Kill It Now And Go Back To Your How

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2 years ago

Kill it now and go back to your how. When you feel like being unmotivated nor demotivated lately, simply try to stop and pause for a while so you could be aware of your recent engagement and assess yourself where you are at the moment. Reflect on yourself and admit your hardest feelings and greatest resistance with motivation to continually move forward with enough strength, energy, and enthusiasm.

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Wake up from a deep sleep to admit your hardest feelings and greatest resistance with the right mindset and motivation.

There is no such thing as feeling motivated at all times of your existence. At one point in life, there would always be moments when you feel like being unmotivated and demotivated on something along with your greatest resistance and most difficult feelings such that your own desire and willingness is so far away from motivation. No one could drive you greatly to gain back all the lost strength, energy, and enthusiasm except for your very own self. Go back to your purpose soonest. And do not do it later when you only have a lesser momentum to keep going in your life.

Go back to your how and engage yourself now before the time runs out. You cannot start without accepting your weaknesses. You cannot merely start without acknowledging your difficult feelings and emotions. Try to understand yourself every time for surely no one is perfect in the world and probably these weaknesses would turn into strengths one day. Never feel bad about yourself when you feel unmotivated and demotivated. Feeling unmotivated and demotivated are both feelings of having no interest and eagerness on something yet the worst feeling is when you feel demotivated for you have already totally lost your drive to make everything fine and just getting nowhere without a purpose.

Kill your resistance and very hard feelings now so you would be able to push yourself more to be motivated to move forward as you keep going to see the magnificence of life with a purpose. Despite being unmotivated and demotivated for some time, try to build yourself again to be in the right and proper mindset. Kill every negative thought that would make your weaknesses stronger and be ready to face your weaknesses with the greatest momentum and vigor. Kill every thought which makes you weaker and go back to your how to give yourself a boost and be in touch once again with the motivation that you have lost. In any way possible, try to understand yourself and accept yourself more. As you kill any negativity now, go back to your how and engage yourself through the following:

  • Each day is your moment;

  • Dig hard to seek for an answer;

  • Start sooner rather than later.

Each day is your moment. Make most of every passing time. Believe that you can and it would always attract you to touch the limit. Each day is an opportunity for you to correct yourself and learn from your mistakes even if you fail today. While the sun still rises and sets each day, there is no more reason for you to quit for life. When you feel demotivated and unmotivated today, remember that these feelings had never existed before because your life is full of strength, motivation, and enthusiasm. Embrace back your self in the past and be motivated once again.

Dig hard to seek for an answer. Dig deeper for a beautiful purpose. When you dig hard to seek for an answer, alway have an assumption that you could always make things right and be motivated once again. Start digging down to what made you feel unmotivated and demotivated. Acknowledge every wrong move and visualize yourself starting a motivating process for guidance and enlightenment. Let your very own self press you ahead and succeed graciously. Hold on and believe that you could dig harder to seek for a strongest motivation to keep going. Bring back your lost self and once again be more victorious in the coming days.

Start sooner rather than later. Make time while your momentum is at its greatest before it cease to work well. See starting as a motivating process to move on enthusiastically despite the progress. Do not wait for the time to come when you would realize sooner that it is too late to decide about your visualizations. Have a sense of passion and achievement to focus more on gaining back your motivated self. It may be very challenging yet the outcome is so satisfying. Remember that you are the only person who has a great blend of vigor and resilience to embrace back the lost interest in everything. Be motivated once again and this is your moment to conquer. Just kill it now and go back to your how.

Even if a breaking point would push you one day to feel unmotivated and demotivated, never ever feel bad about yourself. Kill it now and go back to your how.

All photos are mine and were taken by me.

Disclaimer: No part of this article is used to advertise nor commercialize and it falls under the guidelines of fair use. All parts and contents are mine and are purely based on my personal learning experience, personal thoughts, opinions, and reflections. this humble article is mainly intended for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright 2022 Talecharm. All rights reserved.

