Living under the complaint.
Yesterday I was reading a post in one of the pages I usually read and I found a phrase that seemed to me very much in line with my thoughts.
And it said something like, if your problem has no solution then why are you complaining? But if your problem has a solution then why complain in the first place?
It’s a habit of the individual to our own nonconformity, we always have to say things with a tone of contempt when things do not go as we want, if we have the solution to some conflicts we also delight in uttering derogatory words.
It’s difficult to find people who are going through difficult situations and who understand that it has already happened and that now they should use their energies to channel future situations to their advantage and not to stay in the destructive process of thinking about what would have been, what could have been, why me, and other questions that do not help them to channel a better use of their constructive thinking.
In these days I have read many posts of the tribulations of the Filipinos after the storm that destroyed much of their property.
They are a warrior people who have learned to be resilient, they are used to suffer the onslaughts of these forces of nature but always with the positive thought that they will be able to get out of any negative circsntance that greets them today. As long as they are complete in their family group they are thinking about the struggle to move forward.
I don't know how they do it. I don't know how they can live in a place that will always be a hurricane shelter, but they do it with dignity and always with the thought of struggle that characterizes them. I wish that many people could adopt this behavior and not remain submerged in negative thinking that does not help at all.
Living under the complaint without seeking solutions only trying to get the attention of others is what makes the individual a person with no future, or with an uncertain future. A person who puts his life or current situation in the hands of others and not in his own hands. Who does not take the tools he/she needs to make decisions according to his/her problem?
If there is no solution to your problem, why are you complaining? No matter what your problem is, find a way out of it, and you will. Look for other ways to alleviate your burden and discard the problem with another path to take.
If your problem is solvable, what are you complaining about? Just go ahead, struggling to get out of it and little by little you will succeed.
The weapons to achieve tranquility in our lives are in our mind and from there we pass them to our hands and from there to shape it in life, in our life. It’s our decision.
Thank you friends, readers and sponsors for your company as always.
I think that people who complain too much are precisely those who don't have many problems but have a big problem: themselves. On the other hand, those who face difficulties like your example of Filipinos, become resilient and seek to solve their situation. It's in adversity that we truly realize our potential.