No Language, No Communication

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3 years ago

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According to Google, we have roughly 6500 languages in the world and all can be learned depending on your choice.

We have English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Phillipines, French etc all of these are important to understand especially when communicating with each other.

When two people come together with different languages, it will be burdensome to understand each other unless you both heard each other's language. Knowing how to communicate in your language with others would aid free and flow communication.

A Spanish man speaking his language to an English man would find it difficult to relay his message unless there is a translator to help him do that so the English man can flow with him. Better still, the English man can learn Spanish so that other times, the communication will go well with both.

Apart from this, we have different languages style that relate to life and one must be attentive and observable to understand so as to interact with each other freely. Among them, we have adult- relationship, child- relationship, academics, work relationship language etc.


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When two people come together and are dating, they are from different background with distinct language. For example, a guy whose language in love is Quality moment and the lady do not know, it will be so hard to understand each other especially when the lady isn't giving him time. Same thing with lady whose language is Word of Affirmation like "you look beautiful", "you have done excellently well", "keep it up" "your outfit looks great" etc.

Words like this would make the lady happy and if as a man you aren't communicating in her language, the relationship won't work unless you come together and understand each other. There must be a balance in things like this so both of you can get to merge both languages together and give it out when necessary.

My love languages are Physical touch (especially kissing πŸ˜‰) and Words of Affirmation. A man who can't learn my languages can't enjoy me. This will bring issues in our relationship if one of us do not come down to learn and adapt to each other's languages. This is something causing issues in marriage especially as it increases the rate of divorce and making one to be a single mom or dad. At least before you venture into marriage, this is why dating or courting is compulsory as a stage before the real moment which is marriage. You have to get to know your language first and then your partner would learn it and there would be free flow of communication without any issues.


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When a child's love language tank is empty, it will really affect the child psychologically and most especially academically. A child who is wanting Quality Time and isn't given, will end up being lonely and isolated when he or she grows up and this can even cause depression to such a child.

A child whose language in love is Buying Gifts and as a parent, you don't understand this, when the child gets to school or goes somewhere and see other people about his age are having things bought for them, the child will feel unhappy within himself. There is nothing you can do to make him happy even if you are satisfying him in other areas, he still won't be happy. This is why parents should always observe their children to know their languages and adapt to them. Doing this would definitely make such child happy.


What do I mean here? We all have different lecturers who have different style and language they communicate to every student.

A lecturer may come into the class and tell you his own way of marking. When he explains, he want you to give him answer relating to how he has explained it and some lecturers might say "don't give me word to word, write in your own words". If such student go against the language, do you think he or she would pass? The lecturer won't be happy if you communicate in writing against what he has told you. As students, it is important to observe and learn your lecturer's language so as to have good grades after examination.


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You were being interviewed and told to resume work on a particular day. All rules have been given by the employer including your time of resuming daily. As an employee, you arrive late to the office, what do you think would happen? Your boss will get angry with you because you haven't learnt to adapt to the language at work which are the rules laid down for you.

There won't be any problem if you come to learn a particular language especially when you don't know it.

Why do you think disunity happen in every spheres of life? It is because of Language. When they aren't communicating in the same language, cooperation would be null and before you know it, there will be disorganization.

Let me end with this story in the Bible when people were building a Big Tower to reach Heaven. At first, they were in unity and things were going fine until God was angry with them and decided to confuse them. What did God used? "Language". There was a barrier with each other's language and they stopped working because they couldn't continue and do not understand themselves again. (Genesis 11:1-9)

This is a prompt word by @JonicaBradley titled "LANGUAGE".

Click to read her article

The rules are simple.

  • Write anything about language

  • Write 100% original content

  • Write at least 600 words so Rusty will reward you

  • Submit to the PromptlyJonica community (please join us if you haven't already)

  • Tag me @JonicaBradley and @TengoLoTodo

Thanks for taking your time to read from my blog today.

|August 16, 2021|

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Avatar for Princessbusayo
3 years ago


I completely agree with this. I have a lot of acquaintances and good friends with whom I can communicate using English. And how much I'd have lost if I didn’t know English. Now there are different ways to learn a language, but online learning is the best option for me. In addition, now there are platforms such as Promova, where there are english tutors for adults. So far this is what I consider the most convenient way.

$ 0.00
9 months ago

I can understand the academic Language as I am a teacher. Tho I can speak love language for adults too πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Hehehe I love that as a teacher from you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's a great help if we can learn different l anguages especially those not very popular ones .This can help us to break the language barrier. Have a good day😊

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Exactly. We need to learn some Languages to be able to communicate freely. Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Language can be a barrier in our differents relationships with others, and this can happen even speaking the same language as you very well explain. And good that you are of the kissing type in love! ;)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Communication is the important key, without communication our world won't be this grown. We all have different language in different aspect, that's why when we are communicating the first thing we need to do is to listen, observe and analyze. Because sometimes if we are talking we are making ourselves unaware that may end up upsetting other people.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

We must listen, observe and analyze. Thank you for your feedback.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

An interesting article. You are right, getting to know people is much more that just our spoken language, our work langauge and relationship language is also important, we need to understand each others needs as well otherwise things can be difficult too. You make a good point about the tower of Babel, when God became angry with the people for building the tower he confused the language so the people could no longer communicate easily.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

