Is it Destiny? No! It's fatalism

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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago

Good day everyone and welcome to another episode of Ulquiorra Writes. Thank you to all those who dropped their priceless comments and upvotes on my introductory article and second article, I am very grateful for the show of love and tokens of encouragement. Today I will be talking about something many of us believe in and many of us believe not in which is destiny.

Belief in destiny is the belief in predestination, that's to say that anything that happens is meant to be has already been arranged by a higher Being or the universe. If predestination is a thing, then that means every single action you take has already been willed to happen. I have one question that I am not yet clear with the general concept of destiny. I have read that it generally it translates to the end result of the a series of events, this means that if you end up marrying a girl you met yesterday then that's your destiny, with marriage been the end achieved result of the meeting. This doesn't include the series of events like dates, night outs, romantic trips, dinners and other stuff done in a relationship all meant to achieve the chief purpose of them ending up married which is the destiny. In another perspective, destiny is any little thing that happens in our lives and do not only have to do with higher causes. This is to say that if the couple went to a dinner and instead of ordering shrimp, they order tacos. This is also destiny. It has already been destined for them to eat tacos instead of shrimps. This perspective argues that destiny can apply to things as trivial as getting tacos for dinner instead of shrimps.

I somehow agree more to the former which says it only influences how things turn out in a grander scheme because there are things that we can actually change within our lives. Like in the example I gave of the couple who had tacos instead of shrimp, they can simply go to another restaurant if that's what they really want. They have a control over that. I like to think of that as an exercise of free will rather than destiny. You don't just decide not to go to work on Monday and say that you are destined not to go to work on Monday, you're only using your free will and that's what we call fatalism (when a person does things they should be responsible for but put it on destiny) but say, due to the absence of the person who missed going to work on Monday he got fired. That's something that's not in his immediate control. We can say safely that the person was destined to be fired because they willingly missed going to work.

I also agree to some extent with the perspective that says the concept of destiny also applies to seemingly trivial things because I am of the belief that little things sum up to big things. Those little things influence the overall outcome which has been destined, so is it safe to say that they are also part of the big plan?

I believe in predestination but this word destiny is misconstrued a lot that I can't blame those who do not believe in it at all. When things are out of your control, that's destiny or fate. When they are within your control but you chose to do nothing about it, then it's neglect or freewill, not destiny.


Thanks for reading.

What do you think about destiny? Do you believe that's it's a thing or everything is just by happenstance? Does your believe the Cause and effect outweigh your believe in destiny? Feel free to drop your thoughts.

Lead image and image in article taken from



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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago


Sometimes what happen to us isn't a destiny it's also our consequences to what we did.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly. When we choose something, destiny is out of the question.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true, dear we could possibly make things and we shape our own fate

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When things are out of your control, that's destiny or fate. When they are within your control but you chose to do nothing about it, then it's neglect or freewill, not destiny.

This sums it all up :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As simple as that! Thanks greatly!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, when something that could have been avoided happens, some still call it destiny

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Which is wrong and irresponsible of them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh dear I agree with you. Not all things that actuallyhappen to us can be called destiny. Even in terms of love and relationships. I think no one was destined to marry a person that has two faces. Specially that at the very beginning we already know the other person's true colours, we already unmasked their true faces, but because of the thing called love we still pursue marrying the wrong person. Despite that we have the free will to choose, we still neglected its power and simply believe with destiny. And so that is why there's buttered wives/husband's. However I still believe in destiny😊.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's another angle. Thank you. Destiny only applies to things we cannot change.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe In destiny though, from the former example you made... But I also believe in fatalism, it happens sometimes, we tend not to do what's right or what we are meant to do and end up blaming destiny. It actually happened by our will and that's fatalism. But for Destiny, I believe we were all made to become something in life, I believe everyone has a Destiny, sometimes people walk into what they are destined to be while other times, people's work doesn't align with the pattern of their destiny

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you Ella. Everyone's star shines bright. It's up to us to discover it and work towards it direction.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This was once a topic of discussion in my philosophy class. I like your opinion on the matter

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you. It's a topic that is very much discussed.

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2 years ago