Nine Years Ago

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2 years ago

Hi guys. 

It's a great day from my end here. Nine years ago, at exactly this time, I tied the knot with my darling wife. And like the flash of light, it's already nine years and we signed forever. 

We are happy that we have a great union despite the challenges around us, we pushed on together. It is in this marriage that we came to the understanding that a man and a woman are truly no longer two but one. 

I have cherished every moment we shared together. 

In the first year of our marriage, we had the biggest trial of our lives but we were able to weather the storm. 

Marriage Is Workable

I have heard people complain of how they can't cope in their marriages. 

First, we all should know that only mature minds can maintain a stable marriage. That's how it works. Maturity in marriage can be checked in the area of emotions, finance and material. This has nothing to do with age. One could have come of age but not mature enough to handle a marriage. 

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Temperance is one other instrument that makes your marriage last long. In marriage, especially during the early period of marriage, one should understand that the couple are from different backgrounds and have different experiences and exposure. There are times when individual differences may be exercised to keep the marriage going. In my candid opinion, man does not have to explode when there seems to be tension. On a good day, there are no perfect marriages, we only look away for the same continuity, applying the principle of love covers or conquer all.


Everyone deserves to be respected. As much as a man wants to be respected, women too deserve to be respected. 

The ego of the man being a natural endowment can be controlled. Hence, when a man discovers the place of his ego, he would not have issues maintaining his wife. 

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In all, marriage is honourable. And no one should defile the vows of marriage. That's one of the greatest offences in life.

However, it has not been a 100% perfect marriage. I am proud to say that, anywhere and anytime. 

There had been times my wife and I had our differences. We had to choose our choices based in what was available and could be accessed. Therefore, it is not a like the marriage did not confront challenges but the ability to steer to possibility, while understanding one another made it a success story today. 

Infidelity Is An Emotional Crime

Many ladies who are already married are not bothered about their spouses engaging other ladies out of wedlock. It has however become a new normal for a married fellow to keep an extra marital affair. 

If you aren't ready to love your partner and not to consider any other, one shouldn't venture marriage. Marriage is that willful acceptance to keep your spouse and adore him or her as the best you could ever have. 

Like me, my wife is my *Miss World*. No other woman can take her place. This is so because she is a woman. There is o other creature other than a man and a woman. Young people of the generation want to see ladies with some kind of shape, stature or height. That may be necessary but once you have made a choice and have settled down in marriage, no one else should capture your fancy than your spouse. 

Love Is Not Blind

This assertion has been the talk of town in the last two decades. Truly, one may fall in love with someone. And that may ease life. 

When we fall in love, we should not close our eyes. Before we go to say yes to someone, we should try as much as possible to know him or her, in and out. This will help the marriage a lot. Errors in marriage could lead in a devastated life. 

Do not fall in love with your eyes closed. It is true that love covers multitude of sin but to see with the mind is important when making marital decisions. 

I have not regretted for once in marriage probably because I listened to wise counsel before making a move. 

Friends, one of the beautiful things to experience in life is marriage. Do not be too engrossed in the societal abuses that have discouraged a lot of people from venturing into marriage. You could have a beautiful marriage, just ensure you aren't lusting but loving. 

Happy Good Friday

First Published Here

I'd like to say a big thank you to all my sponsors. @Talecharm @BreadChamp @Mictorrani @remona @Sequoia @foryoubtc09 Thanks for showing love always.

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2 years ago


Marriage is a lifelong commitment. I think it is not for me, as of now. But congrats to your 9 years anniversary sir.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Marriage is one of the most wonderful relationship a person could have. I agree with you, it is workable. If two people want their marriage to work. They need to both work it out. It will not work if its only on of them that's working on it. Belated Happy Anniversary to you and your wife my friend!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks, @Betha for you comment. I understand that a lot of people wish to make their marriages work but circumstances may be too tough. No matter how turn it turns to be, let's stand our grounds and uphold the truth always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow nine years is not easy, some people broke up after a year of marriage and that is why we need to select the right person carefully because marriage is not a game where you will quit once you don't feel happy anymore.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's why we must, first of all, love our partner and create enough absorber to take their excesses. With that, one's marriage would meet no limits.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations you got a blessed wifes sir. Happy nine years anniversary. I’ve learn from this sir thanks for sharing your experience. It’s a great pleasure.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Many thanks, @Allboy. Am glad you learned from my little tale. Hope to see you around.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A happy anniversary sir, there's no other joy than finding someone who's also willing to give their all for you.

Marriage is indeed a complex and simple institution, only the patient can truely enjoy one.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You have said it all. There is always one person meant for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy 9 years anniversary man. I really learnt a lot from this especially when it comes to Understanding copular temperaments.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We hope to continue gicing our best to ensure that life and marriage are examples for others to learn from.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's funny how people think that marrying am older man makes him mature. They seem to always forget that maturity is more than just age.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yeah. Maturity is about understanding, not age.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Learned a lot from this. Happy 9 years of being together with your wife!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you @Tamia. We hope our lives continue to be a good lesson to others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you a happy and peaceful marriage.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you. Same wishes I have for you too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy nine years wedding anniversary to you and wifey. Thanks alot for sharing your marriage experience and tuning it into an advice to guide our parts when it comes to marriage.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks, @Ellawrites. It's a nine years marriage. And sincerely, it's a time for sober reflection on how far we have come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jeeeez, I honestly thought I typed "years" silly me, I didn't proofread before clicking the send button. I'm sorry, I'd edit it now

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's not a problem. Thanks for being such a wonderful fellow

$ 0.00
2 years ago