Would I rather!!

23 60

Hello everyone, good morning one and all.. what a bright and sunny day here in India, so sunny that we are now cooking on the roofs without gas while ourselves are being cooked. I was watching a couple of videos of few bloggers from US yesterday on YouTube and they were wearing thick jackets and complaining how cool the breeze is while I was God wishing to have some rains so that the land cools down a bit while they were complaining about not getting enough Sun lol.. damn, the dimensions are so weird and unique dude.. Anyways, moving to the current topic, today I want to write another "This or That" and I chose the version that our beloved user @Probinsyana posted yesterday in her "Can't live without" post. She informed in her post that she got inspired to write from the user @bbyblacksheep .. so, post idea credits to both of them and kindly check their posts for more fun... movig to the choices..

Bruh, the answer is as easy as boiling water on gas.. or eating an ice-cream.. I want the 5 million dollars honey... I already have good skin from my DNA and if the skin breaks out after taking money, I will use the money to fix it or craft a nice face mask and wear it for myself or use make up to cover my acne. Also, we have amazing skincare these days that can help you to deal with breakouts, as long as we have those products, dealing isn't always bad??? right?

Okay look, I now have three favorite foundations and if i lose one, I always another two to use.. and from the million other brands that I have not yet tried, I'm certain that I will find one much better than my current fav.. so, let me save my favorite palette because one thing, it is limited edition, meaning I cannot buy it again and two, eye shadows are freaking expensive than foundation... I wold never lose it.

Both hair and brows change the way a person look.. so this is tricky and also not the end of the world.. we can draw eye brows, also can use wig to have a great hair day.. but considering that wigs are so expensive and installing everyday is such a tedious task, I would choose great hair over great eye brows.. not that some eyebrow pencil can't fix... it can't fix stupid but definitely can fix eyebrows.

Omg this question!!!.. But I love washing face, something about cool water touching face in summers is such a nice feeling.. And since there would be no cavities and no bad odor, I would choose to have to never brush teeth again as I already hate doing it.. my least fav activity every morning.. I mean, if my teeth smells, it is problem for others, not me bruh

Never in my life have I ever had manicures, not even once. I have no knowledge about it. Yet my feet are clean and soft because I wash them neatly everyday in shower, so mani pedis are such bogus thing in beauty community which you can do for free at home.. And that leaves me with the option "bangs" which I already did once or twice and regretted every single time lol

I will not, I repeat, I will not and never would choose "chemical disasters" because in those cases, the hair might not grow back, I might get poisoning, might in hale some of it and get side effects... so burning off with iron at home seems good enough, just a couple of months with frequent deep conditioning will bring back your real hair again..

I never wore a bikini in my life and pretty hecking damn sure never will ever as long as I live.. and as long as my husband is fine with the bushes in my barn, I don't think I ever need a wax lol.. I do not even know what an extraction is hehe, but Google as it would be done on face, so that's what am gonna get coz I will not allow deforestation on me.

Lately, I have been loving, I mean LOVING the salt and pepper look which means having lot of white silver hair.. I'm gonna choose never have to shave again as fixing salt and pepper look is easy you know. Also, call me grand ma and I will be okay but not big foot. I don't wanna compete with animals from Ice age...

I always take showers, if you are an Asian and middle income group, you would know, we do not take baths.. nobody bloody has space for bath tubs in our houses... I always take lukewarm shower... so, shower it is and considering our hot summers, I would be a piece of cake for me... And during winters, God bless my body.

Spend two minutes on gluing fake lashes and I will be done but without shampooing, yuck no... I choose shampooing.. our sweaty a$$ weather already make our hair smell like a dang fish market in one day.. Need to clean it often..

I wear neither... no deos or perfumes neither dry shampoo too... this is not a tough choice for me lol... so either the case is fine for me because I keep myself clean by shampooing and oiling my hair often and also bathing with herbal soaps so that I do not smell bad at all and thus not needing deo or perfumes. So, you guys choose this for me.

That sums up my choices sweet pies.. now go make your own versions :)) Thank you sponsors, love you all

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I would definitely not want to wash my face again because my face always disturbs me with rashes and more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I rather to choose 5 million dollars lol at least I still have an options after.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely 5milliom dollars, clear skin can take a hike lool

Good hair day definitely, I have bad hair so it sucks

Teeth I pick fresh breath

Okaay I think I'll join in on this trend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awesome :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Who would pick clear skin over 5 million dollars. Hahaha. I don't mind even if the breakouts are consistent.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

lol definitely

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have read bbyblacksheep's version of this. Like you, I would also choose money over 5 million dollars as I'm not that particular with how I look. We can have the acne fix if we already have the money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oh yes 100% sure, or at least we will have ability to buy an amazing makeup to cover it up.. I stay in my bedroom already and do not go out, so who cares bout how we look lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will also choose 5 million dollar at least I can buy a lot of skin care

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true.. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will choose the shampoo because take bath twice a day with fragrance soap. That's why use of deo is not much necessary

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes same, I use nice herbal soaps and also body butters, hence can control odor a lot easier

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would rather choose 5 million dollar, i don't care if i am having skin breakouts forever as long as I can help my family with it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No yeah seriously, I will buy a nice house for myself and go cry in that massive bathroom about my break outs happily

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes that would be nice also haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can't live without shampoo indeed sis heheheh. Thank you for mentioning me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love ya!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a lady stuff, I can't even try it, but to answer one of the question that caught my eyes, good hair or brow, I would go with good hair and have a brow like that of Rock Lee,😁😁😁, if you get it you get itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You do you bro!! no judging here haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me that I dont know how to use make upπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe yes, but you can always use some nice skincare though

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seems like those questions are for ladies hahaha, I laugh so hard on bushes on the barn and deforestation maybe my green mind triggers again haha. Of all the choices i still prefer to be simple, no eye lashes, no hair colors since I believe that simplicity makes the person more beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha yeah, simplicity is so beautiful

$ 0.00
2 years ago