Situations You Need To Be Silent!
We are all human, and we are all capable to feel emotions in whatever situation we are in. We are free to express our emotions, thoughts, ideas, and point of view.
Though we have the freedom of expression, there are still factors you need to remind yourself of when we need to react to something or when we need to be silent.
Here are some:
You need to be silent when you are at the peak of your anger.
Anger is an emotion that you feel toward something or someone who has deliberately done you wrong. It’s a way of expressing your negative feelings that is somehow good because it can motivate you to find solutions to a problem. But excessive anger can cause a problem.
Based on my own experience, it’s better to be silent if I am at the peak of my anger because there’s a chance that I can utter a word that is inappropriate or worse is to say curse words to someone that makes me regret the end.
So I choose to be silent, and when everything is calm that is when I express my opinion towards it and find a solution that can solve the problem with the situation or with the person.
You need to be silent when you don’t have all the facts.
When dealing with a situation or a problem, you need to gather facts before you react. It is necessary especially when you don’t have the facts because it may give you some information that is not true than can trigger more the problem or worse, it may add another chaos to something or someone.
So it’s better to be silent or best is to gather first all the facts that may help you to resolve the situation and how will you react to address the problem. So if you are not sure and you don’t have the facts, choose to be silent.
You need to be silent if your words will offend a person.
We cannot take it back when we have already said a word to someone. And words can indeed ruin either build or ruin a life, so we must be careful about the words that we say that can cause emotional damage to someone. In expressing our words, we should also consider the fact that not anyone can absorb how you deliver your words and even if it’s only a joke. We should always put our feet in their shoes, or better be silent to avoid offending someone in their situation or a problem they are in.
You need to be silent if your words could damage a relationship.
In terms of a relationship, you need to be silent especially when you are not concerned about that thing or in that situation. Be careful about how you express your words and be considerate to the people that are involved in the situation let them fix the problem within themselves, they should discover things rather than telling your words that can damage their relationship and whole life.
You need to be silent if your words convey the wrong impression.
You need to be silent especially to avoid having the wrong impression that will misunderstand or misread somebody’s word or action. This is to take away someone to be offended that is not meant to be offended. This is to keep away from misleading someone even if it’s intentionally or unintentionally.
Be silent if you cannot say it without screaming.
The fact that there are very sensitive people, and I admit that I am one of those people that is so sensitive and easy to feel sultry, that screaming sometimes makes me cry easily. So I don’t want to be yelled at by someone. And screaming can only make the situation worse because there are tendency that even if you have the solution to a problem if you say it through screaming it can only add heat to the fire. So it’s better to stay calm first before saying a word.
These are things that you need to be silent about, though speaking up is not bad somehow; there are still factors you need to realize before saying it. Because we cannot take back what we have already said and suffer the consequences in the end.
You need to calm down first, know the problem, and consider all the people that are involved and make decisions and resolve the problem without hurting someone’s feelings. In that way, you can have more solutions and have a better relationship with other people.
Be calm, and be silent, because silence is power.
A lot of people think that I am a nagger because I am a talkative person. I have a very long patience and when I get mad, I just shut my mouth, most of the time, I mind my own business. Because before, I always put myself into chaos because I can't control my mouth