What Went Wrong With Bitcoin Cash

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Written by
2 years ago

I don't know the correct answer as I am sitting under the moon and watching here and there. My mind is blank. The cloudy environment and future of the dot platforms are now a trending topic in our community. Lots of fear and beliefs about what will happen, and what's the future of both these platforms.

Note:- This post isn't intended for spreading negativity or fake positivity and is not directed at anyone. These are just open facts which are kind of Red Flags which shouldn't be ignored.


Huh, straight away to the future. Yes, well based on what we know the two-dot platforms were created with the motive to spread the knowledge of Bitcoin Cash and let people give a medium to promote Its adoption. The reward of getting crypto is like a cashback which isn't guaranteed similar to which you get while paying for deals. There's no guarantee that everyone will get the privilege to get those gifts but one thing was said by the talking head of Ncash Admin which I still remember that original meaningful posts without the Crypto genre are considered to be equal with the Crypto related content but one should try to promote the knowledge and use case of BCH.

I realised while entering both the platforms that these are experimental sites and aren't meant to stay forever but didn't realise the day of dark clouds will come so soon as I haven't even spent half a year in one of the leading dot platforms.


If you have seen some old dot users sharing the wallet Balance of both the platforms then that information is near to correct. There are very less or no funds in those wallets. Those wallet addresses get replenished with time but this time there's no replenishment. Hinting to something.

Reason For No More Funding

Both the dot platforms survive due to the donations of Sir Marc De Messel for which I am truly grateful to know such a generous guy exists as it's stated that daily 4000$ BCH was distributed to users in Ncash and 1000$ of BCH to Rcash. And now that the price of Bitcoin Cash is so low you can do the calculation of how much money he already spent on this platform.

Let me tell you one more thing he is upset with the performance of Bitcoin Cash even investing heavily in the two platforms.

If one doesn't see growth and value in something they won't support it for long blindly. Which is the right choice according to me?

What Went Wrong

I know the majority of media cuts Bitcoin Cash voice and this is also one of the reason of impacting it's performance.

But the main reason I think most of us know is that more than 70% of the users here aren't involved in Crypto and have no intention to do so which I respect as there's no such rule here and people have freedom over the platform. And not everyone is a Crypto enthusiast. I see lots of posts on Bitcoin Cash but that's not how you promote it, you have to tell your story on other platforms where people don't know about Bitcoin Cash that's the correct way of promoting it as if we promote it here, it's not that helpful as the majority of people know Bitcoin Cash is the fastest P2P coin with lowest transactions fees best for merchant adoption already.

Final Thoughts

The reason a community shines and dulls is because of its people. The investors and the BCH team did a great job but even though backend by such a huge community we failed to deliver the platform some extra boost of adoption as what most of us are doing is converting to fiat ultimately transferring the money flow into other stablecoin so how can we expect it to rise while what we are doing is transferring the liquidity to other coins. And both the platforms are a very big community and small transactions are enough to give a huge impact on Bitcoin Cash price as this is the only coin which doesn't have active whale manipulators.

Once again I am sorry if this kid is hurting anyone with his words and feel free to don't mind my words, you know you are more mature than me,but trust me 60% we are responsible for such a price huge price drop. Less adoption more money outflow to other coins. Bitcoin Cash didn't tried influential promotional marketing. They gave that job us to.

I think if these two platforms die, the Bitcoin Cash team will invest their funds to join with influential marketing and promote it.

But one thing I won't deny these two platforms have changed life's of many people and have given financial support to those in need. And those who do good work, later are blessed with good fortune.

And Bitcoin Cash will rise high after this bear market as if it was a scam or anything with a half-ass roadmap it wouldn't have given Millions of funds to the people. As scammers took money not give!

Even the platform dies or survives, I will see Bitcoin Cash as a profitable investment if it sticks with the same roadmap as of now and improves itself with time.

Rcash is a very successful project but Ncash didn't did met the expectations.

A very lively discord server for BCH enthusiasts.

And don't you know there's a Bitcoin Cash discord server with some great Crypto enthusiasts and experts not from the core team though. What you haven't joined it! See I was talking about this, lol.

Join the Club1BCH server, even if you don't have 1BCH like me. And let's have a knowledge discussion there.


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Written by
2 years ago


Let's do what we can especially in promotion BCH. Let's stick to BCH as long as we can.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have same thought with Pantera's had said on his Noise account. I also have same thought, community of these two platforms is very large, if we unite to promote BCH it will be very effective and increase market capitalization of BCH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We really need a boost to both platform so that evwryone will know about Bitcoin Cash. But doing that is really not easy. But doing thr simplest like spreading it tru other socmed is not that hard.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May both the platforms and the token stay long term. Some BCH enthusiasts say that it will keep on running until 2030 and some buy more even if its low price now. Some is a little anxious about it though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should take serious step for survival of these platform as well as promotion of BCH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I just hope it's not yet the end. I cannot accept it yet huhu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the correct on how to introduce crypto. We introduce it to someone who doesn't have any idea of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do have the ambition to learn new things and Cryptocurrency was one of the outcome of my curiosity. I am proud to even know about BCH too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am always been grateful to be part of this two amazing platform as it helps me to understand more about crypto especially about bitcoincash and its differences between other crypto coins

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Adoption is what will save the currency, cryptocurrencies work correctly thanks to the currency communities, only information and education are what can help us spread education here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Spectaculations around due to no official press release , answer from admins or respond of mails. BCH is a reality , no matter what price declined but bear market will ends up with some glittering dawn.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right, we people spread more knowledge about BCH on other platforms. Moreover BCH we get as a reward here must be implemented in BCH projects till its whole globe brings a BCH ATM for you in your country and then you will be rich. Nothing is permanent it has one or no change with passage of time. So better we should do promotional activities of BCH here and pray for these two dot platforms survival.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it has that risk factor but obviously I say in a year or more the currency will rise and then all those who bought n saved BCH will be rich but it's all in how you invest do you do it wisely or not

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need the knowledge of bitcoin cash because in the future bitcoin works legally in Pakistan inshaAllah soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago