The Pot and the Kettle

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2 years ago

Technology has come very far. Even our records evolved from being paper pieces to digital counterparts and just a bunch of 1s and 0s.

And also today more than ever, contactless technology has been an urgent necessity to all and every industry.

And this is one of the tales of the modern era.

"Aaahhh... Ooohhhh... Yeaaahhh, OHHH Gawwwddd!!!" exclaims Britney.

The four corners of the room was filled with moans and groans from Britney and Brad. The sound coming from an adult video playing on the television set could not compare to the ones the couple are making. The small room for rent served as a temporary place of bliss for the two people.

Brad was a salaryman working at the avenue adjacent Wall street and Britney is his secretary.

"Oh, that was good Mr. Hefner." she exclaimed.

"Oh please Brit. I think we're beyond that now. I already told you that just call me Brad when we're doing this." he said while he was squeezing himself into his pants.

"Just occupational hazard, I think." she replied as she got up all naked and made her way into the bathroom.

They got dressed and prepared to check out.

On their way out, Brad faced the face scanner mounted on the side of the motel room to process the check out. He was really fascinated with the technology nowadays. No more metal keys or keycards. Just show your face and everything else is taken care for.

They went back to the office and went to do their business as usual. Time ticked by as if nothing happened on their lunch break. No one even suspected that what they had for lunch is more than food itself, no one has a single clue that what they ate isn't food at all.

The clock ticks 5 and they prepared to go home. Brad to his wife Barbie and Britney to her own single and stress-free life.

Brad pulled up into their garage and the automatic door folded in half when he was still about 3 meters away. He got out of the vehicle and the car parked inside the garage by its own. As the car situated itself inside the garage, the door closed behind it.

Brad walked up to their front door and the door parted ways making a way for him. He stepped inside the house and the door closed. He saw his wife on their couch sobbing. She noticed him and she grabbed the vase on top of the center table and threw it immediately at him. Brad was able to evade the flying vase but was not fortunate enough to avoid the hurling ashtray and he was hit on the shoulder. He winced in pain.

"What's gotten into you? What's your problem?" he shouted at her.

"What's my problem?! You! You are my problem!" the wife barked back.

"What are you talking about!" it was a scream more than it was a question.

"You cheater! I know you're having an affair! You rascal! You're a demon!"

"What are you talking about? I was at work."

"Yeah right? I didn't know your work is at the Metro Grand Motel."


"I saw you face on the scanner of room 305. Maybe the system hanged it was stuck." Barbie explained.

"What? Wait...what the hell are you doing there?" Brad replied all confused.

"Uhm... oh... hey babe, have you had dinner yet? Let me just cook something quick."

Brad just stood there still trying to comprehend what on Earth just happened.


Just a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Anyway, pardon the joke but I just want to say that we should all be mindful of the technology we use today. I just hope that you understand how most of it works. Everything is just a matter of input, process, and output. It's a great need for us to know where the input comes from.

Anyhow, I just hope that you are doing well, healthy, and eating something good (or someone good?) lol, whatever the case may be, stay safe, and until we read again...


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Series    : Random Articles
Title     : The Pot and the Kettle
Published : 20-Jan-2022
Author :  © RB

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2 years ago


What a nice piece from you right? Hehehe keep it up dear 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah right but everything has benefits as well as disadvantages..its depend on your way how you used it . By the way nice article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

this was epic! i was caught off guard about the plot and twist. well, yeah technology has good and bad effects. just depends on how we will use it.. comsci student here!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

hahha nice! embrace the technology. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are right the modern age technology has many advantages as well as disadvantages for the young age fellow but now it become a necessary and essential component of our environment and our life we can't live without modern technology by the way nice article I read the whole

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehe. I suppose she shouldn't have reacted in the first place and just act like she knew nothing instead of implicating herself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahah for real.. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a nice peice from you, i learnt to be careful with the technology I use. Good one @meitanteikudo

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ahsan technology is really facilitating as well as ruining life and causing stress to human

$ 0.02
2 years ago

MOG!! The wife went to the hotel to moan under another man. What a world.

Why would she sob, at least she had gotten her pound of flesh?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

hahah yeah, maybe she was just faking it and forgotten that she was there as well lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So as there's a positive side to technology so there's a negative side to it, we should truly be mindful of how we use technologies.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

of course, everything has two sides... even circle has two sides

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. Sabi nga ng friend ko na mg ingat sa pagpopost online kasi lahat Kaya ng iaccess ng technology nowadays

Nice story brad

$ 0.02
2 years ago

hahah yep. once you posted online pa naman, it's forever in the internet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha. My bad! 😆 why do you mean by eating someone good? 😂

I enjoyed the read of the pot, and the kettle 😂. She was like eerrmmm… let me go and prepare something, while we wipe away her fake tears. 😂 Cheater accusing Cheater. The journey just began.

We should be careful and mindful of technology.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

hahah yep. cheater accusing cheater. I say that they are a match. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They are indded match. No one can accuse each other upon the advancement in technology

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the positive side of technology innovation where we can see how's our partner doing

$ 0.02
2 years ago

haha that's one side of it, yes.. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago