I am going to divide the random read curation and curation duo mention into two different articles because I felt that my previous random read was a bit messy. It is also for it to be easier for me and @wakeupkitty to find the submission. If we missed you, just let us know in the comment below and if you have extra time to read, do give a visit to the other submission.
Now is currently Curation Duo #2 for the community SST: Christians.
Christian & Restrictions (The original announcement)
She has a different view regarding the Christian way of living and I do not blame her. She has experiences different childhood and reading from her always give me a wake-up call in reviewing my own life as a Christian. Some said, being born as a Christian does not make one a Christian. In my opinion, Christian is attitude and she is my good samaritan.
Plagues have existed long before and so it said too in the Bible. She reminded me of that. Praying alone will not be enough to be safe. We need to work it out ourselves too. Sunday is no longer a resting day for me because when I need the money, Sunday will be a working day for me too. If I do not work then the kitchen will be empty. In the bible, it said that God has completed all his work on the sixth day and He rested on the seventh day. If it is counted as a day of works and waiting for my work to be completed, then I can only rest after I pension which is the age of 60. If I am still alive at that time.
Christians: Restriction and Blessings
Just a little bit about my previous journey to work and the way God works miracles for me.
Faith in God still exists somewhere inside of me because I refuse to give up.
Christians: Restriction and Blessings
Those who work in the bank also have difficult days to go through in these days of the pandemic. This author is sharing his experiences regarding the goals to accomplish his job and being a human. God sent him an Angel too as I also have been sent an Angel. It is a refreshing story for me.
We did not get many submissions this time except for our own. Perhaps it is not easy for everyone to write for this community. I am going to announce the Curation Duo #3 for the community Share Some Thoughts after this.
What is written is worth reading? Good longer texts and that's what counts. People can still submit and tell their story about the pandemic. I wonder if it's still that alive (the pandemic) or many are used to it, ignore it (instead of demonstrating) and simply continue you their lives.