Beautiful cushion made with jute and recycled material

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago

Everyone who knows me knows that I love to have cushions in my house, no matter the color, shape or size. All my life I have made these cushions, woven, in fabric, with recycled jeans and even a soccer ball with woven hexagons, I like them all and I always use them to decorate every corner.

The cushions are not only for the living room, they can also be made for the bedroom or for green areas. But not everything is decoration, they are also useful to give us comfort when we sit down and give rest to our back.

Only advantages!

Really, having cushions only gives you good things, embellish your environments, are low budget, revive the place, give comfort on that couch or hard furniture. Another thing to keep in mind is to play with colors, sizes and textures.

Today we are going to make a cushion that I found on the internet and that I find very beautiful, it is made of jute, a very noble material because it is very easy to work with and combines with everything in your home, so come and follow the step by step.

Depending on the size of your cushion we are going to cut two squares in jute fabric, first make sure that the fabric is well ironed so that there are no miscalculations. We must also leave about 2 centimeters to pass seam with the sewing machine.

Then I ruffled in the middle making several stitches with a wool needle and thread of the same jute. We cut a square of 20 by 15 centimeters, fold the ends towards the center and iron to form the center of the loop. We sew very well so that it does not come loose when handling the cushion.

We fix the loop with long stitches on the 4 ends and if you like you can do it in the center too. You and only you know who is going to handle this cushion so make sure it is well cooked. Now we are going to place the other cover and we pass straight stitching and zigzag all around the contour leaving an opening of 30 centimeters that is where we are going to put our cushion or if you are going to stuff you can leave a smaller opening. Close this opening with a hidden stitch and ready, enjoy your cushion!

Well friends, as you can see it is something very simple to do, I had saved this jute fabric for a long time to do something with it and it was until today looking on the Pinterest page that I found this beautiful little model and I think it looked great.

For you who like to save some material I tell you a secret that I have used for a long time, when I discovered it was thanks to a teacher who loves to recycle like me. So when you have pillows that you no longer use I invite you not to throw them away, on the contrary, wash them, save the stuffing and when you have an old pair of pants that you no longer want to use you can turn it into a nice cushion. A few days ago we celebrated Environment Day and every year we are invited to participate in campaigns for the protection of the planet. There are many activities or actions that we can do at home to collaborate, do not forget to unplug chargers and electrical appliances that you are not using, do not throw water, plant a tree, everything you do will be a grain of sand. Each one of us is responsible for taking care and saving our only spaceship, "because there is no planet B and without blue there is no green".

I invite you to continue creating and showing our talents here in this beautiful window called, I say see you later and remember friends, put a smile on your face.

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago


It is giving so much grace yet simple such type of things we all should adopt and do recycling

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Recycling is very simple, it is beautiful, it shows that people have good feelings and care for the planet. I invite you all to recycle.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow it seems so simple to do and it is so cute.. Yes everyone can do our simple part to help save our planet earth. Thanks for sharing this talent or skill that you have.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks jen.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yay! I really love your articles Ma'am because they're worth to read venturing creativity that can help for our environment.đŸ’—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wow you have a good talent friend, moreover recycling, good innovation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow. Very artsy! I love that cushion pillow. You can sell that friend. I'm sure a lot would want to make a purchase.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You think so? yes it is nice but I would have to sell it cheap because it is made with recycled materials. hehehehehehe.

Thank you for your opinion that inspires me to keep on making beautiful things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is so important to recycle and more if you can make beautiful and useful things like cushions for our home. Excellent idea!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, my friend, beautiful things are made. Another detail is that it would be good to transmit this to the new generations. I got my taste for handicrafts from my grandmothers and my mother's friends. They taught me a lot without thinking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God bless the art of your hands. Recycling is the best way to renew the environment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, it's one of the many good things we can do to conserve this wonderful planet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Noting is worth throwing away at the end of the day when it can also become useful by joining the pieces together

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We Venezuelans learned that it is also good to recycle, I think many of us now keep pieces that we thought were trash.

At home we don't throw anything away, recently a neighbor asked us to save the rice and flour bags so he could plant cocoa seeds, avocado and more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago