My first highest

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2 years ago
Topics: Journal, Blog, Diary, Self, Experience, ...

I thought that our Sunday was going to be slow and steady but thankfully we were able to hit I think the second biggest sales. Not really sure with the exact digits but based from what my brother had said, I am guessing that this is the second to the highest and is my first highest since I started temporarily in managing it. I am really hoping and praying that there will be an increase in their sales in the coming days. This is actually my challenge for myself and I will also push the rest of the team to do better.

This morning, we have talked whether or not we are to tell the guests if the promotional items are nearing their expiration dates or not. Then this afternoon, we also talked about new promos that we will be implementing this coming March. I am actually proud of myself that I was able to think some promos that is a win-win for both their first and second business and it was also approved by my brother and sister-in-law. Thinking of a marketing promo makes me reminisce about my work in company B when I was still a local store marketing coordinator in one restaurant. One of my duties a d responsibilities was to bring in some guests to the store and that is by thinking of a promotion that will entice the people. With the first store that I have worked in, bringing in guest was not a problem because we were situated in a mall so I did not have to exert a lot of effort. However, when I was transferred in a stand alone restaurant and is situated in a Chinese community, it was a struggle for me since they most frequent the Chinese restaurant beside us. Most of the times the restaurant beside us were full of people while we only have a few tables.

Since I started observing the operations at the Korean grocery, I always look at the restaurant and coffee shop beside us. Though I know that they are indirect competitors, it has been a habit of mine to always check their crowd. It was my basis whenever I would report to my brother and sister-in-law whether the sales was high or low. I am happy that the team are now also doing what I have been doing. They would sometimes report to me how many tables were there in the restaurant and coffee shop that even my brother would also count the tables. Some of the staffs are also now interacting with the guests and also greeting them when they come in and leave the store. Last week, some of them are still shy to greet the customers even my brother but now they would be the first to greet the guests.

I remember when I first started working, I was really shy in greeting our guests. Then with company B, we were not really obligated to greet them when they come in since the restaurant is too big. So when I worked at company C, I was shy whenever I would call out the names of the people who ordered some drinks. Like for example, "grande caramel frappuccino blended whipped cream for Jonna". I was really shy in calling out their names and orders until I got the hang of it. One advice that I got from my workmatw before was to think that the people are not listening to what I was calling out and it actually worked. Sometimes I would even call out their names even louder because they are not really listening that they sometimes they are busy flirting with their partners that they do not care that I have already called them thrice. Then with company D and E, I have no problem with greeting kur guests anymore. My only dilemma before was doing table visits. As a supervisor/manager from company D and E, I was asked to do table visits and talk to the guests how their food was and things like that. I know I have told @Jeaneth before that it was really one of the things that I find so hard because I know the feeling when someone disturbs me when I am eating or when we are done eating and are already catching up with family and friends then suddenly the manager would come up and ask us how we our food was. Being able to work in a restaurant industry, I know that it is one of our SOPs. But sometimes there are just certain group of people that does not want to be bothered. You know what I mean?

However, I find that easy now that I have been managing the grocery store. I would talk to the guests whether they are near the store and they would say their location as if I know the place that they have told me about. LOL. Then last week, there was a family that I interviewed and I found out they were all the way from Quezon City and they just happened to travel there because of the coffee shop as they have been hearing good reviews about it. And just today, they were back and I recognized them so I asked is they were the ones from Quezom City and they smiled at me because I remembered them. So I again being talkative asked them where exactly they are in Quezon City until we would both ask questions to each other that my brother gave them a BTS coffee and we found out that the mom was a certified Army. She said that she bought a ticket for their concert. Ahhhh. Calling @Ellehcim and @Grecy095, do BTS have a live online concert? I forgot who are the Army here but I think other than the 2 is @MissJo. I do not know who her bias was nor who the member of BTS was in the coffee that my brother gave her but she was really happy that she got the coffee. She said that she would have it with her when she watches the concert.

This is the only time that my brother had witnessed how I really work and deal with guests. Well they did witnessed me working before but in a restaurant wherein I would be carrying trays of food and bussing out tables. But with interacting with guests, this would be the first. He even praised me last December when I was at their store because I entertained the guest that was suppose to leave but I somehow got her to buy a lot of products because I noticed that she was looking for something that she cannot find and so I talked to her and luckily, we have the one that she was looking for that she just did not see it. That is why my brother and sister-in-law had instructed their staffs to always assists the guests and introduce the products since they have already tried most of their items.

I am not sure if I have already taught them everything but I still need to push them with a few things. I must say that I am really enjoying now. I guess I really miss working.

February 27, 2022

P.S. lead image is a photo of me taken this day.

$ 10.47
$ 10.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ellehcim
$ 0.03 from @Jeaneth
+ 6
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Avatar for bbyblacksheep
2 years ago
Topics: Journal, Blog, Diary, Self, Experience, ...


Umaarangkada na si Jonna! Go lang yan, nagpapa-miss na sayo, at dapat mo na talagang tutukan! ahahaha! Di pa din naman ako makakasama kahit may concert yung BTS :((. tipid tipid muna. Hahaha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good for you and your brother, you have been a great help

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naks naman madam, nasa management nga siguro career field mo no. You excel on that aspect eh. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy for you❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aweeei. Way to go sis. Push mo yan!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yey. congrats for achieving it! Ganyan dapat ang family hehe tulungan, in bad and good times!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I knew it! I knew that you can make a good sale, bbs. Your brother is very lucky to have you, managing their store. 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sissy, they have online concert on March 10 and March 13. You can buy the link on weverse. On March 12 their live concert will be viewed globally exclusive on SM Cinema branches only.

But in Seoul, they have 3 days face to face concert on March 10, 12 and 13.

$ 0.00
2 years ago