A Random Idea Worth Sharing

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2 years ago

Me- Hey! How Are You?

Them ( You ) - Who are you, lol?

I hope I am still being remembered it's too soon to be forgotten. Sorry for the inactivity, I was busy in travelling, and partying for 2 days straight. No sleep, no rest. Just the kind of experience you can get at your close friend's wedding. Anyways I have already shared wedding blogs so no more of them.

Waiting For The train.

While travelling on the train I saw water leaking out from few mountains. Even though they were at such a high altitude still some amount of water was leaking from them occasionally. The locations were random and the train's speed was too much for me to capture anything. On one side water was leaking and on the other side, I saw small lakes built like people were trying to utilise that water.

And an idea came up in my mind related to it as a few months ago paid government water supply pipes were established alongside our roads and were connected to all the houses of my city. And the people were given the privilege to get the connection or not. The construction of the big water tank has already started a few months ago and the news of slow development is out, lol. Government services are usually slow as the people getting the tenders for it are corrupt, slow and unfit for development. Still, they get the job tender all thanks to politics and favouritism.

What's the idea?

I am thinking that some cities which are close to the mountains can build big water reservoirs in it, mostly the mountains through which water leaks from some cracks. It's not about the rainy season as even in the summer season I have noticed them. With that type of water reservoir, they won't need many resources to fill that water reservoir as water will automatically be filled in that reservoir. And that can be distributed to whole city or region for consumption.

Location Name- Marsalli Pahad

Above Image Source:- What A View

I have this type of mountain nearby just now I got to know about it through a WhatsApp group. They're high in the mountain there's a natural small reservoir which rarely dries in summer and is filled with water most of the time. There's a temple also built there.

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Image by Unity, Follow Noise, Odysee, LinkedIn, and an article for more info.

Possible Advantages:-

  • These water reserves would be a great way to use, store and preserve the rainwater and mountain water, some filtration and cleanliness methods are enough to clean these waters fit for drinking. Don't you think this is a good idea?

Or I am thinking too much.

  • Water from reserves like these can reach high altitude places with optimal pressure as the mountain will be already at high altitude. And the water pressure from there will be enough to reach the high parts of the city.

Possible Disadvantages:-

  • Poor construction or caring can destroy the special phenomenon of leakage of water through the cracks. So the constructors should be aware of what they will be doing. Where to construct and where to destroy in the mountain?

  • Putting groundwater in it and supplying it may be on the costlier side of both energy and resources as filling the huge reservoir up in the mountain won't be an easy task. So I think it's kind of limited to natural mountain water or rainwater.

Final Thoughts

If anyone has seen something like this or has some more knowledge about it, please share. I would love to read your pros and cons on this idea in the comment section.

I personally think this is a good idea to use such places but if that's a tourism spot already like which I have shown then it should be kept that way. Some things are beautiful when they are left untouched by humans. Will visit this place soon and will share it with you.

Or there's possibility that this idea has already been implemented somewhere, hehe big world!

Missed two days but missed these platforms at night only, haha. The rest of the time, my mind was occupied by other things gladly or this small vacation of mine would have been stressful.

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Written by
2 years ago


Water resources are important and every drop of water should be taken advantage of, but as you said if the site is a tourist, it must be preserved without any human intervention

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup, we already have industrialised nature a lot. The beauty of unique places will rot away if we don't keep ourselves away from it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't have much information about it, but the subject is interesting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Brother you are right this water can be a great reserve when there will happen scarcity of water. Moreover water falling from height can be used for electricity production. I appreciate your thinking and idea my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh yes, I forgot that pressure can generate electricity also. Lots of uses for water reservoir in mountains.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Developing countries are doing this already but in Asia it's not working. Asia need to work hard in order to complete the supply pf pure water for asin countries. This is a good idea just we need of implement.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Implementation of advanced techniques is very slow in developing countries as the people involved in development are corrupted.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

90% of Sub-content people are corrupted those who are in development sector, government sector and also in private sector.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

water reservoirs are very important to maintain balance for water system. partying drains your energy so much for 2 days straight.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, yes some of my body parts are paining. I danced too much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This made me remember those times we experienced water shortage here

Considering, we have a lot of water sources๐Ÿ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha surrounded by water only, na. I'm thinking your place was Atlantis some hundreds of centuries ago, lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, I do agree that it would be a great idea, especially I think about it for my country, and I am very excited to imagine that they can do that, since here the problems with water are truly

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good but again it will cost us nature which I wouldn't want lol hypocrisy!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohoo so you get busy partying ha. Unfair, you didn't invite us ๐Ÿฅบ haha kidding.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I did sent invitation to everyone from my heart. If they aren't receiving then the problem is on the receiving end, haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago