Guardian and honey is a natural remedy for all cysts

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3 years ago

The houseplant originates from European soil. It is very widespread, so you can see it growing on poor, barren, rocky, rocky and dry soil. It is resistant to cold, heat and drought. It grows next to stone walls and fences. It is also grown at home in pots.

The houseplant is a herbaceous perennial plant whose height reaches a height of 20-30 cm (not taking into account the flower of the plant, because it can be taller). The leaves of the housekeeper are very fleshy and form a ball-shaped rosette. Its flowers are yellow or reddish, gathered in an inflorescence of various shapes. It has a great ability to survive even in the most difficult conditions. It easily adapts to various habitat types. In short, the houseplant is a plant with great vitality, it always maintains its green better, resists frost and strong sun.

The houseplant got its name from old folk beliefs. Namely, from ancient times it was believed that the guard house protects the house from lightning, fire, storm, evil spirits and various spells, and it was also believed that the guard house protects family members, protects their health, and gives well-being and prosperity. It is not unusual that even today the guard house can be seen in many houses and yards, and even on the roofs.

It is a natural remedy for cysts and many other diseases

Guardian is considered a very medicinal plant, precisely because of its composition, which consists of: malic (malic) acid, calcium malate, formic acid, a small amount of resin, tannins and plant mucus. The mentioned composition gives the guardian healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic power. The guardhouse is suitable for treating many health problems, including cysts and fibroids, ear infections, colitis, urinary tract infections, fluid retention, sore throats and oral infections, menstrual cramps, burns, cuts, sores, ulcers, hemorrhoids, warts and conjunctivitis.

It is very important, in order to use all the healing powers of the housekeeper, to use fresh leaves for the preparation of teas and juices. The guardhouse can be used for both outdoor and indoor use.

Guardian and honey medicinal recipe

The natural remedy of house guard and honey has proven to be very effective in treating a large number of health problems and ailments. Guards and honey are used to strengthen immunity, for stomach diseases, for cysts and fibroids, to improve digestion, to solve problems with constipation, etc. Read below how to make this natural and effective remedy.

Ingredients: 300g of fresh juicy leaves of housekeeper and 500g of natural bee honey

Chop the leaves of the housekeeper into a super chopper or grind them in a meat grinder with a fine griddle, then mix them with honey. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar that you will wrap in foil, cover and leave to stand in the refrigerator. Take one teaspoon in the morning, half an hour before meals, in the morning. After half an hour of consuming this medicine, do not even drink anything. This natural remedy is also ideal for cleansing the body, ie. for detoxification from accumulated harmful substances that can be the cause of many diseases. Try this medicine and see for yourself its effectiveness.

  • Tea from the housekeeper

    This tea has a soothing effect, it can be useful if you suffer from painful and heavy menstruation, cramps, diarrhea, ulcers, or inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. To prepare tea from the guardhouse, you need 10 g of fresh or dried leaves of the guardhouse, which you will cook for 10-15 minutes in 250 ml of water. After cooking, strain the tea and leave to cool. Drink a cup of this tea in the morning on an empty stomach, and then take a sip of tea every hour.

Guardian and honey is a natural remedy for cysts and fibroids

Guardian and honey have proven to be an excellent natural remedy for treating cysts and fibroids. The combination of these two medicinal ingredients has been used since ancient times to treat many women's problems, but also other diseases, so that housewife and honey have become one of the most famous folk remedies that has a wide application.

In addition to this medicine, house tea is also effective, as well as the squeezed juice of fresh house leaves, which is used for various dressings to treat inflammatory processes on the skin, for insect bites, for corns, warts, hanging moles and for many other skin diseases. . The juice from the fresh leaves of the house can also be used for ear inflammation, where it has proven to be very effective. Drip a few drops of fresh juice into the sore ear, and after a while, turn the ear to let the liquid drain out. Because it helps with ear infections, the guard house is also called the earwig.

#Guardian #Honey #tea

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Avatar for minimaus
3 years ago


Cuvarkuca, kazu nasa srpska aloja vera, jeste lekovita je za sve, moze se uzimati i sama il u kombinaciji sa medom, ma moze ko kako zeli uvek je dobra.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This plant is great for many things, I do not know why are people not paying enough attention to it. It is also great for all the problems that we are having with ears. I did not know that it is also good for healing cysts, in combination with honey. Thank you for sharing this recipe, I am sure that you will help someone witrh this. We definitely should pay more attention to the natural medicine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh savrsena kombinacija. Za imunitet boli glava. Moze se odvojiti u casici I u to dodati jedno prepelicje jake, koliko je potrebno za jedno doziranje, Tek to sto cini cuda... 🍀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

prvi put to vidim. Jel to ima i kod nas?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Otpornost čuvarkuće najbolje opisuje njeno latinsko ime Sempervivum, što u prevodu znači “uvek živa”. To je višegodišnja biljka iz porodice tustikovki, poznata i pod nazivima cmilić, možek, netres, pod silu živ, treset, uhovnik, ušna, vazdaživ i žednjak. Karakterišu je debeli mesnati listovi puni vode i cvetovi zvezdastog oblika.

Čuvarkuća raste od Maroka do Irana, kroz planine Pirinejskog poluotoka, Alpa, Karpata, Balkana, Turske i Kavkaza. Na našim područjima češće služi kao ukrasna nego lekovita biljka. Neki od vas je se sećaju i kao biljku s kojom su vam u detinjstvu lečili uhobolju.Čuvarkuća sadrži tanin, biljnu sluz, masno ulje, smolu, mravlju i jabučnu kiselinu. Moderna su istraživanja potvrdila da poseduje vrlo vredne kiseline, flavonoide i ugljenehidrate. U narodnoj medicini koristi se zbog svojih antiupalnih, adstringentnih i diuretičkih svojstava. Primenjuje se u obliku soka, obloga, masti, tinkture ili čaja

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cula sam za ovaj narodni lek. Vise puta sam citala o ucinkovitom dejstvu. Cak sam cula i neka pozitivna iskustva. Licno, nisam probala i ne mogu da dam relevantan savet.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cuvarkuca, biljka koja ima veoma veliki broj korisnih sastojaka, a o medu nema se potrebe uopste bilo sta novo reci, kombinacija moze samo da bude jos bolja

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Volim med. Ranije je moj otac cuvao pcele tako da smo stalno imali med, a sada mi bas ponekad nedostaje.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ja volim med.Stavlam ga u čaj,na "cmoke"....hahah neznam kako vi to kažete,ponekad ga sa žličkom jedem,stavljam ga i sa ingverom,na puding,i još toga....Kupujem ga od seljaka tu kod nas jer onog iz dučana ne volim baš.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cuvar kuka, taka go vikame i nie. Dosta popularno rastenie e, go ima recisi vo sekoja kukja kade sto ima ljubiteli na cvekina. I voopsto ne e tesko za odrzuvanje. Napisot so receptite e odlicen , i treba da se probaat nekoi, no jas seuste ne sum go napravila toa, za zal.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats, you have 80 subscribers.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mislio sam da je neki lijek od časopisa, novina Gvardijan i meda, kad ono čuvarkuća, ako dobro vidim sliku.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

da vidis dobro,cuvarkuca je to

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article. Ja volim med ali se slabo setim da ga jedem. Hehe..

$ 0.00
3 years ago