Don't Rely On Technology Too Much

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2 years ago

Comparing life a decade ago and now we surely have advanced so much in technology. We can now do anything through technology without involving others, we can even send money digitally through online payment services and Cryptocurrencies while people few years ago had to meet others to transfer funds when necessary. Technologies have brought so many utilities for saving time and energy. But we aren't able to channel this positivity into good rather we are inviting more trouble with its long use.

How we will know about this in a further post.

But first, let's know about Our History

We have almost replaced everything with machinery and advancement like earlier people used to keep hens as alarms don't laugh it was reality, it was used for business, meat as well as an alarm. The plowing of fields was done by ox and bulls but now tractors and even machines are available to do so, similarly watering of farmlands was done manually earlier and people used to do farming on farms nearby water sources but now motors and pipes are used. Now we have a whole online mall from which we can select and order a product to our liking and get them delivered without even sweating while earlier we used to check every shop in our locality to get the best deal, some of us still do this.

Now robots and AIs are doing work comparable to humans. We have now machines to cut fruits and vegetables and even make dishes.

You can see how much rapid growth we have achieved in just a decade in technology. Our whole system has changed. But one thing I would like to remind people is to never to rely fully on these techs, and never forget the basic and historical methods.

Some advancements are good for us while some are bad and we have to be smart to distinguish between them.


Nowadays most of us rely on an alarm clock to wake up, this may seem normal and common for this age until you miss something important due to this. I have missed one big exam of my life due to this as instead of am I set pm and the alarm never rang and I never woke up, I was alone at home so nobody woke me up, I was depended on the alarm sound to wake up, surely I meant to use it as a convenience but I got relied on it. From then on, I completely changed my habits and tried to sleep early and wake early and now I don't need a hen to do a cuckoo sound or even an alarm. This may seem like a small thing but unless faced with such a situation and get a realization very few will understand my words as we are relying too much on advancement of techs.

I always never rely on one thing whether it's tech, work, money, business, etc.

Don't just rely on Cryptocurrencies for savings there are lots of other good options too.

If we rely on technologies to make food then we are not going in the right direction, if we are relying on tech to start our day and wake up then it's not good. Of course there's a choice to use both of them but we let these advancement take control.

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Final Thoughts

Technology is bringing utility and value with ease giving us extra time to involve ourselves in good activities not just sitting and watching shows etc, once or twice a week it's good but if it's done daily then for health purposes in the future I would suggest people involve themselves in other physical activities. We have become very lazy and reliant on techs and that's the reason for our mental problems and why mainly most of us nowadays feel stress, depression because we see and watch too much nonsense.

It's not only about shows, it's about how much time you use on them and how much you rely on them.

Tech is the future but it's too early to rely on them. You should still know the basics and enjoy the outside world.

And wait I'm not trying to bully anyone using alarm as it's a great invention making our life easier but used it as an example to convey my message but still don't depend on it, haha!

I invite everyone to cut their tech time and find something else reading, walking, exercising, yoga etc. Just don't spend half a day with technology.

Once you do this your sleeping problems, unnecessary tensions will go away. Trust me I am among those people who used to sleep just 1-2 hours at night a few years ago. I changed my lifestyle and reliance over tech and found great comfort and peace.

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Written by
2 years ago


Technology is a game changer, admitted it change the world for comfortability but destroying the world slowly technology turns out to be with consequences.

Missed those days, we play outside with the whole kids in town, now they spend time alone with all their smart phones

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Without any physical exercise kids are already decreasing their healthy life by 5-10 years. Awareness of outside world and such activities is needed in this era.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

back then oldies reach to 100 years old now human life span slowly decreasing due to our unhealthy lifestyle

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Technology is definitely growing making things easy compared to yesteryears but at the same time making man lazy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Relying too much on tech makes you forget more. And that is kind of a bad for the health both mind and other ways too. I try to use less phone now, rely on local people more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The real taste of life is living it in its original and in organic way technology although helping us but losing the originality

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Learning the basic of doings things should still be taught in schools . It will serve as back up just in case technology breaks down. There are certain things we should'nt rely or depends on technology.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This, has beenan a five debate topic for a long time now. Humanity is heading directly in the way of very advanced technology, there's little we can do to stop it. Things are gonna change drastically in the next 20 years, some of them we haven't even imagined. It's scary though but the reliance on technology will only keep increasing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sadly, I don't think the, dependence upon technology would get any lesser,. It seems to me that it will only keep gettin greater and greater. Although, this is th most advanced age, life was much simple and quite fun back then.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's it we should minimize our exposure to technology cause it will lead also to uncritical mind

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, we can see examples of stupidity and less human like behaviour in today's people and it's all due to the overexposure of tech.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Technology make our life easier. But Im afraid that there would come a time that technology will replace human. For example those vending machine since its a selfservice , theres no need to hire human to do the selling that may result to unemployment of some😔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

AI already ate a lot of jobs in fact introduction of computers also, but their production require humans, still it's not enough compared to how they are eating the jobs of humans.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It just rinds me of, "everything is good but in moderation". We shouldn't rely on technology, it makes us farther from our culture and somehow to people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We become less of a human, more of a different being.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our physical activities are almost none existing Now as we're relying and depended on these technologies!

We should take benefit through utility and value this technology provides but also focus on other aspects of life.

I'm Kinda bad at this but always trying to become better!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, now we can perform certain activities easily by saving time and we should give some time on our physical health also as we already are very weak compared to previous generations.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything has good and bad use. Modern technology is best and facilitate us a lot. But when we make overuse of this technology then it harms us a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We give a lot of value and time to tech which kind of keeps us accompanied for the whole day which slowly changes the human inside us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Too much use of technological devices really cause trouble. One should avoid getting habitual about technology.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We get feed with unnecessary information changing our thinking and activities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about the exam you missed. It must have pained you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pained as well as changed my future course also, but I think it happened for a good reason, lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago