When I was a little girl, my dad bought me a music tape and said. Listen to this and calm down. It was a collection of songs and among them El Condor Pasa. In the original only instrumental.
I know — I’m sure you all know this song. But not everyone knows how it came about.
It is a more than 100-year-old song. It was written by Peruvian composer Daniel Robles in 1913 in honor of the tribes living in the Andes. The sounds from the panpipe are supposed to free us from the negative thoughts that intertwine in our heads every day. The song is also internationally recognized, as it belongs to the national cultural heritage of Peru.
What is a panpipa? this is the instrument you see in the video below
pan flutes are an instrument based on acoustic resonance. They consist of several tubes that gradually increase. Different types of reeds have long been popular as a folk instrument. Pipes are usually made of bamboo, common reed) or local vines, as well as wood, plastic, metal and ivory.
Alomía Robles, crossed the Andes in search of self-driving music and tradition. When he returned home he wrote an operetta. The operetta is about a group of Andean miners being exploited by their boss. The condor watching them from the sky becomes a symbol of the freedom they can achieve.
The Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world with a combined measurement of weight and wingspan.
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Today we know 100 and 100 versions of this song but the most famous is the version called "If ICould"
Raje bi bil vrabca kot polž. Da bi, če bi lahko, bi zagotovo. Raje bi bil kladivo kot žebšček. Da bi, če bi le lahko, bi zagotovo. Raje odjadram kot tu in odšel človek se zaveza na tla, svetu daje najbolj žalosten zvok, njegov najbolj žalosten zvok. Raje bi bil gozd kot ulica. Ja, bi. Če bi lahko, bi zagotovo tvegala. Raje bi začutila zemljo pod nogami, da bi. Če bi le lahko, bi zagotovo...............
Music has beneficial effects in reducing the negative effects of stress and reducing anxiety. Very good article ... Thank you