Here are some of my favorite skills for freelancing

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3 years ago

It is basically for those who say that I will learn what to do. You can also see.

Web development is at number 1 on my list of favorites

In this age of technological advancement, almost everyone in the world, from small to large businesses, in the personal and social spheres, is slowly leaning towards the Internet. Everyone wants to have a virtual address. Because, through a website, an organization can communicate directly with its customers on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can easily and cheaply communicate with the respective branches located in different cities or countries. The total number of websites currently in the web world is 295,973,827 according to the NetCraft January 2020 web server survey, 1,518,207 in January 2019, Compared to 412) crore. Thousands of websites are being created every day. Creating this huge number of websites requires design as well as web development. A good web developer is needed to develop a new website or to develop an old website in a new way. That is why the demand for web development is increasing in the local market including the online marketplace.

Undoubtedly, web development is the most sought after and reliable job in popular online marketplaces including upwork, freelancer, fiber. However, the amount of income depends on how efficient you are as a web developer. To be a professional web developer, you must know HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL and other related topics. Anyone who learns these things well can enter the multi-billion dollar web development market.

2nd on my list of favorites is web and graphics design

More inclined to draw! Want to do something creative? When the time came, he started working with computer paint tools, Photoshop, Illustrator, trees, birds, flowers, fruits, house scenes, someone's name or picture. Looking for a part-time or full-time job? Want to earn more by working in online marketplace? Then think about graphic design. Others
The graphic design profession is more secure and hassle-free than work. The reason to say safe and hassle-free is that unlike other professions, there is no shortage of work for a graphic designer. This is a respectable job. A graphic designer is able to meet the needs of the customer through the use of several colors, typefaces, images and animations. Its output can be either digital or print. There is no shortage of work for a graphic designer if you can create yourself well. There is a demand for jobs in various sectors including interactive media, promotional displays, journals, corporate reports, marketing brochures, newspapers, magazines, logo design, website design. Whether it's the local market or the online marketplace, the amount of graphics design work is constantly increasing.

According to Designer Salaries, an international organization that works with designers' salaries, a designer can earn up to এক 100,000 a year from graphic design or related jobs. As such, Bangladeshis can earn about 60 lakh rupees. Also, designing a logo in the online marketplace ranges from five dollars to two thousand dollars. However, in the case of skills and more creative work, it can be up to five thousand dollars or more. You can also get up to হাজার 50 to তিন 3,000 for designing a fast page on a website. There are many online marketplaces including 99, Freelancer, Upwork where these jobs are available. So web and graphics design can be the most useful job of a freelancer.

Content Writing is 3rd on my list of favorites

The easiest and most potential way to earn money online is writing, which is called article writing or content writing or content developing. Those who are good at English can take writing as a career. Content writers write content for a variety of purposes. In addition to web content, business plans for various businesses, grant writing for funding, resource books, brochures, leaflets or other promotional content are developed. A content developer has many areas of work. The fields are: Copywriting, Blog Writing, Web Content, Press Release Writing, Business Plan, Grant Writing, Technical Writing, Translation, Transcription, Summarization, Resume Writing, PowerPoint Presentation etc. Writing depends on the author's skills, tastes, collaborations and above all on the needs of the site or topic for which he is writing. But whatever the content, A web content writer has to create a database by researching a specific topic. In the developed world, a content writer is also called a journalist or researcher. The line of action has to be adjusted according to the content. The writing must be clear and important. As a writer, keep in mind that those who read your writing on the website will spend a certain amount of money per minute or per hour. So they will want to read the necessary things in the shortest time. So you have to write information based, short thematic writing. Content cannot be copied in any way. This will increase your acceptance as a writer, The way to earn will be wide. To become a content writer, you must be good at English. Necessary spelling. Must know American spelling correctly. Must have a good idea about grammar. In this case, it is better to have a good idea about British and American grammar. And there are things that need to be done for freelancing, such as coordination with the client, writing proposals, being updated.

There are many freelance writers in Bangladesh who earn from 10 to 60 dollars per hour. Besides, you can also work in domestic and foreign internet marketing or content marketing companies with a salary of 30 thousand to 1 lakh rupees. So you can build a freelance career as a content writer.

This was in today's discussion. Stay tuned if you want to see the next post.

Thank you for reading.

Sir, @MarcDeMesel @TheRandomRewarder @Hanzell       @Omar      @Telesfor     @ErdoganTalk @scottcbusines         if you give the inspiration, I will get the inspiration to write better.

i hope you enjoy the article and keep subscribing to my channel to get the next episode.Let us know in the comment box how you feel about the article

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Thank you so much all of my read cash friends.

$ 0.54
$ 0.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @sabbbir1010
Avatar for Olivia10
3 years ago


Great dear I have subscribed you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for all those information. I know that those skills are extremely important, and I am constantly trying to improve my skills.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Giving a great explanation about your skills in free-lancing is very nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article, already subscribed ,back please

$ 0.00
3 years ago

this is an interesting post...thanks for sharing!

are there opportunities for you to earn crypto as a freelance writer?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The graphic design profession is more secure and hassle-free than work. The reason to say safe and hassle-free is that unlike other professions, there is no shortage of work for a graphic designer. This is a respectable job. A graphic designer is able to meet the needs of the customer through the use of several colors, typefaces, images and animations

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The best income sources through online is youtube.. But you choosed web development . Not bad

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You may so paragraphing next time 😊 the readers will be board if the paragraphs are too long.. But this article is interesting .. What freelancing site are you in?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank your for your valuable comment, i attend the freelancing few month ago, i enjoy the freelancing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What type of free lancing site are you using?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Web Design and Data entry

$ 0.00
3 years ago