Happy birthday, read.cash!

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5 years ago
Topics: read.cash

Ok, it's not quite a birthday yet, but today marks exactly one month since the first line of code for read.cash was written. 🍰

To celebrate it - we're removing the invite-only registration and now everyone can join. 🎉

read.cash has been growing much faster than we've anticipated.

Frankly we've expected nearly zero growth for the first month.

Surprisingly, we now have (despite being invite-only so far):

  • 68 registered users;

  • 260 upvotes given totalling $ 115.08 in Bitcoin Cash, so the average upvote is about $ 0.44 (wanna get rich slowly? 🧐);

  • Articles published in 3 languages (English, Spanish and Russian).
    This we didn't anticipate at all and are frantically thinking about how to deal with all the people who can't read Spanish and Russian and vice versa (those who can only read Spanish or Russian).

These all are very modest stats for any modern site, but for us expecting zero growth - that's something amazing.

We've implemented a lot from our Roadmap in this month:

  • Affiliate program;

  • Better editing (image pasting, uploading, Unsplash integration);

  • In-site notification system;

  • Subscriptions to authors and topics;

  • CashID login and registration without e-mail (using Badger Wallet);

  • Comments; and even

  • The ability to deposit fiat currencies (not available in US, sorry)

... and yet our Roadmap keeps growing, because each new user gives us some new ideas and each new day brings us new challenges.

Here are some of the most interesting reads this month:

Granted, many of those are focused on cryptocurrency and especially Bitcoin Cash (which is no wonder, since read.cash is built on top of Bitcoin Cash), but our bigger plan is to attract authors for all topics, like psychology, technology, futurism, programming, etc.. so that all authors can have the great editing experience and at the same time be supported by their fans.

Also, here are some of our own interesting reads (mostly technical about Bitcoin Cash, though):

Hopefully, the next month would bring us more interesting reads and we're still working on adding all kinds of improvements, like polls, author sponsorships, paywalls and maybe one of our features from the other "secret" roadmap ;-)

Got something to share? Get onboard!

A screenshot for the posterity with all the terrible affiliate promotions going on (we're now showing only some articles in the "hot" section, and all articles in "new" section, until we work out better policy for this - trying to walk the fine line between moderation and censorship):

$ 0.53
$ 0.50 from @btcfork
$ 0.01 from @imkeshav
$ 0.01 from @InternetDoctor
+ 1
Sponsors of Read.Cash
Avatar for Read.Cash
5 years ago
Topics: read.cash


That's great, we are in the community, which is just a month old. Considering the concept behind this project, i know it's going to be real big in its 1st year Birthday.

As an early adopters of read.cash, i hope i have a good future along with the platform

$ 0.05
5 years ago


Suggestions: Give a "Feedback" link on the top right corner, so ppl like me can give quick feedback Ability to tip from home/main page instead of having to open the article and do it From profile, I can access my articles, also nice to have link to my comments In comments, please show user icon, its hard to distinguish between readers in the thread below

EDIT:Hmm, each of these points were typed as separate lines, but formatted into a paragraph now after posting

$ 0.05
5 years ago

Use Markdown for comments - it requires an empty line between lines to start a new line. Hope that makes sense. I've added your suggestions to the roadmap, so that we won't forget to consider them. Thank you!

$ 0.00
5 years ago

I wish you every success. We need such websites in the BCH universe!

$ 0.05
5 years ago

The great thing is that interaction in the community can be greatly enriched with this kind of thing, as we saw with Yours.org (may he rest in peace). There are already social networks for BCH onchain, but some things do not need to be inserted immutably in a blockchain.

$ 0.00
5 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
5 years ago

Happy birthday! I wish read.cash and the team behind read.cash many more months, years of success! I’m 100% sure this will be a huge success and become very popular within few months just like BCH :)

$ 0.05
5 years ago

👍 Thank you!

$ 0.00
5 years ago

I got the message!

$ 0.00
5 years ago

That's really cool news.

Congratulations on your first "cumplemes".

I've shared this (in spanish) in my twitter 😉


By the way, another suggestion. It would be great if the comments field expands automatically as one writes longer comments.

$ 0.05
5 years ago

Thank you! Good point about the comments! We'll add it to the list

$ 0.00
5 years ago