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2 years ago


This got me hard,.."Make time while your momentum is at its greatest before it cease to work well" thanks for the motivation.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We all have that feeling every time but I think it is just a matter of prioritizing things and proper time management. If we cannot habdle these things surely we would fail someday. I know yoi could make it a habit one day my dear friens kisven.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure dear friend..... Please check out my new article on my wall and comment what you think...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you .. this article is for me .. I have been feeling so unmotivated and hence being procrastinating all the things I wanted to do .. i usually feel bad when I don’t do them each day but they again when I want to do them I loose focus and I just dive into another thing..

Well all I can gather from this is I have to keep going… I wouldn’t be motivated everyday but that is okay .. I just have to make sure that everyday I am one step closer to my goal.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You are most welcome my dear friend jumper and I am grateful as well for taking time to view, read, and give your brilliant inputs on my article. I am glad to hear about those.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for such an amazing write up

$ 0.02
2 years ago

great motivation. thanks for sharing these wonderful thoughts, my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are most welcome my sweetest friend Alice and know that you are very much loved. It is my pleasure to share and I am grateful of your attention too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just kept sharing wonderful articles my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your opening said a lot. Sometimes it's better to go with the flow than going against it for that is surely harder. Go with the flow to rest and then go against it again when you are ready.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Resist if and only if necessary but it is also important to make up one’s mind when all is fine and oneself is very much willing to accept everything. Your wise thoughts added significance to my post my dear friend Lee Art.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are so right my dear dear friend and thanks for the kind of motivation your writing puts in our hearts

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are most welcome my ever beautiful Doctor. Much love to you, my dear friend Lara.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true. We are here for a purpose and each day is a new challenge. But sometimes we do become demotivated. Happens can't resist. Should keep up the will power and move on.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Let us just hold on to our hope and faith as we believe on ourselves that there is nothing impossible if we would always keep our feet moving forwards. Despite any challenges with motivation, let us believe more that all things would be best at the end.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Looking back to where we've started. Sometimes if I lost track in my life feeling unmotivated too go forward I convinced myself looking to past "Me". how much I grow as an individual. Praying also to keep this "fire" in my heart that someday I will also be on top.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah I believe that is a very good motivation my dear friend Marcos. And the key to everything is your great faith combined with your deepest hope to conquer every hardest. Carrt on my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good morning my dear friend, I badly needed this right now thank you so much for this very motivational piece of yours, I agree that if we feel tired and exhausted when thing aren't working the way we wanted, never stop but instead take a rest and go relax your mind and think how you will go on again. Hehez actually I'm resting because I don't know what to put on my homework that I'm doing few minutes ago haha so I just scroll here in this platform.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I hope you had already rested very well my dear friend sky to gain back your lost energy. You are always welcome my love. Grow more in positivity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let us not always look at the negative side neither turn the negative into positive in time we felt demotivated. Embrace the trials and surrender it to God.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is very important to embrace the trials of life for this would develop more resilience to go on despite a hard life. And that we must always look at the brighter side of our existence.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree your article my friend. Once I’m reduced, I try harder to start with the lowest. Because really progress is on low stems. Because of the low way we are drawn and gradually increase our progress.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Even if we arevat our lowest point, let us just continue to grind and be the person we would like to become. Progress may be so slow yet it has a big leap and adds a big impact to our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

' Been recollecting while reading your article. Your words are like warm hugs to me. You're absolutely right. We are in total control of our lives... When everything else turns gray, it's okay to go back to square one. More Power Miss Charm!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Awww I dis not expecr that it would touch you my dear friend mar. I hope you are doin fine at the moment and I wish you all the best each day. Likewise my friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You hit me charm, your wording are speaking to me directly and im motivatated.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Awww been a while my dear friend youngdim. Where in the world are you? Glad to see you back in track and wishing you more success in your journey. All is well my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i have been around but got busyb with life, i make a post on my previous account the reason why i dont use it, this is what i use currently. thank you always

