LEFT-HANDED people have unique GENES

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Avatar for evomeopetrobi
3 years ago

Every tenth person on Earth is left-handed.

British scientists found dozens of genes only in left-handed people - and came to interesting conclusions.

Every tenth person on Earth is left-handed, and this strangeness, in a world where everything is adapted to "right-handers", has always attracted attention.

The vague realization that humans become left-handed as a result of some kind of mutation appeared in 2019, when scientists from Oxford discovered several genes that right-handed people did not have. This year, Australian colleagues from the QIMR Berghofer Institute for Medical Research in Brisbane found even more “left” genetic differences: 41 unique genes.

The British analyzed the genomes of about half a million people, the Australians - 1,766,671 people. Based on these data and some other surveys, it turned out that 10% of the respondents were left-handed, which coincides with previous findings.

Along the way, seven more characteristic genes were found, thanks to which the so-called ambidexters are born - those that use both hands equally well. They are especially appreciated in special services because, say, they can use weapons with both hands equally well.

They are more creative!

Among the famous artists and scientists there are a large number of "leftists": Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Ivan Pavlov, Pierre and Maria Curie, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Mila Jovovic, Bruce Willis , Sylvester Stallone, Julius Caesar, Bill Gates, Napoleon, Oprah Winfrey, Jimi Hendrix ...

It is logical that the unique - "left" genes change the brain, affecting its structures and functions. But what exactly they bring and how it manifests remains to be seen. Also, it is still unclear why nature "set" that the right-handed are nine times more.

There is another interesting fact: there are as many as 21 left-handed people among the twins, which is significantly more than the average.

Left-handed people think faster when they play computer games or play sports, they are impatient, and they easily get bored of monotonous activities.

Also, they are more reckless, they find it harder to orient themselves in space, and they are supposedly scared faster than right-handed people. Greater creativity is also attributed to them, since it is believed that their right cerebral hemisphere is more active.

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Avatar for evomeopetrobi
3 years ago


My daughter is left-handed, and she has great skills, she thinks fast and I think left-handed people are very emotional, now I don't know if they are all :)

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3 years ago

It doesn't have to mean that left-handed people are more intelligent. I work at school and I have experience!

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3 years ago

It is known that people who write with the left hand are more intelligent, smarter, so here is an example that the smartest people like Einstein, Nikola Tesla were left-handed, but I always admire how they write and the truth is their handwriting is better than mine.

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3 years ago

My son is left-handed. I am glad to learn that there are famous people among left-handed people, as well as scientists.

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3 years ago

My husband is left-handed, it is true that he thinks fast and is very creative.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My husband is left-handed, I don't notice that he is a bit timid or creative, but of course there are exceptions: D Since I'm early today to read and comment on articles, I'm expecting another one of you by tonight, just to have something to do with tonight's coffee :)

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3 years ago

You are very creative and I think that is enough for both of you, but I can recommend the book Kama Sutra to your husband. As for the article, I think you will enjoy your coffee.

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3 years ago

Wow, you are totally right when you say they are left-handed people think faster when they play computer games or play sports, they are impatient, and they easily get bored of monotonous activities. My little son is left-handed and I notice exactly this in him...for example, he doesn't like to do monotonous homework but likes those with a lot of thinking.

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3 years ago

I am not left handed, but I think this is truth. I love Novak Djokovic, but Nadal is left handed and there is some creativity in his game play and make him strong within his physical strength. Thank you!

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3 years ago

Left-handed people used to be considered a disadvantage and were forced to use their right hand instead of their left. It is now known to be genetically predisposed and there is a normal relationship to it.

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3 years ago

I learned from developmental and child psychology that left-handed children are more creative, more imaginative. Earlier, children who were left-handed were prevented from writing with their left hand, which negatively affected their emotional development. That was a big mistake.

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3 years ago

I'm not left-handed, but when I try, I write very well with my left hand

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3 years ago

When I was little, I started writing with my left hand, and my mother switched me to my right hand (that's why I write like a foot now).. <3 :) ;)

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3 years ago

Some believe that it is already possible to determine in the womb whether the child will be left-handed. There is a study that showed that 85 percent of embryos lean to the right as early as about ten weeks.

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3 years ago

I wonder if and how many people there are in the world who can normally use both hands and left and right, great article.

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3 years ago