Yet another experiment with points to non-featured communities

49 311

We have finished going through the list of eligible communities (those which have at least 10 approved submissions) and the featured list for now is complete. Only about 5% of communities made it through.

It's pretty sad that we haven't found any community in non-English language that is single topic, single language (some of them have a week to try to remedy the situation, but the majority were "we accept everything")

We would like to remind everyone that soon only submissions to featured communities will give you points. (If you want to see your community featured, see the rules)

Here's the original plan that we wanted to do:

Basically, 100% goes to featured communities and their content. Nothing goes to other communities.

But this plan does not address two problems that we recently started thinking about:

1) There is good interesting content outside of featured communities that we want to support;

2) we don't want moderators in communities to moderate all of the comments - it's an impossible task.

How do we solve it?

First of all, why are we doing all of this (the featured communities plan)?

Because the number of spammy contributions to the site is through the roof. And these guys are not slowing down. They are taking more and more and more points (which leads to your points being 20-60% cheaper than they should have been).

Communities that don't have any moderation are enabling these guys - that's why these communities are hurting everyone.

That's why we're finding good moderators to help us. They create featured communities, filtering bad content and get 20% for that.

"Free for all" moderators were getting 20% for nothing, and worse - for enabling spamming. It was in their interest to have as much of anything (including spam) as possible, because each article got them 4 points more (20% of 20 points).

We do understand though that not everybody is a writer that can produce a great article on topics that are in our featured communities. Sometimes people want to write about their life and maybe get paid for it too. Sometimes it's interesting to read their thoughts.

Currently our fund payments were based on the fact that you just published something. Probably something original. But spammers and cheaters found a number of creative way to create useless original content that nobody is interested in (I won't go into details, we don't want even more spammers here)

The experiment

Let's try supporting good writers in non-featured communities based more on the quality of the content they produce. To this we will dedicate 30% of the daily fund payments. (We don't know whether that will work or people will find even more ways to abuse it)

Remember the power users? Well, in our new plan if a power user upvotes your content anywhere on the site (in featured or non-featured communities) - it will randomly give (or not give) you a random number points.

I'll explain the need for randomness in a bit.

So, the new plan will now look like this:

70% goes to featured communities and their articles and short posts, but not to comments.

30% is dedicated to the experiment. If a power user upvotes your article (in non-featured community or not in community at all), your short post or your comment (anywhere), you might get points for that.

Why is there a need to be so random?

First of all, to avoid corruption. If a power user realizes he's a power user he might be tempted to use that status, like to ask users to pay him back so that he upvotes you. Or only upvote his/her friends, etc... (Please remember that we're cracking down on upvoting rings, so don't do "upvote me to upvote you" things) However if his/her actions have a random delay and random effect (does something or does not) - it's really hard to say if you are a power user or not. Maybe someone else upvoted that in the meantime.

Second, let's say that it's 4pm (16:00) and our users in featured communities have accumulated 7,000 points. We have also given 3,000 points to users in non-featured communities. Now comes a power user, he upvotes 5 great articles. But we don't have any budget to give away, as right now we have given away all of 30% that is dedicated to "non-featured" users. If a featured users accumulate 70 more points - that means we can give away 30 points more to non-featured users. How do we distribute it? We have no idea. So the only solution so far is to give random amounts to random people that this power user upvoted. Some will get zero just because either we want to hide a fact that a power user is a power user, some will get more.

We will also be applying some tricks to avoid corruption, like not giving points to the same people for some time (so that User A always upvoting User B won't result in all of the points going to User B all the time).

Why is this all so complicated?

Frankly, we would have gladly stopped at a very simple idea, but some people have too much time on their hands to take away from what is already quite a small amount. I mean $70 per day that our fund gives out is very little already. When we give it to cheaters it's even worse for everyone who worked.

We can't find a perfect stimulation system yet, so we try. With each new piece of information we have we have to change the rules.

Basically, our advise would be not to try to understand the point system - it's going to be pretty complex. Just write good articles, write good short posts and write useful comments and sometimes you'll be rewarded.