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I see, you are always welcome my dear friend yoingdim. Hope you good.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Any time I come here am always happy because am always learning how to live my life in a direct way .it takes time for some one to understand he or herself but the truth is that once we find we are unmotivated we should just kill it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactlu my friend. Let not the day pass without doing something for even a small step.cpuld truly male a difference. Stay positive in life my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I'm depressed, I try to encourage myself. I try to move forward with a next plan the next day. Every rising sun rings the bell of opportunity for us. Time is running our if it is delayed. Encouraging every day is my friend's skill. You are doing great job dear Tale!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Awww as always you have given me enough and right words to continue on this platform my dear friend Tila. Know that your words are very much valued and I do appreciate your most precious attention each time. Hope you are good at the moment my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You need to start your own counselling system.. you will do great trust me

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Awww this is just me my dear friend, blackdoll. All of which are just written from a humble heart and are mainly based on my personal learning experiences, thoughts, and reflections. Grateful of your encouraging words. You are the sweetest.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nobody will be there to help you find or look for that, that you have lost, is all you and only you that can motivate and if need For demotivating and unmotivation comes you will still be the one there to help yourself back up. And since everyday is an opportunity you can also you that to your benefit to motivate yourself knowing that there are times you will surely be demotivated and unmotivated

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You are so right my friend. No one could truly help us more than we help for our very ownselves. Let us strive hard to do the best that we could and be great evwn in the most simple way every day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was a beautiful piece. I have been demotivated but how could I give up on my dreams? I will kill my hesitations and doubts and I will start planning, working towards my goals :) Hope you are having a great day my friend.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Grateful of your compliments my friend and hope you are lookimg forward to be more motivated in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for that my friend :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's now or never situation. Definitely we will rock on if we do this and follow this strategy. Well said. And I must say, the title is unique one.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

I was hesitant at first to use the first word on my title due to its negative impact but then I used another phrases to uplift it with grace. Grateful of your appreciation my dear friend Luci.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No dear, it’s actually awesome.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hardwork always bring a lot of happiness glorious glowing moment of our environmental and beautiful life , it's really necessary for us to kill those things that always bring a boring like and make hardworking person to ourselves , People Think that successful person don't hardworking but it's not true

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Hi dear Talecharm. Your article somehow encourages us not to lose hope when trials hit our motivation. We could feel unmotivated sometimes because we lack of perseverance or easily affected of initial negative outcomes. The race is not yet over. You're right my friend that we need to disregard all negatives thoughts and be optimistic to the goal we want to achieve. Lastly, never quit, try and try even how difficult it is until great success will be ours.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Your words are very inspiring and motivating too, Sir. Thankful for your brilliant inputs as well as your time and attention. For what is more significant is not to quit and never to give up no matter what happens.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's important to take time to settle yourself, give yourself breaks to acclimate and get right in your mind, heart, and soul. Exhausting yourself right out of the gate will not help you at all, trust me, Charm. Love the motivation, my friend! Ang goodnight hehe. Just peeking in before bed ;)

$ 0.06
2 years ago

Those are very comforting words from you my precious dear sis. Grateful of your time to leave your wise words before heading to sleep. Have a good night and may the angels guard you together with your fam. Best regards and more hearts to a dear friend like you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ask for the solutions to yourself whenever you feel demotivated, your brain will automatically tell you what you should do. And yeah never miss any day , everyday can the best day of our life. We just have to believe and go for it and most important we shouldn't procastrinate. The major reason people feel demotivated is because they procastrinate a lot. So it's best to start early before you lose interest.

$ 0.07
2 years ago

One must dig harder to find the best solutions whenever being pushed of feeling demotivated nor unmotivated. Yeah, I so agree with the idea that every so often procrastination would drive anyone to lose interest in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whenever I'm demovitated, I always push myself to do the bare minimum. As they say, poco a poco, little by little, we make progress. If doing a big task is difficult enough for us, let's do the smaller task, eventually it will add up to the progress. Knowing why we're doing a certain task will lead us to the right direction.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You have your great moment and very good habits for motivation my friend its and I am happy gearing about those. Being a strong, independent woman would truly push you beyond your limits. Stay an inspiration to many.

$ 0.00
2 years ago