Just a simple "thank you" is okay

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1 year ago

“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.”

Robert Holden

Happy New Week everyone. I hope you guys enjoyed last week? Let's be hopeful this week and I pray may God grant our heart's desires. I was so weak yesterday after returning from Church for the worker's training as I would be joining the workers to work for God. I will be joining the children's teacher department because I am good at teaching. Thank God I already visited articles here before I went out.

Last week, I made an entry for a challenge on Hive and I feel like sharing it with you here too so we can read and learn. Here is the question I chose for the challenge as there were options to choose from;

On the occasions you help others, or do positive things for them, do you like or expect public recognition or do you prefer private thanks or gratitude. Explain why in either case and give an example.

In my tribe, they say when a child shows gratitude for what was given to him or her, there is a guarantee he or she would receive more tomorrow. I have been taught right from childhood to always show appreciation, no matter how little the thing is because some people, if not all love those who show gratitude because it means such a person acknowledges what has been given to him or her and definitely, there is the possibility of receiving more next time.

Also, the Bible says that when your right hand is doing something, you must not let the left hand know you did it. Perhaps, I had to paraphrase that but something like this word is in the Bible.

I love to help people, yes, I help people a lot and I would appreciate it if such a person appreciate it and it depends on the person on how he or she wants to show gratitude, it´s fine by me but I wouldn't ask you to do it in the public. For what exactly? To make people know I did something for him or her? Then that isn't helping at all but a mere show off.

I love to be plain and my life is simple. I won´t even stop helping you if you do not appreciate but your sense should pick up at that instant to say "thank you" when I do something for you and I wouldn't mind next time you see me and you didn't acknowledge the other day. We all are different and we have different approaches to being grateful for what was done to us.

Just like I said, we are different. For me, just a simple thank you at that moment is enough for me and if you help me, I will continue to appreciate you when I see you even if it is in five years we come across each other "Oh, thank you so much for the other day, year etc" and that is me but not everybody does this.

I will never expect public recognition because I do something to or for you, but it'd come as a surprise if such a thing ever happen while I am there and that alone would make me happy but on the other hand, I don´t like it. Instead of that, just show your gratitude privately and let it end there. As I said, I am simple and that is me. I wouldn't even get angry because one thing about me is that I do those things because of God and I believe He is the one to repay me and not you.

I don't do things to earn praise from you in the presence of another, it could make me feel pompous of myself and I don't want that.

There was a day I was outside with other hostel mates and we were just sitting and gisting. Then something led to another which made all of them start to praise me for what I have been doing for them. I felt ashamed though because others have been behaving badly to them but praising me in their presence almost made my legs collide with each other, I was just smiling and I didn't reveal that. I had to excuse myself and went inside.

I feel somehow when people praise me outside even in my presence, well you can do that in my absence because I don't feel too good being praised. We need to be careful out there because not everyone will love you or be pleased with what you do. To some, they feel sad when people praise other people in their presence and they might decide to hurt such a person. So, we need to be careful and follow what the Bible say "Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing".

Thanks for reading

Image by Alena on pexels

[June 12, 2022] (No 163 articles for the year)

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1 year ago


I have gone through some of your articles and I see that you will make a good teacher. I am a kind of person who doesn't like people praising me in the public. That's why I don't help people directly, I pass through people to show my act of kindness.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We are similar in that aspect. I hate when someone keeps thanking me. It feels weird and annoys me when someone keeps repeating it but on the other hand, i do make sure i thank someone that does something good to me. It makes it weirder because i hate receiving thanks but love giving thanks🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, this is why I said we aren't the same. I may keep thanking you even after that day but I don't like it for myself while others love it that way.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Saying thank you isn't difficult not unless we have the high ego. Showing gratitude is better than showing too much pride

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right. Pride should be out of it when receiving gratitude from people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right we have to be careful all the time. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Not everyone likes everything.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yea, not everyone would like some things actually.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also think that a simple gratitude would be better than letting others know about it. Appreciation is something which can encourage people to do more.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right. How are you doing? Been a while.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I was inactive for a whole month, but now finally I made my mind to continue the same routine again.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Just a simple thank you is okay and that's the truth. I don't like public show of gratitude or gesture. Who am I trying to impress? My reward shouldn't come from man but from God. The moment I start living for the thrills of public show, I believe I have already received my reward which shouldn't be.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right. I don't want such reward when all I do is to expect people to praise me in public. God will reward me Himself.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Praises and pampers when did for a person then his sacred job of gratitude lost its taste. We should do good deeds and forget about result because everything has reward sometimes we get its reward in this world and sometimes on day of Judgement.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is it. God will always reward everyone who did good to others.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

An adage says; 'he that do not say thank you is like a their that stole from one'........ It is always good to be thankful.

Princess thanks for being there for my mum a year ago and thanks for inviting me to readcash a year ago. 😃😃😃😃😃😃

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha! 😂😂😂 You are funny.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Of course, a grateful heart will surely receive abundantly next time the kind of heart such a person has. I do even take away my eyes whenever the person I help tries to say thank you in public or private sef. It's not as if I am shunning the person but I don't like it. The person must have said thank you immediately after helping him or her but not again 🤣🤣🤣, I feel shy.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes oo, I don't even know how to reply when someone keeps thanking me in public. What did I do? Lol

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1 year ago

People don’t seem to understand that no matter what happens there is always a place for gratitude in our life… because he who is thankful for the little he was given would get something much bigger

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly. You are right. We need to be grateful no matter how small someone has helped us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A simple act of gratitude is already enough. It melts my heart whenever I received a sincere thank you from someone, I don't expect anything in return as long as I was able to help and they're happy then I am happy too.

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1 year ago

Yes, a sincere thank you is all that matters.

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1 year ago

Some people is not brought up well, and they aren't brought with Saying "Thank you" to people who have done them good.

Thank you will only help you to receive more afterward

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1 year ago

Yes, sometimes we don't actually blame those who can't say the word "thank you" but as they grow, they need to know how to say it when they are being helped.

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1 year ago