I appreciate your feedback. Understanding each other's Language is so important in communication.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Communication is the key for us to better understand each other. But sometimes it can be a huge barrier for two people especially when both doesn't know or understand the language.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Our kind of language really do speak a lot about us and people who we are with should understand or else it would be trouble. I like the love language you got there like you show it through kiss. I found it so genuine and affectionate.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Hehehe It is that part that got you right? Lol Thank you my friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello my beautiful friend, another great article, without a doubt the language, the language and our way of communicating, plays an important role in our daily life, however here I want to add something else, the problem does not only lie in knowing how to speak, in expressing ourselves in a clear and educated way, but also in knowing how to listen, in understanding, that is where the great problems of life arise, that is why we need, as you well mentioned, to learn those languages of the world, of life, because each one has their own way of to communicate, to give a message, and the way of communicating is very varied, they say that a word is worth more than a thousand words, and in the world, there are people who with a glance tell you thousands of things, I hope everything goes well in your life, thanks for this great post.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Yes, thank you for the contribution. We must also have a listening skill to also help improve our interaction with everyone outside the world. Thank you so much VirtualVariety

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ah...Busayo. Did you peep into my notes regarding this post yesterday? Hahahaha.

Oh...kissing...sugaaaaaarrrr! That's your mumu button. That makes sense then.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Mumu button indeed. Once our weak point have been tampered with, we become fool Sha😁 Well, I didn't know about your notes ooπŸ€”

$ 0.02
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I lobe the language of love for my kids n husbandπŸ€—πŸ˜β€οΈ

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Great and you will see that you guys would get along and be happy too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Communication is important

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes, it is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My love language is quality time. It is really important to know your loved ones love language so that we will understand them and give them the love they want πŸ€—

$ 0.04
3 years ago

We are the same language. Thank you Sequoia

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know how it's possible to learn all languages isn't it's impossible thing but I've heard science say it's possible but from these 6500 languages i only know english and my own national language lol I'm interested too learn more and increase more knowledge

$ 0.04
3 years ago

I don't think one can learn all Languages 😁 Won't it be too burdensome for you? You can only learn at least 3-4 Languages though.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh! Remember that story from the Bible! The Tower of Babel! where people tried to build a tower higher than the sky, so God messed up their communication by differentiating their languages.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

They thought they could outsmart God but He is wiser than them all. He had to do what He did.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

can any one tell how to earn

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You earn when you post Quality content with minimum of 600 words and also interact with others.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh mama..are you good in kissing? πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ just kidding haha.. At home, my main prob is language barrier.. My male boss doesn't know how to speak English so he's using sign languages which, I master already haha..

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Hahaha I love kissing πŸ™ˆ That would be a difficult thing with you and your boss. English is one of the compulsory Language I think

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Language is our medium for understanding. In every relationship, communication is the key to connection. It is the artery to have a peaceful and harmonious living in every couple.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

You are very right. Thank you for your feedback

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right! Understanding various types of languages in life gives a harmonious society. πŸ’—

$ 0.04
3 years ago

It sure is important for the two people to understand each other and language play a huge role.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

I agree that language can be a barrier for us to be able to express ourselves, especially at work and school. However, in this generation, we can easily adapt to these different languages. Also, we have our so called Universal Language for us to be able to communicate with diverse people.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

I totally agree with you. That universal Language is for everyone and when we learn this, it will be easier to communicate freely.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Language is essential to life. It will amaze you to know that every living creature has a language. And the language bridges the gap between one person to another.

When language is understood, conflict is drastically reduced.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Exactly. That is the solution to conflict among People. When we can understand ourselves better, there won't be room for misunderstanding.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In this world the "Language" is really important in communication and interacting with others. We must know and be aware of the peers languages to have a good relationship to others and to have a success days then without complications in every particular things or scenarios in daily life.

God bless you princess..πŸ™β€οΈ

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Exactly. I agree with you and that is the fact about Understanding languages to communicate. Thank you, so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Language is the means during which communication is possible. Without language, you cannot be able to do somethings or somethings wouldn't have been possible.

As you have explained, different areas with their respective languages. So, it makes things and communication possible to the highest level.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Indeed, language is the facilitator of understanding among people. Understanding people is tantamount to understanding how they see life and wish to be treated.

Meanwhile, I dislike lecturers whose academic language is to have their answers in Exam word for word.. Education lecturers, mostly πŸ˜‘

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Why Education Lecturers? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Well you are right because they will tell you to write what they dictate to you. Word for WordπŸ˜”

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very annoying. They frustrated my CGPA from making first class in 200L

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Communications is wide and it's a means by which we make others understand us

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Aside from the engagement language bring, it is one of the important factors that would boost cooperation.

Before God made different languages in the Bible did you remember what the inhabitants of the earth were trying to build? Language is a powerful tool before and now this world we live in.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

In life what really matters is understanding each others mode of communication and expressing ourselves based on it. For instance not all students understand things the same way using the same words. Which is why a teacher has to understand his students communication strength and work on it for a better teacher and student relations to occur.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Communication is key to the success of any relationship. This means not only in personal relationships, but business relationships as well.

$ 0.04
3 years ago