The letter

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Written by
3 years ago

Dave POV

I was so disappointed to Abby. Why she did that thing without thinking that my reputation on the school might be ruined. I left her hanging on the last time that we have met. That was the time that I confronted her and asking her why she did such thing. I know I am just angry that time, it's not my intention to hurt Abby but it's already done. I carried away by my anger because I am scared of the fact that those fake news be the reason of kicking me out on the varsity team of our university. I sacrifice a lot just to be included in the varsity team and I don't want to loose it as fast as like this just because of the fake news.

Liam and I were talking in front of our house. Our housemaid called me and give some letter. I read what's on the envelop and I saw the name of Abby. I don't want to read it, not now. I throw that letter on the garden and go inside our house. My mind was not good enough to think about things. I want to focus on my varsity game because my coach has a lot expectation to me. He accepted my apology and there's no suspension that will be happened. I want to focus as a varsity player to paid the kindness of my coach.

Mom called me and Liam, it's dinner time and we eat together with my father. While we are eating, our father asked me about Abby and about the varsity. I told them that Abby and me was fine, also the varsity. Liam looked at me because he knows that I only hide the truth to our parents. I don't want my parents to know about the trouble that happened to us. I told Liam not to tell Dad about it.

Days passed, I did what I promised. I focused on the basketball and never contacted Abby. I know she didn't deserve me. I don't know if I need to asked for break up and I also don't know if I still love her or I am just pity for her.

Our situation now is not like in the past. I can't make her a priority. I can't travel every time just to see her in the province. I don't know how to faced her after the day that I leave. I just told Liam that tell Abby that I'm busy and don't said words to her but Liam did something. Something that is out of my consent. Something that I didn't expected.

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I hope Liam can patch things up for you and Abby :)

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