Frankly we have to limit the growth of our fund because bad guys are spoiling the fun for everyone. The sooner we find some reasonable way to distribute the fund - the sooner we can start thinking about how to increase it.

Increasing it right now makes no sense, because cheaters would be even more stimulated.

If we can't even distribute $70 well, who is going to give us $1000 to distribute daily? :)


We don't know. As soon as we can code it.

One more thing:

No points communities

@JonathanSilverblood asked us to implement the way to not give any points to certain communities even if selected to be featured. We implemented this option in community settings. These communities will be clearly marked as [no points].

Most of communities will not need this option.

We don't know yet whether we will be giving random upvotes points to these communities.

$ 0.00
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$ 0.00
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$ 0.00
4 years ago

I tried my best to achieve and understand how the point system work. Thank you for sharing your experiment with us. The important is we need to abide the rules of the readcash and the communities. That's why i will upvote this article for always updating us. Thank you again @readcash

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sometimes, I just really want to give up understanding how the point system works. I didn't even know that as a moderator you will earn a %. I just learned now. What I do, when I have time, I try to write articles. Original contents from the not so deepest part of my brain. Or try to read articles from any communities and comment my thoughts. Thanks for still giving us an opportunity to earn.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow. A lot of complexity in this one. But I tried my best to understand it and I actually did. Thanks for making the site safer from spammers.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank u for updating this read cash it a big help for us want to write post en enjoy here.. Godbless

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you Read cash for always giving a badge.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am especially amazed by the fact that you have advanced to featured also communities containing clear plagiarisms. (I now one, which I can prove, but I will not mention names here.) I thought the fight against plagiarisms would be one of the points with this system.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We looked at recent posts and disallowed these that had plagiarism. They might have approved something after they have been featured or they might have approved something some time ago. For now we will reevaluate the status after one week now. If they have obvious plagiarism they'll be "un-featured" until the situation improves. You are free to email us though.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

O, I will do that.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The new point system is really complicated to understand. Which is a good thing for fund not to be abused. More power team.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I understand it, just a little bit confusing😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

As time passed by, admins become more strict. I highly commend you! But let's face the fact that filtering spammers will be a great move. It might lessen the number of users but atleast, those who are deserving to get paid and having quality content will be left. A platform is good as long as there's no spammers.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for this new update! It's quite confusing but the thought sounds good! I will take my time comprehending this because this is very important especially to admins and moderators of community/ies.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Woow. This is a lot. Well the management is trying in their best to stop nonsense posts. I really commend them for such actions. Let only good posts be given points.

Good job!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's really sad for me because I'd like to share my blogs just yesterday and this came, I have no idea if I got upvotes or not and even the Boost Value goes up, I do make 0.05 to 0.10 daily how is that possible to got upvotes from power user if you do just Blog Thing plus you don't have any topic you just want to share stuff.

But I think now I should stop blogging then that's kinda sad.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

At this stage of development it's pretty naive to think that it can be a well-paid job. There are ~6000 users and only $70 daily to distribute.

Also, your concept of a power user is way off. For all you know you might be a power user yourself. Power users don't know about their status. It's just our internal mark that we trust these users to do the upvoting right - they upvote good stuff and downvote bad stuff. You have 39 subscribers, 7(!) of them are power users. Why do you assume you won't get upvotes from your subscribers?

Just like I told in the article:

Basically, our advise would be not to try to understand the point system - it's going to be pretty complex. Just write good articles, write good short posts and write useful comments and sometimes you'll be rewarded.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I do believe on what you said sir, thanks for the clarification.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

And I also have a question, What if I am a power user (Just example) then I upvote all the comment that I receive on my article, is that effect me as Power User or not?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, you'll probably lose the power user status as you are upvoting based on the idea of "upvote all", rather than on idea of "that's really useful".

