Talking to myself here. This one's been brewing in my drafts and I know at some point I did say this is never going to get published. What was I thinking?
Date written: I have no idea.. a little edited or updated.
Ok. So here is my attempt to be deep and serious on a Wednesday when my brain cells decided today is Saturday and it is their rest day. They did help me with my 9 to 6 but now they do not want to give me anything to write about except this "deep conversation topics". There is another one which Eylz2021 mentioned before and will do that soon, too. But for now, I would want to surprise even my self.
I will try my very best.
The set of questions were categorized and I do not want to pick just one category. So I copied everything in an excel file and then will use google's random number generator (I assume it is Google's?) to pick one for me.
Here we go:
5. How have your strengths help you to succeed? How have your faults hindered you?
Abort. Abort mission! What strength? Who's successful? It's not my fault!
I am not sure my brain cells are up for such questions. All I know is both strengths and faults are essential to the person I am right now. Now success is subjective and depending on which category are you aiming for. Career? Relationships?
Overall, I am successful at the moment for showing up today and facing my every day responsibilities. Fault is that I may be facing it with a frown like I always do and then a smirk and then a smile after. The works.
Don't get me wrong I do start the day smiling. Can't end your AMEN prayers with a sad face, right. But also that's a conscious effort. I'm rambling... so do scroll down now.
13. What are the most important factors in maintaining a well functioning society? What does it mean for a society to function well?
There is no such thing as a well-functioning society. Only a society who do know they are all dysfunctional but finds a way to live alongside each other harmoniously. So that's AWARENESS. Most of the time we tend to compare and we forget that one's seemingly well functioning society did undergo some ADJUSTMENTS to accommodate and work thru differences. That involves a lot of ideals being sacrificed as well to weigh which ones will benefit the many.
Self-sacrifice and stripping off of "entitlement". That revolves and requires a conscious effort. And us individually we know we fail in being conscious with that so we fail every once in a while or a lot.
Theoretically, the single origin of "well-functioning" society evolves at a granular scale of group of people we call - family and then the community.
7. What is the most uplifting thing happening in the world right now? What is the most tragic thing?
For both questions, I think the pandemic is the central answer. I've seen people who were willing to help out and prayers were spilled and declaration of God's greatness have been all over as well. It was that kind of shaking that wakes us up and arrests our trust.
(Numbering jeopardized somehow) What is a miracle that happens every day?
This is a good question. I sometimes get a little too swallowed up with my daily woes that I forget that every single second is a miracle and a result of God's grace.
Among other things I have the following on top of my head:
Child birth.
Another soul turning to Christ (miracle of a changed life) or believing in God. That is a supernatural thing.
Me. Alive. Breathing and well every morning I wake up.
You. Same argument. Alive, breathing, reading, having a job, sustaining a family and commitments.
1. Where’s your life headed?
No freakin' thinking where. Heading straight that is for sure.
7. Who are you really? Who is behind the mask that you show to the rest of the world?
Depends on who's asking and what you will use the information for. Haha.
4. What makes people believe absurd conspiracy theories?
Doubts. Fear. Trust issues. Reading one thing and seeing another. Concealed information. Misunderstanding.
12. If pressing a button meant you received 5 million dollars but it also killed 5 people somewhere in the world, would you press it? What if it killed only 1 person or killed 20 people? What if the people were people you knew?
I don't think I would be happy having that 5 million but killing lives, yeah?
A really hot afternoon to everyone!. Cleaning up some stuff in the drafts part and sneaking an edit..
What is your story?
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A very profound article for not having a topic to write about. I liked your answers, especially that I would not be happy killing people, if it's random, you don't know who is going to get it. Happy day