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2 years ago

Good evening fellow writers, how has been your day? I hope we all had a great day today? I have finally found what I will be sharing with us today and that's the power of consistency.

Consistency is being regular and steady, no alternatives, the quality of consistence requires being the same, setting the same standard, regularity, constancy, sameness and steadiness.

Consistency in life is sticking to what works for you, doing what you know, trying to make sure it works. You are in a business, you have just started not quite long, being consistent is trying all ways for your business to be productive and advance.

In everything you are doing, you have to be consistent for it to yield good result and make sure it works out. Giving up along the way has ruined what you have started.

Why is consistency important?

You have to be consistent for you to see the result of your works. For example, weight loss requires regular exercise, in order to achieve the purpose of the exercise, one has to keep exercise regularly until such person has finally achieved what he wants.

It takes time. In any business whatsoever, it takes time for you to be accepted by people. Trust and dignity is not built in a day. You need to keep trying before people can finally accept you and your service.

Your Success Story.

As a society, we value people and things that amazes us, we hear stories of how successful people start from a low and humble state. One major thing that brought them to the top is that they never quit. At first, it looked as if they are not born for what they are doing or it looked as if they are not meant for that thing they are striving hard for. They couldn't have gotten to where they are if they are not being consistent.


Consistency keeps you focused. Being focused requires concentration and attention. Practicing consistency helps us to be focused in what we do, it makes us aware of our works to improve things.

Removes doubt.

I mentioned earlier that when you are consistent, people will finally accept you and your work. It removes uncertainty and leads to trust.

Consistency is a big difference between success and failure. Being consistent brings trust and it allows you to establish awareness. It's important when it comes to visual brand and awareness for your product.

Consistency is the power that drives you to achieve success in life. Consistency leads people to you, it attracts people to your product or your service. It build trust on your behalf even when you are not aware.

Thank you for reading.♥️♥️♥️

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2 years ago


A very strong point that everyone needs to allow into their lives. consistency is always key to ones success, you only have to look at the richest man Elon musk and you'd easily understand why he's at the level he is.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are absolutely right. Thank you for the point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To succeed in whatever one does, consistency is key. There are lots of examples of history to show how consistency paid of. Take Thomas watt for instance, he made the light bulb and before he could come to the practical light bulb, he was consistent in trying again and again even with so many failures. He never gave up until he finally got it correctly. That is the power of consistency.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes. Giving up and quitting is out of it entirely.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love this, consistency actually gives more result than we can imagine

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah. It does 😊😊😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Consistency and focus leads you to success. You have written on very impressive and important topic. Now a days we are lethargic and don't maintain consistency and just blame destiny for every bad thing or for every failure. We should be consistent if we want success in our life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes those two are very important. Thank you ♥️♥️♥️

$ 0.00
2 years ago