$ 0.00
4 years ago

And also if you notice, I don't know what topic this Singapore And Malaysia community have, why this community has been featured.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This reveals all the dead communities I somehow have joined as well. Well... it takes 10 posts for a community to be featured, after all, and now these have a 30% due to our power users. This has gotten really complicated now from simple "Free 0.5% from fund distributed by members" towards "0.5% payment per point based on community interaction". Don't make it too complicated to scare newcomers, though!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I frankly wish there was a simpler plan. Believe me, we don't want all these rules, because they make everything too complex. But any simple plan stumbles into cheaters - people who pretend they are 100 people and deserve 100 times the reward, people who publish unreadable computer-generated non-sense. We are yet to see a simple plan that would work.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

There are so many updates daily. . Yes it really good for the site.. especially the new rules for the community, yes it's good coz it's can filter those spammers and maintain good quality articles for other Community but it's not so good for the coz some of the community did not accept the articles even the said articles is related to the said Community and even it's unique one,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ok this is a fairly complex system but good luck on hunting the spammers :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

No community is under obligation to take anything. The right topic is not enough. The text must be up to the standards of writing as well, and treat the subject in sufficient depth. Where to set that treshold is up to admin and moderators.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I don't know if it's wrong for me to give a suggestion but I'm just gonna drop it cause things really getting complicated here. I actually feel that read cash should look into creating a limit of acquired points for every user. Everyone should be bound to a maximum number of points daily. That's one part of the upgrade. Thanks for enlightenment though.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's no solution at all. I am an ordinary user and I don't see the background of, but you can be sure that scammers are able to create hundreds of accounts in a very short time and I'm sure they already do.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, that's exactly why it won't work.

$ 0.00
4 years ago @Telesfor is right, creating accounts is too easy

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ok i now understand Thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Day by day , rules of are more complex. Thats why we all do not understand all things. I wish , care ful about their users and try to make it easy for them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This update will be great if read cash minimize the number of points given to spammers because they go on others peoples post read, copy and paste that's really bad I am only saying this so that people who have put in their effort on writing and creating great articles on their own should be rewarded according to their effort put into this platform.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your another experiment with us in this platform of read cash..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What all these mean to me is to totally forget about the points system and work hard to produce great articles that is worthy of reward by those who read them. I have never been consious of the points i get for publishing and commenting, most of my earnings comes from tipping and upvote. This changes will test will test the commitment of everyone to this platform

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow wow wow, and I had to read all, its a welcome development which means we all need to be up and doing to earn more points and still get upvotes

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I believe that as a moderator/admin, articles requested for posting should be checked first whether it followed the rules imposted like the topic itself, the language used before approving it. It is just following the regulations so the community be included. I noticed that there are nice articles published in the communities not posted and should be given credit that is why it is vital and a responsibilty of the admin to look into these.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This will be very helpful for us. We can be more inspire to achieve this for us too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Personally I just even gave up on trying to understand the point system even though I have some knowledge about it to from being a programmer myself. It is clear that you guy are using a lot of sophisticated algorithms to ensure you put spammers at bay. Though I know from experience that it might discourage new users who have potential and genuine intentions but are still in the learning phase. The thing is we can't let that stop us, when the platform attains the right standards, it would attract more potential users. So until then, we are cheering for you guys to do your best.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree with this. I did lose some hope earlier but I know that this is what I want. I want a platform that will be giving a payout that is fair to every writer especially those who work hard to earn.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah that is the right thing to do. I believe with time things would start falling into place and we who stay devoted would reap our fruits.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I like the sound of that.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is the right approach. Just write like the point system doesn't exist :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I believe everything is already said. I am glad to hear good writing will be rewarded if there's no community fitting to it.

Why there are no foreign communities I don't know. Well, partly I do. Sooner or later no one reads you if you don't write in English. The audience is way smaller and a huge part of people present here have a hard time if it comes to reading and writing. Their comment is based on the title or one bold word.

On to the next experiment. Let's hope "happy spamming" will come to an end. 👍🍀💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This whole thing feel so familiar to me, yup, it happen like this in steemit/hive.

$ 0.00
4 years ago