I Defeated The Witch

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1 year ago

Halloween is coming in a few days though this is a new festival for me in fact I learned about it from noisecash the previous year, haha. But got a lot interested in it as it has a horror, spooky, ghostly theme. Don't worry I will not try to scare you. I do not know much about it apart from the theme and reason why it's celebrated that to keep away the ghosts and dead souls away from one's house and family.

There's a deep history behind it, which you can know in this article of my friend @CGuru, from here who is a newcomer in read cash.

Most people believe in the supernatural ans paranormal because it's not possible only the good side exists in this world. So bad souls and curses are still believed to exist even in this modern world. Personally, I do believe such things exist but I think modernization will kill their existence. I don't know how but it will just be like what it has been doing for a few decades.

So I came up with an interesting Halloween Themed Based set of questions from my mind not from anywhere which I plan to answer in this blog.

Have You Ever Experienced Paranormal Activity?

It's 50-50, lol. I don't know if it can be counted as an experience. I will let you the judge it. I remember at the age of 17, I have been getting a lot of bad nightmares including a Witch who used to torture my family in front of me. I was never able to see her face. Every 2-3 days I was getting such nightmares. I didn't say anything to my family don't know why as it only haunted me at night. But one day, I still remember when she showed her face which I have never seen it wasn't scary just like normal women. I couraged up and instead of feeling helpless and crying, I break the chains out of anger. Smashed her like crazy obviously in dream. We fought a lot, and I burnt her with fire. Don't know how I get it but it just happened in that dream and after that, I never saw her in my dreams.

Observation:- I think I was emotionally weak during that phase and this bad soul got me and was torturing me until and unless I made my mind so strong that pushed it out from my mind and even created a strong sense to deal with them. Now if I get some dreams like this where an evil force tries to scare me, I end up waking up chasing the life of ghosts, lol. Tables turned I guess.

Do You Think You Can Fight Such Power In Reality?

I don't think I have any leverage over such powerful creatures and I think I will stand no chance against them. But if given preparation and time and knowledge about the ghost about its abilities, I may found out ways to deal with it. Just like Batman, I guess.

What Happened To Ghosts Nowadays?

In today's world, they seem to vanish and I have one theory about it. That when you think about something it manifests, the thinking power of humans not only works in brains but in overall existence. It's kind of difficult to tell I want to explain, lol. In the early days, the world was filled with these things because everyone believed in them, they thought them to be true. If everyone thinks Crypto is fake and accepts it trust me no one will use it and soon it will be gone from existence. Just like what happened with ghosts. People started believing in other things taking the leverage of ghosts over you from them and over time they forget about them and when nobody thinks about them they don't get any negative fear vibe energy making them weak and lastly it erases their existence .

Also another theory is Earth has many creatures history including Gods, Dinosaurs and humans and I think this will continue. A new era of different being will come in near future and maybe we humans won't be part of it.

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Final Thoughts

Good souls don't harm anyone while bad ones are a mess to deal with. There were many real-life experiences shared by people which you can find online. I don't think this many cases can be fake as one family in my neighborhood had some experience like that due to which they changed their previous house. I have been told by my grandfather that he has seen one ghost in his teenage time.

Don't worry they won't give you spooky dreams today, just take my name before sleeping. And The Mighty TheGuy will come to the rescue. Peace, Lights Out!

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1 year ago
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The witch may represent something in your life like an obstacle you have to overcome which you did. I think that's not paranormal :D

The mind can be tricky. There is a thin line between reality and imagination.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, that can also be the scenario behind it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Actually we just copied how other country called it, "halloween" costumes sweets and everything, just fun but in Philippines Halloween has a deeper meaning I supposed, we call it ALL SOULS DAY its the time to visit our family who already died, time to visit every cemetery where our family member is resting for eternal rest, giving flowers, candles and food

Back then when theres no Covid, we took overnight in our grandmothers tomb, having tent and enjoying the rest of the night

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh nice, I see every place has different significance and different ways to celebrate the same festival.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Your nightmare sounds interesting and.brave too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha, it was scary in starting but that made me stronger in this genre.

$ 0.00
1 year ago