something. Speaking of fear, I have tons to offer that people never know because they see me as a strong woman. Even strong women have something to be scared of but they never expose it like me. If you were observate you will know it.

What really makes you angry?

Many things in different situations but my top list is lying to me even though I caught you doing the saud lie. No matter what aspect it is whether a family matter, friendship or relationship/lover it is very essential to me the word "honesty". It really boils my anger in lying issues co'z who couldn't be you to show the real but the other show lies.

What is your biggest fear?

Biggest fear would be losing someone I love especially my Mama who means the world to me. I have this side of me that I fear to be left by my loved one's that I even beg just to stay with me. If you're thinking of a relationship , so be it hahaha.

Have you ever been cheated?

Not just cheated I think, but also being an option that later on I found out. When I found it out, I started to question my self worth that ended into self pity which left trust issues until today. Being cheated or an option can never be forgotten, especially if the wounds are so deep.

Mobile Legend or Wattpad?

Recently, I was into Mobile Legends for almost 2 years probably. If you read my previous articles, I'd mentioned that I was a wattpad addict for approximately 8 years from pocketbook, ebook and wattpad. I decided to leave wattpad world when the features changed and as a wattpader for a long time I felt no thrill and excitement anymore as I can predict the conflict might occur and the ending of the story. Typically, both worlds I was with but mobile legend is where I am staying now considering that it is affordable and my kind of distress.

What would you do if you met someone you love at the wrong time?

Maybe I will keep that someone until it becomes the right time for us both. Kung hindi siya para sa akin, hindi din siya para sa kanila hahaha. If the world is against this time maybe I will wait for him in the next life.

When was the last time you fell in love?

Today, tomorrow until the end of my life. I always feel in love with my family and with God and of course him when hardship and testing comes I always choose to love para ma konsensya if iwan ako hahaha.

Author's View

No matter what life throws at us, always remember that it happend to make us stronger and tougher than before. We are all humans that need rest from this exhausting world. 

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JustMaryel sending you Love❣️

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$ 1.75 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Yes my dear it should be I am agree by your words and appreciate you for this article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayay ka hawd d i nimo mag mobile legend Mars. Ako kay wa jud Tawn earth Anang dulaan ba, hahaha. Wattpad nalang Akoa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dili ko hawud mars oy ambobo parin ni ako hahaha kaya wattpad nalang din ako hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aw abi ko hawd ka Ana Mars. Pero kabalo sad ka ug ginagmay no? Ako wa jud, hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kabalo mars dili lang hawud hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always in love, I like that and we should be :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like you and kuya🙈

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang cheated sa jud🤣 wait lang ang karon ba na? 🤔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

dili karon oy hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like you, I'm at a state of exhaustion and heavy hearted, so I'm making my brain work sort out ideas for todays article but all I get is scrambled thoughts. Can I do this?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you may😊 and take a rest to release the stress.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish I could. I'm posting today :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just try it😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What makes me angry? Well I honestly, this last few weeks, I noticed that I easily get upset about little things. And I just found out earlier the reason why. It's because of stress that I am dealing with. Hays, how to get away with this!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama sis. pag stress tayo mainit ulo natin kahit hindi natin sadyain. Distress yourself sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is true that we will not find a single person who is not afraid of anything. Often I too experience tiredness even without doing anything, in this crucial time we need to worry and think less.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I felt it succesively that cause me more exhausted.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a lot of fears too Langga emotionally and physically. Yes that's true, all individuals have their different fears. No one is there who didn't scared but all of us we can feel it.

I was cheated Langga. It was really heartbreaking. It was my first love. He cheated on me and I didn't expect it from him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dahil sa cheat ate nasa tamabg tao kana kana kasi ang breaking up will lead us into right person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No one is not scared. They will still feel it no matter what. They maybe strong to face their fears but at one time they will get scared

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, no one is excempted.

$ 0.00
2 years ago