This is something that I have thought of for a long time. Especially when I participate in raffles and never once won anything. I wanted to have that kind of luck too.
Luck is something that most people would like to have. To be blessed with good luck is to be showered with amazing opportunities. I know that most would have loved to be lucky sometimes.
But the more I think about it, I realized that I am already lucky to have been granted sponsorships by these amazing people. And having the support of everyone reading this.
Today, I want to share more instances where I thought to myself that I do not have a good luck bone in my body and instances that made me believe I am one of the luckiest person in the world.
Out of Luck
These were the days when I felt like the world is making fun of me. Some of them were too embarassing to share but I would share the ones that I feel comfortable telling strangers.
Losing something I just bought.
This is something that will probably stay with me the most.
It happened when I was still back in high school so any money I have came from my parents. I do not have the impulsive buying habit back then. I was wise in handling my money.
Anyway, there are these brushes that I really want to have but they are kinda expensive for me back then. So I saved up some money for it.
When my bestfriend asked me to accompany her to a mall, I agreed and thought that it was the perfect opportunity to buy the brushes I wanted.
We did that immediately after we arrived since she wanted to do more things so we wanted to get it out of the way. So all the time, we were going through the whole mall and I am carrying the paperbag where my brushes are. We decided to stop for lunch. I thought that it would be the perfect time to check my brushes and the brushes are gone.
We looked for it everywhere we went but we did not saw a sign of it. What was supposed to be a happy day turned to be a sad day because of it.
To be seperated from my group of friends in Senior High School
This one is just me being my dramatic self. I felt unlucky when my two bestfriends were on the same class, and I was in the class where I did not have anyone to talk to haha.
So my whole grade 12 life, I would mostly hangout in their room during free time.
Being caught rolling my eyes during online class
This is an embarassing one. Frankly, I was being rude so I probably deserved it.
What brought this on is when a professor kept making fun of students who cannot afford to have stable internet connection and gadgets for online classes. He went as far as to call them "beggars". I did not find it as funny as he thought it was.
Receiving 3.00 grades from subjects where I managed to have a perfect score on quizzes and major exams
If you are wondering if this is related to the professor mentioned earlier, yup it is. It turns out that he nursed a grudge over the whole thing that even if he announced that all people who always recites will have good grades, he gave me the bare minimum grade to pass because he still remembered what happened at the start of the semester.
I encountered a few of these professors since my first year. And I was starting to wonder if maybe I deserved those grades despite the results of my tests and participation stating otherwise. I never bothered to file a complaint against it because the process is just so tedious and these professors kept their records a secret and just announced them on class so I have no proof because they have all of the records and we cannot record our classes.
But last semester, I found that what happened were probably just bad luck since when we got good professors, I was able to get the grades that I believe rewarded my efforts for the subjects.
Encountering problems with my application of scholarship
I already shared this one in this article. But basically, I had problems with the documents that I needed which almost made me give up on applying but I still went to the exam with the encouragement of my best friend.
Overflowing Luck
Bad luck I night have some days but there were days where all those days do not even crossed my mind. I call them the lucky days. I really love remembering those that I deemed the lucky days because it is a great reminder that even if I never win any raffles, I still could manage to be lucky in a different way.
Being one of the chosen beneficiaries of the scholarship grant I applied for
This is related to the one above, where I was unlucky with the application process. But I got lucky about the results. I have been able to be a part of the scholarship grant despite the challenges and the fact that I almost gave up.
Living to tell the tale of how I held a metal stuck in an electrical socket
There was a problem with the plug of our television which is why the metal part of it was left plugged inside the socket. I was fearful that it might cause some explosion or something that my younger self could not bear to imagine. So I pulled it off with my bare hands. I was relieved to not see that metal stuck anymore so I went and told my mother.
My aunt overheard it and shouted because it turns out I could have been injured or worse died from what I did. Oh well, lesson learned, I guess?
Being conscious enough to get help
I will not write about this situation this much because I am still not ready to talk about it in detail.
Basically what happened was that I was losing consciousness from losing too much blood when I regained some self awareness and consciousness to be able to go to my parents for help.
I still believe that it was luck that saved me then because even the attending nurses were moving too urgently even though they are trying not to show it.
Finding my way back even when I am lost
I do not have a good sense of direction which is why I have gotten used to the fact that I will probably get lost a lot during my lifetime.
I have been so incredibly lucky that I always find my way back no matter how far I had become lost and that I always safely made it back despite the scary places I have been lost at.
Getting to know
Of course, as of now I view myself as lucky to have dicovered which made me discover
These two platforms are instrumental to me being able to experiment with what I want and being able to be more mindful of my money.
Closing words
These are some instances when I was unlucky and lucky. Despite the bad luck days, I recognize that I am still extremely lucky when it comes down to it.
The unlucky days I could remember could not hold a candle to the lucky days I had. So overall, even if I am not winning raffles any time soon, I know for a fact that I am lucky.
What about you? Do you consider yourself lucky or unlucky? Why?
Thank you for reading my article!
If you want someone to talk to about random things, you can find me here:
Telegram: @zehrasky ZehraSky
Tumblr: Zehrasky
To show my appreciation for the support that I have been receiving, please accept a small gift I prepared for my first reader.
I think I can considered myself lucky. I received more blessings that I least expected.