Everyone in the whole world, regardless of culture, age, gender or belief, share at least one thing in common: the challenge of growing into successful individuals.
No one can satisfactorily make this life's journey alone. Which is where @HadEnough had his error. He felt that a tree can make a bush, that he can survive as a loner.
We need to help those that matters, by making them get to know us and then decide if we are worth been their companions, so that they can uplift us.
For instance we all are here on this platform for various reasons which boils down to a common goal, being recognised for our brands and likewise earning from the platform.
Instead of bashing out people like @Fexonice1 @CryptoMax @Pantera@VoluntaryJapan @MobTwo or being an ingrate over the freewill of @MarcDeMesel and some other people who out of the little they have, decide to give us(even when we don't deserve it) their hard earned coin.
Since every society has its own customs through which everyone must follow successfully in order to be fruitful in life, that is, hence the significance of companionship.
The word 'companion' has to do with being closely connected with something similar. A companion could be a friend, an acquaintance, or partner; someone with whom one spends time or keeps company.
We human beings need each other for support and companionship. We cannot live our life all by ourselves.
Guess what! I know a way to figure out what's going to happen to you in the future. Even if I've never met you and don't know much of anything about you. I can tell you a reliable way to predict your own future.
Am I a guru with special powers or a fortune teller?
No, but I can still tell you how to predict your future.
Heres all you need to do, look at who your friends are and what they are like, and you can see what your future holds, just take a look at the companion you hang around with.
As important as a companion is in ones life, if you have the right ones, it will make you a better person and give you a brighter future. If you have the wrong companion, it will ruin your character and wreck your life.
If you want to change your future, then I have just four short words for you: FIND A TRUE COMPANION
Companionship goes a lot deeper than "friends with benefit". It is far more intimate than romance or friendship.
Passion is great but might not last more than a night or months.
Two are better than one, because if one falls, the other one will lift his companion.
Starting your companionship with friendship helps a lot and relieves pressure.
People mix together for prestige, the sense of being wanted, sex and so on.
However, the main reason for spending time with a male or female is to build a lasting friendship which might turn into a marriage commitment one day.
Thanks to all that have been upvoting my posts and my sponsor @HappyBoy
You can read my other articles via this links👇👇
You have really spoken well @queenray we all need companions we can be committed to in the journey of our lifes